
时间:2017-01-19 23:07:30

标签: haskell functional-programming


type mydict = String -> String

emptydict :: mydict
emptydict _ = "not found"


addentry :: String -> String -> mydict -> mydict
addentry s1 s2 d s 
| s1 == s = s2
| otherwise = d s


 looky :: String -> mydict -> String
 looky s1 d = d s1  --gives s2

我的目标是创建另一个函数patternmatch,我可以在其中检查哪个s1与以特定模式开头的s2相关联。现在模式匹配本身不是问题,但我不知道如何跟踪我输入的条目,即输出的输出不是"not found"



1)此列表构建方法是否良好,或者是否有更好的方法来识别将函数定义为"not found"以外的其他内容的输入?


addentry s1 s2 d s
| last (save s1) == s = s2
| otherwise = d s1

然后save s1是一个生成带有所有s1的列表的函数。然后,last (save s1)会返回最新的s1。非常感谢有关实施save s1或其他指示的任何帮助。非常感谢。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


import Prelude hiding (lookup)

-- instead of k -> Maybe v, we represent the dictionary as
-- (k -> Bool) -> Maybe v where k -> Bool is the criteria
-- on which to match the key. by using Maybe v we can signal
-- that no qualifying key was found by returning Nothing
-- instead of "not found"
newtype Dict k v = Dict ((k -> Bool) -> Maybe v)

empty :: Dict k v
empty = Dict $ const Nothing

-- insert a new key/value pair
insert :: k -> v -> Dict k v -> Dict k v
insert k v d = Dict $ \f -> if f k then Just v else lookupBy f d

-- lookup using the given criteria
lookupBy :: (k -> Bool) -> Dict k v -> Maybe v
lookupBy f (Dict d) = d f

-- lookup using the default criteria (equality with some given key)
lookup :: Eq k => k -> Dict k v -> Maybe v
lookup k = lookupBy (k==)

-- your criteria
startsWith :: String -> String -> Bool
startsWith s = undefined -- TODO

lookupByPrefix :: String -> Dict String v -> Maybe v
lookupByPrefix = lookupBy . startsWith



instance Functor (Dict k) where
  fmap f d = Dict $ \g -> fmap f (lookupBy g d)