
时间:2017-01-22 02:16:59

标签: vbscript

我有一个我目前正在使用的VB脚本并且运行良好,但是我希望有一种方法来指定列出的文件类型,并且我可以使用它。 d也想列出子目录。不是子目录内容,只是它们的名称。这就是我所拥有的:

Dim ls, fsObj, fd,  fs, fl, tf

ls = ""
Set fsObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fd = fsObj.GetFolder(".")
set fs = fd.Files

For Each fl in fs
  ls = ls & "<a href=""" & fl.name & chr(34) & Chr(62) & fl.name & chr

(60) & chr(47) & chr(97) & chr(62) & chr(10) & "</br>"

Set tf = fsObj.OpenTextFile("dirlist.html", 2, True, True)
tf.WriteLine ls

Set fsObj = Nothing


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

    Dim ls, fsObj, fd, fs, fl, sfs, sf, tf

    ' specify the file extensions to list
    dim fileTypes
    fileTypes = Array("pdf","txt","asp")

    ls = ""
    Set fsObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set fd = fsObj.GetFolder(".")
    set fs = fd.Files

    For Each fl in fs
        ' check whether the extension matches 
        if arrayContains(fileTypes, fsObj.GetExtensionName(fl.name)) then
            ls = ls & "<a href=""" & fl.name & chr(34) & Chr(62) & fl.name & chr(60) & chr(47) & chr(97) & chr(62) & chr(10) & "</br>"
        end if

    ' list subfolders
    set sfs = fd.SubFolders
    For Each sf in sfs
        ls = ls & "<a href=""" & sf.name & chr(34) & Chr(62) & sf.name & chr(60) & chr(47) & chr(97) & chr(62) & chr(10) & "</br>"

    Set tf = fsObj.OpenTextFile("dirlist.html", 2, True, True)
    tf.WriteLine ls

    Set fsObj = Nothing

    function arrayContains (arr, val)            
        dim found
        found = false
        for i = 0 to ubound(arr)
            if arr(i) = val then    
                found = true
                exit for 
            end if
        arrayContains = found            
    end function

答案 1 :(得分:0)


<!DOCTYPE html>


    Dim ls, fsObj, fd, fs, fl, sfs, sf, tf

    'specify the file extensions to list
    dim fileTypes
    fileTypes = Array("pdf","txt","asp")

    ls = ""
    Set fsObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set fd = fsObj.GetFolder(".")
    set fs = fd.Files

    For Each fl in fs
        'check whether the extension matches 
        if arrayContains(fileTypes, fsObj.GetExtensionName(fl.name)) then
            'ls = ls & "<a href=""" & fl.name & chr(34) & Chr(62) & fl.name & chr(60) & chr(47) & chr(97) & chr(62) & chr(10) & "<br>"
            response.write ( "<a href=""" & fl.name & chr(34) & Chr(62) & fl.name & chr(60) & chr(47) & chr(97) & chr(62) & chr(10) & "<br>" )
        end if

    ' list subfolders
    set sfs = fd.SubFolders
    For Each sf in sfs
        'ls = ls & "<a href=""" & sf.name & chr(34) & Chr(62) & sf.name & chr(60) & chr(47) & chr(97) & chr(62) & chr(10) & "<br>"
        response.write( "<a href=""" & sf.name & chr(34) & Chr(62) & sf.name & chr(60) & chr(47) & chr(97) & chr(62) & chr(10) & "<br>" )

    'Set tf = fsObj.OpenTextFile("dirlist.html", 2, True, True)
    'tf.WriteLine ls

    Set fsObj = Nothing

    function arrayContains (arr, val)            
        dim found
        found = false
        for i = 0 to ubound(arr)
            if arr(i) = val then    
                found = true
                exit for 
            end if
        arrayContains = found            
    end function
