import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'soc',
template: `
export class AppComponent { }
{{ user_is_logged }}
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right" *ngIf="user_is_logged == '1'">
<li><a href="#" (click)="logout($event)">Logout</a></li>
user_is_logged 是一个变量,其值来自 header.block.component.ts
中的localStorageuser_is_logged:string = localStorage.getItem("logged");
当用户未登录时,即 home.component.ts (写入登录逻辑)未定义user_is_logged,我要求用户登录并在成功登录后更新值 user_is_logged 变量,还会更新变量的localStorage值,然后使用ChangeDetectionRef(cdr)触发检测更改,然后路由到用户配置文件
this.user_is_logged = "1";
localStorage.setItem('logged', '1');
this.router.navigate(['u/'+user_id']); //user_id is from login response from server
编辑 ============&gt;
home.page.component.ts (登录发生且必须发出事件)
import { HomeService } from '../services/home.service';
// No observable or subject imported here.
login() {
// Sending status 1 to HomeService
home.service.ts (由两个组件导入)
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs/BehaviorSubject';
// I imported Subject, BehaviourSubject, Observables but cant get it to work
export class HomeService {
// This looked more reliable than Subject so used this; init with value "0"
public subjectStream = new BehaviorSubject<string>('0');
this.subjectStream.subscribe(value => {
// Successfully logs value "1" sent by changeStatus below
changeStatus(value: any){
// Gives value "1" when called by home.page.component.ts
// Looks correct because it successfully sent value to construct
import { HomeService } from '../services/home.service';
// No observable or subject imported here also.
this.HomeService.subjectStream.subscribe(value => {
// Logs value "0" at beginning but never logs value "1"
// logged by constructor when imported by header.block.component
home.service.ts:31 0
// logged by constructor of header.block.component itself
header.block.component.ts:25 0
// logged by constructor when imported by home.page.component (I think)
home.service.ts:31 0
// ===================
// Login called here
// ===================
// logged by changeStatus after login after called by home.component
home.service.ts:36 1
// logged by constructor after getting event from changeStatus
home.service.ts:31 1
答案 0 :(得分:1)
被要求发布这个,这是一个简单的活动/主题服务,让你开始。我使用“notifier / notes / note”只是因为命名法不会与“事件”和其他框架-api机制混淆。
// Constant of named "notes" analogous to named events.
// I always found it easier to have one event type with a "name",
// rather than creating a specific typed event for every action.
const Notes = {
HEADER_BUTTON_CLICKED : 'header_button_clicked'
// Any component that wants to send data creates a new "Note" to send.
// Just makes sure you know what all callbacks are getting.
class Note {
constructor ( name, data ) {
this.name = name; // Should be from your Notes constant.
this.data = data; // Can be anything at all.
// You inject this service into any component that needs it.
class NotifierService {
constructor() {
let Rx = require ( 'rx' );
// We'll use Subject here.
this.subject = new Rx.Subject ( );
// You only subscribe if you want to hear notes.
subscribe ( callback ) {
// Subscribing component feeds in a callback.
// The return of this can be used to unsubscribe as well.
return this.subject.subscribe ( b => callback ( b ) );
// Any component with access to this service can just create a note
// and send it to all subscribers to this service.
sendNote ( note ) {
// Component uses the service to emit a "note" with a
// named event and a payload. All subscribers hear it in the
// callbacks they subscribed with, and can filter on the name
// in the "note" to make sure it's the event they care about.
// This is pretty naive but should give the idea.
this.subject.onNext ( note );
export { NotifierService } // Service to inject
export { Note } // A useful type to send out to subscribers
export { Notes } // Constant of event/note names.
import { NotifierService, Notes, Note } from './notifier.service';
... // inject in your constructor either TS or ES6 style...
// I want to hear notes
this.noteSvc.subscribe ( b => this.myCallback ( b ) );
// I want to send a note
this.noteSvc.sendNote ( new Note ( Notes.HEADER_BUTTON_CLICKED, { btnName : 'Home' } );
// In the callback
myCallback ( note ) {
if ( note.name === Notes.HEADER_BUTTON_CLICKED ) {
console.log ( note.data ); // whatever the payload is
答案 1 :(得分:1)