np.random.rand(30, 20)
我想迭代数组中的每个网格单元格。如果网格单元的值> 0.6,然后我想将多余的内容分配给它的8个相邻小区(在角网格小区的情况下,相邻小区的数量会更少)。
答案 0 :(得分:8)
关于算法的几句话:如果它不是边界,甚至扩散操作可以被描述为减去重新分配的质量 p 的模式然后添加与环内核卷积的相同模式 k = [1 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1] / 8;同样,将剩余质量 r 重新分配比例可写为
(1) r ( k *( p /( k * r )))
其中*是卷积运算符,乘法和除法是组件方式。解析公式,我们看到 p 中的每个点首先通过其前面的8个邻居的剩余质量 r * k 的平均值进行归一化。被传播到所述邻居(另一个卷积)并用残差缩放。预标准化保证了质量守恒。特别是,它正确地标准化边界和角落。在此基础上,我们看到 even 规则的边界问题可以通过类似的方式解决:使用(1)将 r 替换为一张。< / p>
0.7 0 0.8 0 0.8 0 0 0 0 0
0 0.6 0 0.6 0 0.6 0 1.0 0.6 0
0.8 0 1.0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0.6 0 0.6 0 0.6
代码如下,相当长而技术我害怕,但我试图解释至少主要(最快)分支; main函数名为level
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
except ImportError:
import time
USE_SCIPY = False # actually, numpy workaround is a bit faster
KERNEL = np.zeros((3, 3)) + 1/8
KERNEL[1, 1] = 0
def scipy_ring(a):
"""convolve 2d array a with kernel
1/8 1/8 1/8
1/8 0 1/8
1/8 1/8 1/8
return signal.convolve2d(a, KERNEL, mode='same')
def numpy_ring(a):
"""convolve 2d array a with kernel
1/8 1/8 1/8
1/8 0 1/8
1/8 1/8 1/8
tmp = a.copy()
tmp[:, 1:] += a[:, :-1]
tmp[:, :-1] += a[:, 1:]
out = tmp.copy()
out[1:, :] += tmp[:-1, :]
out[:-1, :] += tmp[1:, :]
return (out - a) / 8
conv_with_ring = scipy_ring
conv_with_ring = numpy_ring
# next is yet another implementation of convolution including edge correction.
# what for? it is most of the time much slower than the above but can handle
# sparse inputs and consequently is faster if the fraction of above-threshold
# cells is small (~5% or less)
def precomp(sh):
"""precompute sparse representation of operator mapping ravelled 2d
array of shape sh to boundary corrected convolution with ring kernel
1/8 1/8 1/8 / 1/5 0 1/5 0 1/3 \
1/8 0 1/8 | 1/5 1/5 1/5 at edges, 1/3 1/3 at corners |
1/8 1/8 1/8 \ /
stored are
- a table of flat indices encoding neighbours of the
cell whose flat index equals the row no in the table
- two scaled copies of the appropriate weights which
equal 1 / neighbour count
m, n = sh
# m*n grid points, each with up to 8 neighbours:
# tedious but straighforward
indices = np.empty((m*n, 8), dtype=int)
indices[n-1:, 1] = np.arange(m*n - (n-1)) # NE
indices[:-(n+1), 3] = np.arange(n+1, m*n) # SE
indices[:-(n-1), 5] = np.arange(n-1, m*n) # SW
indices[n+1:, 7] = np.arange(m*n - (n+1)) # NW
indices[n:, 0] = np.arange((m-1)*n) # N
indices[:n, [0, 1, 7]] = -1
indices[:-1, 2] = np.arange(1, m*n) # E
indices[n-1::n, 1:4] = -1
indices[:-n, 4] = np.arange(n, m*n) # S
indices[-n:, 3:6] = -1
indices[1:, 6] = np.arange(m*n - 1) # W
indices[::n, 5:] = -1
# weights are constant along rows, therefore m*n vector suffices
nei_count = (indices > -1).sum(axis=-1)
weights = 1 / nei_count
SPREAD_CACHE[sh] = indices, weights, 8 * weights.reshape(sh)
return indices, weights, 8 * weights.reshape(sh)
def iadd_conv_ring(a, out):
"""add boundary corrected convolution of 2d array a with
ring kernel
1/8 1/8 1/8 / 1/5 0 1/5 0 1/3 \
1/8 0 1/8 | 1/5 1/5 1/5 at edges, 1/3 1/3 at corners |
1/8 1/8 1/8 \ /
to out.
