我目前正在使用TMI.js,这是一个用于在Twitch中构建机器人的Node包。但是我可以真正使用冷却系统〜一旦你做了一个命令 !test这是一个测试命令。 你需要等待10秒才能再次触发,如果你试图在10秒内使用它我不想发生任何事情 谢谢。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
// thisArg - context in which to call the function; 'this' in the function's body
// fn - function to execute on a cooldown
// timeout - number of milliseconds to wait before allowing fn to be called again
var cooldown = function (thisArg, fn, timeout) {
var onCooldown = false;
// return a function that can be called the same way as the wrapped function
return function (/* args */) {
// only call the original function if it is not on cooldown
if (!onCooldown) {
// not on cooldown, so call the function with the correct context
// and the arguments with which this wrapper was called
fn.apply(thisArg, arguments);
// set the cooldown flag so subsequent calls will not execute the function
onCooldown = true;
// wait <timeout> milliseconds before allowing the function to be called again
setTimeout(function () {
onCooldown = false;
}, timeout);
var cooldownLog = cooldown(console, console.log, 5000);
cooldownLog('hello') // => 'hello'
cooldownLog('hello') // nothing happens
cooldownLog('hello') // nothing happens
// > 5000ms later
cooldownLog('hello') // => 'hello'
cooldownLog('hello') // nothing happens
答案 1 :(得分:0)
通过使用 setTimeout({function}, x)
,您可以让函数在 x 毫秒后运行。
所以我们可以有一个名为 active
的布尔值。设置为 True
,在命令运行一次后 10 秒(10000 毫秒)。
如果用户在 active == False
var active = False
// Whenever someone uses the command the below code is an example
client.on("message", (channel, userstate, message, self) => {
if (message[0] == "!" && !(self)) {
message = message.replace("!", "")
switch (message){
case "test":
if (active) {
// Do command stuff
active = False
setTimeout(() => {
active = True
}, 10000)
else {
// Do stuff if the command is in cooldown