问题:由于某些奇怪的原因, windows zip util不会压缩具有Unicode文件名的 up 文件夹。所以,我需要将一大组文件名(不是内容)转换为ASCII文件名。答案here讨论内容转换
如何在Windows CMD行或Power Shell中批量/批量转换/重命名文件名。我不关心输出文件名有extra1等。
//While this changes the content inside the file. it does not rename my file name!
COPY /Y UniHeader.txt Unicode_Output.txt
CMD /U /C Type ANSI_Input.txt >> Unicode_Output.txt
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我花了一段时间,因为我显然不是一个名副其实的人...但它有效,I am sharing !!
cd c:\MyDirectoryWithCrazyCharacterEncodingAndUnicode
foreach($FileNameInUnicodeOrWhatever in get-childitem)
$FileName = $FileNameInUnicodeOrWhatever.Name
$TempFile = "$($FileNameInUnicodeOrWhatever.Name).ASCII"
get-content $FileNameInUnicodeOrWhatever | out-file $TempFile -Encoding ASCII
remove-item $FileNameInUnicodeOrWhatever
rename-item $TempFile $FileNameInUnicodeOrWhatever
# only if you want to debug
# write-output $FileNameInUnicodeOrWhatever "converted to ASCII ->" $TempFile
在搜索时我也发现了如何修复其他人的编码,对于那些将输出编码设置为ASCII或Unicode all the time,的人,您可以设置输出encoding to whatever encoding you want from Microsoft blog $OutputEncoding
问题1,2,3 for bulk Hex to Ascii just replace the file names with variable you want to input
答案 1 :(得分:0)
$nonascii = [regex] "[^\x00-\x7F]"
Get-ChildItem -Attributes !Directory+!System | Rename-Item -NewName {
'{0}{1}' -f ($_.BaseName -replace $nonascii, ''), $_.Extension
这会从目录内的所有文件名中删除所有非 ascii 字符。
$nonascii = [regex] "[^\x00-\x7F]"
Get-ChildItem -Attributes !Directory+!System | Rename-Item -NewName {
'{0}{1}' -f ($_.BaseName -replace 'à', 'a' -replace 'é', 'e' -replace $nonascii, ''), $_.Extension