我添加了一些调试行来查看发生了什么,我得到的异常是: 线程作为消息中止,并作为堆栈跟踪来自它。
我发现处理图像时会发生异常。我想在函数 GetImageForDeepZoomComposer
中的代码示例中发生错误 private bool processImage(Item collectionItem, string backupImage,StreamWriter _logFile)
_logFile.WriteLine("start process");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(collectionItem.Image))
return false;
if (!File.Exists(collectionItem.ImagePath))
return false;
_logFile.WriteLine("File is there");
if (!AllImagesUnique) // check to see if we have processed this exact file before.
if (cacheOfImageIds.ContainsKey(collectionItem.ImagePath)) // we already have have processed this image so don't do it again
collectionItem.ImageId = cacheOfImageIds[collectionItem.ImagePath];
return true;
_logFile.WriteLine("Get Image: " + collectionItem.ImagePath);
string workingImage = GetImageForDeepZoomComposer(collectionItem.ImagePath, collectionItem.Id);
_logFile.WriteLine("Image aquired");
_logFile.WriteLine("collection name and id");
string deepZoomImage = DeepZoomImageDir + collectionItem.Id;
sendAction(string.Format("\tConverting image {0} to Deep Zoom Output file {1} ", workingImage,
//imageCreator.Create(workingImage, deepZoomImage);
_logFile.WriteLine("set image surrogate");
SurrogateImageInfo sii = new SurrogateImageInfo(workingImage, "DeepZoomImages/" + Path.GetFileName(deepZoomImage) + ".xml");
_logFile.WriteLine("image surrogate set");
if (!AllImagesUnique) // if we want to make sure we don't use the Deep Zoom Composer on the same file twice then add this image to the cache
cacheOfImageIds.Add(collectionItem.ImagePath, collectionItem.Id);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
"\tSkipping current item cause of execption encountered while processing the image\r\n\t\t{0}",
return false; // this item will not be added to the collection
internal string GetImageForDeepZoomComposer(string imageFile,int id)
if (imageFile.StartsWith("http://") || imageFile.StartsWith("https://"))
if (_client == null) // if we havent used the WebClient for this collection yet create one
_client = new WebClient();
string tempFile = ImageDownloadDir + Guid.NewGuid();
sendAction(string.Format("\tDownloading image '{0} to {1}", imageFile, tempFile));
_client.DownloadFile(imageFile, tempFile);
return tempFile;
else if (imageFile.StartsWith("\\") || imageFile.StartsWith("E:\\") || imageFile.StartsWith("e:\\"))
var dir = Path.Combine(DeepZoomImageDir, id.ToString() + "_files");
//if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
// Directory.CreateDirectory(dir);
var fixedSizeFileName = imageFile.Replace("_thumb", "_fs");
//create a fixed size image if it's not already created
if (!File.Exists(fixedSizeFileName))
FixedSize(new System.Drawing.Bitmap(imageFile), 512, 512).Save(fixedSizeFileName,codecInfo,parameters);
//copy the fixed size image to the DeepZoomImages folder so it can be used when zooming in to the deepest level
var localFixedSizeImage = Path.Combine(DeepZoomImageDir, id + ".jpg");
File.Copy(fixedSizeFileName, localFixedSizeImage);
return localFixedSizeImage;
return imageFile;