
时间:2010-11-15 20:34:43

标签: c# sql nhibernate fluent-nhibernate nhibernate-mapping


public abstract class Assessment
    public abstract int DamageCostTotal { get; set; }

public class IndividualAssessment
    public virtual int DamageCostHouse { get; set; }
    public virtual int DamageCostCar { get; set; }
    public virtual int DamageCostBelongings { get; set; }
    public override DamageCostTotal
        get { return DamageCostHouse + DamageCostCar + DamageCostBelongings; }

public class BusinessAssessment
    public virtual int DamageCostBuilding { get; set; }
    public virtual int DamageCostGoods { get; set; }
    public virtual int DamageCostOther { get; set; }
    public override DamageCostTotal
        get { return DamageCostBuilding + DamageCostGoods + DamageCostOther; }

public class InfrastructureAssessment
    public virtual int DamageCostStructure { get; set; }
    public virtual int DamageCostEstimatedRepair { get; set; }
    public override DamageCostTotal
        get { return DamageCostStructure + DamageCostEstimatedRepair; }


在我的Fluent NHibernate映射中,我为每个特定评估映射了每个DamageCostTotal:

// individual assessment
Map(x => x.DamageCostTotal)
    .Formula("DamageCostHouse + DamageCostCar + DamageCostBelongings");
// the other two are mapped the same way, just with a different formula


Session.Query<IndividualAssessment>().OrderBy(x => x.DamageCostTotal);
Session.Query<BusinessAssessment>().OrderBy(x => x.DamageCostTotal);
Session.Query<InfrastructureAssessment>().OrderBy(x => x.DamageCostTotal);


Session.Query<Assessment>().OrderBy(x => x.DamageCostTotal);


    DamageCostHouse + DamageCostCar + DamageCostBelongings as formula0_0_,
    DamageCostBuilding + DamageCostGoods + DamageCostOther as formula1_0_,
    DamageCostStructure + DamageCostEstimatedRepair as formula2_0_,
    FROM [Assessment] this_
    ORDER BY DamageCostStructure + DamageCostEstimatedRepair

正如您所看到的,它正确地创建了公式,但是当它执行ORDER BY时,它只按InfrastructureAssessment属性而不是公式排序。有谁知道如何映射基础DamageCostTotal,以便此查询将返回正确的结果?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

一种解决方案是在基类中映射DamageCostTotal。如果没有,则在表中为DamageCostTotal创建一列。 NHibernate不需要知道这个场景中的公式,这很好,因为类已经完成了繁重的工作。

您的查询应该导致类似于此的SQL ...

SELECT ..., this_.DamageCostTotal FROM Assessment this_ ORDER BY this_.DamageCostTotal