Dim lblInputBox As Label
lblInputBox.Text = "Name:"
Dim txtInputBox As TextBox
Dim btnClear As Button
btnClear.Text = "Clear"
Dim btnSayName As Button
btnSayName.Text = "Say Name"
Dim btnExit As Button
btnExit.Text = "Exit"
' Some boolean to determine what the next action is
Dim UserIntentDetected = False
' When the user moves focus away from the textbox
Private Sub txtInputBox_LostFocus(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles txtIputBox.LostFocus
' I want to be able to detect the next focus, but this is where I'm going wrong
If btnExit.GotFocus Or btnClear.GotFocus Then
UserIntentDetected = True
UserIntentDetected = False
End If
' Only call validate if there is no intent to quit or clear
If Not UserIntentDetected Then
Call validate()
End If
' Reset the intent boolean
UserIntentDetected = False
End Sub
' Validate subroutine
Private Sub validate()
' **Fixed description**
' User moved focus away from txtbox and doesn't intend to clear or exit
Console.WriteLine("You're NOT INTENDING to clear or exit")
End Sub
Private Sub txtInputBox_LostFocus(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles txtIputBox.LostFocus, btnExit.GotFocus, _
... (code follows)
... (assume same element structure from vb)
var eventQueue = [];
var userIntentDetected = false;
txtInputBox.addEventListener("blur", function(event){
// Set a timeout to manually trigger the last event's click method in the eventQueue
if (eventQueue.length > 0 && userIntetDetected)
runIntendedHandler(eventQueue[eventQueue.length -1]);
}, 500);
// Both event listeners listen for click and stop default actions,
// set intent boolean to true, and add it's event object to a queue
btnExit.addEventListener("click", function(event){
userIntentDetected = true;
btn.addEventListener("click", function(event){
userIntentDetected = true;
// Validation should occur only if the user moves focus to an element
// that IS NOT either the btnExit or btnClear
function runIntendedHandler(event){
if (event.target.id = "btnExit")
// run exit functions
else if (event.target.id = "btnClear")
// run clear functions
userIntentDetected = false;
在vb中处理事件的正确方法是什么?如何在触发操作之前检测队列中的下一个事件? RaiseEvent语句可以帮助吗?
更新3 :答案比我看起来容易得多。显然,您可以使用btn.Focused属性从txtInputBox.LostFocus事件处理程序中检查元素的下一个焦点... Go figure!
UPDATE 2 :关于究竟需要什么,已经存在很多混淆,而且很多是我在描述验证子程序时的错误。我已经更改了一些元素名称并添加了一个图像来总结我的教师给我的所有信息。
更新1 :@TnTinMn提供了可以与次要更改一起使用的最接近的工作答案。 示例如下:
Private LastActiveControl As Control = Me ' initialize on form creation
Protected Overrides Sub UpdateDefaultButton()
' Just added an IsNot condition to stay inline with the requirements
If (LastActiveControl Is txtNumberOfDrinks) AndAlso
((ActiveControl Is btnClear) OrElse (ActiveControl Is btnExit)) Then
Console.WriteLine("Your intent to press either btnClear or btnExit has been heard...")
' Validation happens only if the user didn't intend to click btnClear or btnExit
ElseIf (LastActiveControl Is txtNumberOfDrinks) AndAlso
((ActiveControl IsNot btnClear) OrElse (ActiveControl IsNot btnExit)) Then
Console.WriteLine("You didn't press either btnClear or btnExit.. moving to validation")
End If
LastActiveControl = ActiveControl ' Store this for the next time Focus changes
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Winform的活动顺序充其量令人困惑。有关摘要,请参阅Order of Events in Windows Forms。
Public Class Form1
Private LastActiveControl As Control = Me ' initialize on form creation
Protected Overrides Sub UpdateDefaultButton()
If (LastActiveControl Is tbInputBox) AndAlso
((ActiveControl Is btnPromptForName) OrElse (ActiveControl Is btnExit)) Then
End If
LastActiveControl = ActiveControl ' Store this for the next time Focus changes
End Sub
Private Sub ValidateInput()
Console.WriteLine("You're either intending to prompt for name or exit")
End Sub
Private Sub btnPromptForName_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPromptForName.Click
Console.WriteLine("btnPromptForName_Click clicked")
End Sub
Private Sub btnExit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
Console.WriteLine("btnExit clicked")
End Sub
End Class
答案 1 :(得分:0)
' When the user moves focus away from the textbox
Private Sub txtInputBox_LostFocus(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) _
Handles txtIputBox.LostFocus
' Check if the clear or exit button is focused before validating
' Validate only if btnClear and also btnExit IS NOT focused
If Not btnExit.Focused AndAlso Not btnClear.Focused Then
Call validateForm()
End If
End Sub
感谢@TnTinMn UpdateDefaultButton并向我展示了跟踪事件的替代方法。这也非常有用。