IMPORTANT: out must be flat and have one spare field at its end
which is used as a "/dev/NULL" by the indexing trickery
if a is a tuple it is interpreted as a sparse representation of the
form: (flat) indices, values, shape.
if isinstance(a, tuple): # sparse
ind, val, sh = a
k_ind, k_wgt, __ \
= SPREAD_CACHE[sh] if sh in SPREAD_CACHE else precomp(sh)
np.add.at(out, k_ind[ind, :], k_wgt[ind, None]*val[:, None])
else: # dense
sh = a.shape
k_ind, k_wgt, __ \
= SPREAD_CACHE[sh] if sh in SPREAD_CACHE else precomp(sh)
np.add.at(out, k_ind, k_wgt[:, None]*a.ravel()[:, None])
return out
# main function
def level(input, threshold=0.6, rule='proportional', maxiter=1,
switch_to_sparse_at=SPARSE_THRESH, use_conv_matrix=False,
"""spread supra-threshold mass to neighbours until equilibrium reached
updates are simultaneous, iterations are capped at maxiter
'rule' can be 'proportional' or 'even'
'switch_to_sparse_at' and 'use_conv_matrix' influence speed but not
returns updated grid, convergence flag, vector of numbers of supratheshold
cells for each iteration, runtime, [vector of Euclidean deltas]
sh = input.shape
m, n = sh
nei_ind, rec_nc, rec_8 \
= SPREAD_CACHE[sh] if sh in SPREAD_CACHE else precomp(sh)
if rule == 'proportional':
def iteration(state, state_f):
em = state > threshold
nnz = em.sum()
if nnz == 0: # no change, send signal to quit
return nnz
elif nnz < em.size * switch_to_sparse_at: # use sparse code
ei = np.where(em.flat)[0]
excess = state_f[ei] - threshold
state_f[-1] = 0
exc_nei_sum = rec_nc[ei] * state_f[nei_ind[ei, :]].sum(axis=-1)
exc_nei_ind = np.unique(nei_ind[ei, :])
if exc_nei_ind[0] == -1:
exc_nei_ind = exc_nei_ind[1:]
nm = exc_nei_sum != 0
state_swap = state_f[exc_nei_ind]
state_f[exc_nei_ind] = 1
iadd_conv_ring((ei[nm], excess[nm] / exc_nei_sum[nm], sh),
state_f[exc_nei_ind] *= state_swap
iadd_conv_ring((ei[~nm], excess[~nm], sh), state_f)
state_f[ei] -= excess
elif use_conv_matrix:
excess = np.where(em, state - threshold, 0)
state_f[-1] = 0
nei_sum = (rec_nc * state_f[nei_ind].sum(axis=-1)).reshape(sh)
nm = nei_sum != 0
pm = em & nm
exc_p = np.where(pm, excess, 0)
exc_p[pm] /= nei_sum[pm]
wei_nei_sum = iadd_conv_ring(exc_p, np.zeros_like(state_f))
state += state * wei_nei_sum[:-1].reshape(sh)
fm = em & ~nm
exc_f = np.where(fm, excess, 0)
iadd_conv_ring(exc_f, state_f)
state -= excess
excess = np.where(em, state - threshold, 0)
nei_sum = conv_with_ring(state)
