tell application "System Events"
set winCount1 to 0
set winCount2 to 0
set winCount3 to 0
set winCount4 to 0
set theProcesses to application processes
repeat with theProcess from 1 to count theProcesses
if visible of process theProcess is true then
tell process theProcess
repeat with x from 1 to (count windows)
if ((description of window x is not "dialog") then
set Pos to position of window x
if item 1 of Pos is less than -960 then
set winCount1 to winCount1 + 1
else if item 1 of Pos is less than 0 then
set winCount2 to winCount2 + 1
else if item 1 of Pos is less than 960 then
set winCount3 to winCount3 + 1
set winCount4 to winCount4 + 1
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell
end if
end repeat
set countList to {winCount1, winCount2, winCount3, winCount4}
return countList
end tell
if ((description of window x) is not "dialog") and window x is not miniaturized then
set props to get properties of window x
if props contains miniaturized then
set props to get properties of class of window x
if props contains miniaturized then
答案 0 :(得分:1)
获取窗口attribute "AXMinimized"
set winCount1 to 0
set winCount2 to 0
set winCount3 to 0
set winCount4 to 0
tell application "System Events"
repeat with theProcess in (application processes whose visible is true)
tell theProcess
repeat with thisWin in windows
if (description of thisWin is not "dialog") and not (value of attribute "AXMinimized" of thisWin) then
set Pos to position of thisWin
if item 1 of Pos is less than -960 then
set winCount1 to winCount1 + 1
else if item 1 of Pos is less than 0 then
set winCount2 to winCount2 + 1
else if item 1 of Pos is less than 960 then
set winCount3 to winCount3 + 1
set winCount4 to winCount4 + 1
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell
end repeat
end tell
return {winCount1, winCount2, winCount3, winCount4}