Public Sub Application_NewMail(myMail As MailItem)
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim dbName As String
dbName = "M:\CRM\Custom CRM\CRM.accdb"
Set con = New ADODB.Connection
con.ConnectionString = _
"Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; " & _
"Data Source = " & dbName & "; " & _
"Persist Security Info = False; " & _
"Mode = readwrite;"
' Create 2 recordset objects for data manipulation throughout the project
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
With rs
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.ActiveConnection = con
.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
.LockType = adLockOptimistic
End With
Dim ns As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim InBoxFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim InBoxItem As Object 'MailItem
Dim Contents As String, Delimiter As String
Dim Prop, Result
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long
Dim myOlApp As Object
Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
'Setup an array with all properties that can be found in the mail
Prop = Array("Name", "Email", "Phone", "I am an")
'The delimiter after the property
Delimiter = ":"
Set ns = Session.Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
'Access the inbox folder
Set InBoxFolder = ns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set InBoxFolder = InBoxFolder.Folders("MBAA LEADS")
For Each InBoxItem In InBoxFolder.Items
'Only process mails
If Not TypeOf InBoxItem Is MailItem Then GoTo SkipItem
'Already processed?
If Not InBoxItem.UnRead Then GoTo SkipItem
'Mark as read
InBoxItem.UnRead = False
'Get the body
Contents = InBoxItem.Body
'Create space for the result
ReDim Result(LBound(Prop) To UBound(Prop)) As String
'Search each property
i = 1
rs.Open ("Prospects")
For k = LBound(Prop) To UBound(Prop)
'MsgBox k
'Find the property (after the last position)
i = InStr(i, Contents, Prop(k), vbTextCompare)
If i = 0 Then GoTo NextProp
'Find the delimiter after the property
i = InStr(i, Contents, Delimiter)
If i = 0 Then GoTo NextProp
'Find the end of this line
j = InStr(i, Contents, vbCr)
If j = 0 Then GoTo NextProp
'Store the related part
Result(k) = Trim$(Mid$(Contents, i + Len(Delimiter), j - i - Len(Delimiter)))
If (k = 0) Then
'First Name
rs![First Name] = StrConv(Trim(Mid(CStr(Result(k)), 1, InStr(CStr(Result(k)), " "))), vbProperCase)
'Last Name
rs![Last Name] = StrConv(Trim(Mid(CStr(Result(k)), InStrRev(CStr(Result(k)), " ") + 1)), vbProperCase)
MkDir ("M:\CRM\PROSPECTS\" & StrConv(Trim(Mid(CStr(Result(k)), 1, InStr(CStr(Result(k)), " "))), vbProperCase) & " " & StrConv(Trim(Mid(CStr(Result(k)), InStrRev(CStr(Result(k)), " ") + 1)), vbProperCase) & "")
'Copy Initial Email Inquiry
InBoxItem.SaveAs "M:\CRM\PROSPECTS\" & StrConv(Trim(Mid(CStr(Result(k)), 1, InStr(CStr(Result(k)), " "))), vbProperCase) & " " & StrConv(Trim(Mid(CStr(Result(k)), InStrRev(CStr(Result(k)), " ") + 1)), vbProperCase) & "\Initial Email-MBAA WEBSITE.msg"
ElseIf (k = 1) Then
rs![E-mail Address] = Trim(Mid(CStr(Result(k)), 1, InStr(CStr(Result(k)), " ")))
ElseIf (k = 2) Then
rs![Home Phone] = Result(k)
ElseIf (k = 3) Then
'Check customer type
If CStr(Result(k)) Like "*Self Insured Group*" Then
rs![Lead Type] = 1 'Self Insured Group
ElseIf CStr(Result(k)) Like "*Insurance Company*" Then
rs![Lead Type] = 2 'Insurance Company
ElseIf CStr(Result(k)) Like "*Individual Patient*" Then
rs![Lead Type] = 3 'Consumer
ElseIf CStr(Result(k)) Like "*Attorney*" Then
rs![Lead Type] = 4 'Attorney
ElseIf CStr(Result(k)) Like "*Government*" Then
rs![Lead Type] = 5 'Attorney
ElseIf CStr(Result(k)) Like "*Physician*" Then
rs![Lead Type] = 6 'Physician
ElseIf CStr(Result(k)) Like "*International Company*" Then
rs![Lead Type] = 7 'International Company
ElseIf CStr(Result(k)) Like "*Broker*" Then
rs![Lead Type] = 8 'Broker
ElseIf CStr(Result(k)) Like "*Association/Organization*" Then
rs![Lead Type] = 19 'Association/Organization
ElseIf CStr(Result(k)) Like "*Other*" Then
rs![Lead Type] = 9 'Other
End If
End If
rs![CreatedOn] = InBoxItem.SentOn
rs![Source] = 13 'MBAA WEBSITE
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:1)
服务器端规则仅适用于一组有限的操作。主要是那些简单的动作,如移动物品,回复等。 比这更复杂的东西变成了仅限客户的规则。对于运行脚本的规则,这些规则始终是仅客户端规则,因为脚本实际上是Outlook的一部分,并由Outlook执行,而不是邮件服务器。因此,即使规则存储在您的邮箱中,执行也要求Outlook执行操作的某些部分。 您将在规则向导的最后一页上看到完成规则的时间,它将指示它是否是仅限客户端的规则。
我建议您将操作分为两部分,一部分是服务器端规则,将使用或不使用Outlook运行,然后是可以运行的规则"按需提供&#34 ;做更复杂的比特。它不是完全自动化的,但至少你可以将物品移到一些临时文件夹中并且不受影响。