# must special case the event of all neighbours being zero
nm = nei_sum != 0
# these can be distributed proportionally:
pm = em & nm
# select, prenormalise by sum of masses of neighbours,...
exc_p = np.where(pm, excess, 0)
exc_p[pm] /= nei_sum[pm]
# ...spread to neighbours and scale
spread_p = state * conv_with_ring(exc_p)
# these can't be distributed proportionally (because all
# neighbours are zero); therefore fall back to even:
fm = em & ~nm
exc_f = np.where(fm, excess * rec_8, 0)
spread_f = conv_with_ring(exc_f)
state += spread_p + spread_f - excess
return nnz
elif rule == 'even':
def iteration(state, state_f):
em = state > threshold
nnz = em.sum()
if nnz == 0: # no change, send signal to quit
return nnz
elif nnz < em.size * switch_to_sparse_at: # use sparse code
ei = np.where(em.flat)[0]
excess = state_f[ei] - threshold
iadd_conv_ring((ei, excess, sh), state_f)
state_f[ei] -= excess
elif use_conv_matrix:
excess = np.where(em, state - threshold, 0)
iadd_conv_ring(excess, state_f)
state -= excess
excess = np.where(em, state - threshold, 0)
# prenormalise by number of neighbours, and spread
spread = conv_with_ring(excess * rec_8)
state += spread - excess
return nnz
raise ValueError('unknown rule: ' + rule)
# master loop
t0 = time.time()
out_f = np.empty((m*n + 1,))
out = out_f[:m*n]
out[:] = input.ravel()
out.shape = sh
nnz = []
if track_Euclidean_deltas:
last = input
E = []
for i in range(maxiter):
nnz.append(iteration(out, out_f))
if nnz[-1] == 0:
if track_Euclidean_deltas:
return out, True, nnz, time.time() - t0, E + [0]
return out, True, nnz, time.time() - t0
if track_Euclidean_deltas:
last = out.copy()
if track_Euclidean_deltas:
return out, False, nnz, time.time() - t0, E
return out, False, nnz, time.time() - t0
# tests
def check_simple():
A = np.zeros((6, 6))
A[[0, 1, 1, 4, 4], [0, 3, 5, 1, 5]] = 1.08
A[5, :] = 0.1 * np.arange(6)
for rule in ('proportional', 'even'):
for lb, ucm, st in (('convolution', False, 0.001),
('matrix', True, 0.001), ('sparse', True, 0.999)):
print(level(A, rule=rule, switch_to_sparse_at=st,
def check_consistency(sh=(300, 400), n=20):
print("""Running consistency checks with different solvers
{} trials each {} x {} cells
""".format(n, *sh))
data = np.random.random((n,) + sh)
sums = data.sum(axis=(1, 2))
for th, lb in ((0.975, 'sparse'), (0.6, 'dense'),
(0.975, 'sparse'), (0.6, 'dense'),
(0.975, 'sparse'), (0.6, 'dense')):
times = np.zeros((2, 3))
for d, s in zip (data, sums):
for i, rule in enumerate(('proportional', 'even')):
results = []
for j, (ucm, st) in enumerate (
((False, 0.001), (True, 0.001), (True, 0.999))):
res, conv, nnz, time = level(
d, rule=rule, switch_to_sparse_at=st,
use_conv_matrix=ucm, threshold=th)
times[i, j] += time
assert np.allclose(results[0], results[1])
assert np.allclose(results[1], results[2])
assert np.allclose(results[2], results[0])
assert np.allclose(s, [r.sum() for r in results])
print("""condition {} finished, no obvious errors; runtimes [sec]:
convolution matrix sparse solver
proportional {:13.7f} {:13.7f} {:13.7f}
even {:13.7f} {:13.7f} {:13.7f}
""".format(lb, *tuple(times.ravel())))
def check_convergence(sh=(300, 400), maxiter=100):
data = np.random.random(sh)
res, conv, nnz, time, Eucl = level(data, maxiter=maxiter,
print('nnz:', nnz)
print('delta:', Eucl)
print('final length:', np.sqrt((res*res).sum()))
print('ratio:', Eucl[-1] / np.sqrt((res*res).sum()))
答案 1 :(得分:2)
import numpy as np
import time
import sys
def main():
# Define parameters
numbers = np.random.rand(300, 400)
threshold = 0.6
max_iters = 1
n = 20
# Clock the evenly distributed total time for n calls
t0 = time.time()
for ctr in range(n):
s=spread( numbers, threshold, max_iters, rule='even' )
print('Evenly distributed: {:0.4f}s'.format(time.time()-t0))
# Evenly distributed: 0.2007s
# Clock the proportionally distributed total time for n calls
t0 = time.time()
for ctr in range(n):
s=spread( numbers, threshold, max_iters, rule='proportional' )
print('Proportionally distributed: {:0.4f}s'.format(time.time()-t0))
# Proportionally distributed: 0.2234s
def spread(numbers,threshold,max_iters=10, rule='even', first_call=True):
'''Spread the extra over a threshold among the adjacent values.'''
# This recursive function may go over the Python recursion limit!
if first_call==True :
if max_iters > 20000:
raise(ValueError('max_iters must be less than 20000, but got "{}"'.format(max_iters)))
elif max_iters > 900:
n_rows = numbers.shape[0]
n_cols = numbers.shape[1]
# Find excess over threshold of each point
excess = np.maximum( numbers - threshold, np.zeros( numbers.shape ) )
# Find the value to base the weighting on
if rule == 'even':
up = np.ones((n_rows-1,n_cols))
down = np.ones((n_rows-1,n_cols))
left = np.ones((n_rows,n_cols-1))
right = np.ones((n_rows,n_cols-1))
up_left = np.ones((n_rows-1,n_cols-1))
up_right = np.ones((n_rows-1,n_cols-1))
down_left = np.ones((n_rows-1,n_cols-1))
down_right = np.ones((n_rows-1,n_cols-1))
elif rule == 'proportional':
up = numbers[1:,:]
down = numbers[:-1,:]
left = numbers[:,1:]
right = numbers[:,:-1]
up_left = numbers[1:,1:]
up_right = numbers[1:,:-1]
down_left = numbers[:-1,1:]
down_right = numbers[:-1,:-1]
raise(ValueError('Invalid rule "{}"'.format(rule)))
# Find normalized weight in each direction
num_up = np.concatenate( (up,np.zeros((1,n_cols))), axis=0)
num_down = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((1,n_cols)),down), axis=0)
num_left = np.concatenate( (left,np.zeros((n_rows,1))), axis=1)
num_right = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((n_rows,1)),right), axis=1)
num_up_left = np.concatenate( (np.concatenate( (up_left,np.zeros((1,n_cols-1))), axis=0), np.zeros((n_rows,1))), axis=1)
num_up_right = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((n_rows,1)), np.concatenate( (up_right,np.zeros((1,n_cols-1))), axis=0)), axis=1)
num_down_left = np.concatenate( (np.concatenate( (np.zeros((1,n_cols-1)),down_left), axis=0), np.zeros((n_rows,1))), axis=1)
num_down_right = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((n_rows,1)), np.concatenate( (np.zeros((1,n_cols-1)),down_right), axis=0)), axis=1)
num_sum = num_up + num_down + num_left + num_right + num_up_left + num_up_right + num_down_left + num_down_right
up_weight = num_up / num_sum
down_weight = num_down / num_sum
left_weight = num_left / num_sum
right_weight = num_right / num_sum
up_left_weight = num_up_left / num_sum
up_right_weight = num_up_right / num_sum
down_left_weight = num_down_left / num_sum
down_right_weight = num_down_right / num_sum
# Set NaN values to zero
up_weight[np.isnan(up_weight)] = 0
down_weight[np.isnan(down_weight)] = 0
left_weight[np.isnan(left_weight)] = 0
right_weight[np.isnan(right_weight)] = 0
up_left_weight[np.isnan(up_left_weight)] = 0
up_right_weight[np.isnan(up_right_weight)] = 0
down_left_weight[np.isnan(down_left_weight)] = 0
down_right_weight[np.isnan(down_right_weight)] = 0
# Apply weight to the excess to find the contributions
up = (excess * up_weight)[:-1,:]
down = (excess * down_weight)[1:,:]
left = (excess * left_weight)[:,:-1]
right = (excess * right_weight)[:,1:]
up_left = (excess * up_left_weight)[:-1,:-1]
up_right = (excess * up_right_weight)[:-1,1:]
down_left = (excess * down_left_weight)[1:,:-1]
down_right = (excess * down_right_weight)[1:,1:]
# Pad with zeros
down = np.concatenate( (down,np.zeros((1,n_cols))), axis=0)
up = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((1,n_cols)),up), axis=0)
right = np.concatenate( (right,np.zeros((n_rows,1))), axis=1)
left = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((n_rows,1)),left), axis=1)
down_right = np.concatenate( (np.concatenate( (down_right,np.zeros((1,n_cols-1))), axis=0), np.zeros((n_rows,1))), axis=1)
down_left = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((n_rows,1)), np.concatenate( (down_left,np.zeros((1,n_cols-1))), axis=0)), axis=1)
up_right = np.concatenate( (np.concatenate( (np.zeros((1,n_cols-1)),up_right), axis=0), np.zeros((n_rows,1))), axis=1)
up_left = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((n_rows,1)), np.concatenate( (np.zeros((1,n_cols-1)),up_left), axis=0)), axis=1)
# Add the contributions to find the result
result = numbers - excess + up + down + left + right + up_left + up_right + down_left + down_right
if (np.amax(result) > threshold) and (max_iters > 1):
return spread(numbers=result,threshold=threshold,max_iters=max_iters-1,rule=rule,first_call=False)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
答案 2 :(得分:1)
def disperse_peaks(a,thr,iter=10,prop=False):
if prop:
while np.max(b)>thr:
if idx==iter:
return b
次)矩阵进行了一些测试,无论迭代次数多少,都无法确保达到0.6。不确定为什么(可能浮动比较错误),但它似乎不起作用。 Sum保持不变,max(disperse_peaks(a))