Pillow with pypy,未安装_imagingft C模块

时间:2017-01-19 09:42:35

标签: python pypy

在CentOS版本6.8上使用pypy的枕头不起作用, 我用pip卸载/安装枕头还可以, 但仍然是“ImportError:未安装_imagingft C模块”, 这是输出:

[root@localhost bin]# ./pip install pillow
Collecting pillow
Requirement already satisfied: olefile in /usr/local/pypy-5.6-linux_x86_64-portable/site-packages (from pillow)
Installing collected packages: pillow
Successfully installed pillow-4.0.0

[root@localhost bin]# ./pypy
Python 2.7.12 (aff251e543859ce4508159dd9f1a82a2f553de00, Nov 12 2016, 08:50:18)
[PyPy 5.6.0 with GCC 6.2.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>> from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFilter, ImageFont
draw.text((100,100), 'test text', font = font)>>>> im = Image.new('RGB', (300,300), 'white')
>>>> draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
>>>> font = ImageFont.truetype('Arial.ttf', 14)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/pypy-5.6-linux_x86_64-portable/site-packages/PIL/ImageFont.py", line 238, in truetype
    return FreeTypeFont(font, size, index, encoding)
  File "/usr/local/pypy-5.6-linux_x86_64-portable/site-packages/PIL/ImageFont.py", line 127, in __init__
    self.font = core.getfont(font, size, index, encoding)
  File "/usr/local/pypy-5.6-linux_x86_64-portable/site-packages/PIL/ImageFont.py", line 37, in __getattr__
    raise ImportError("The _imagingft C module is not installed")
ImportError: The _imagingft C module is not installed

我使用:pip install pil

[root@localhost bin]# ./pip install PIL
Collecting PIL
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PIL (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for PIL


我使用:pip install http://effbot.org/downloads/Imaging-1.1.6.tar.gz 安装没问题,但仍然是“ImportError:没有名为_imagingft的模块”

我也下载了枕头的源焦油,但找不到太多的库! 安装的库:

SYSPKGS="$SYSPKGS kernel python python-devel telnet subversion libffi libffi-devel"
SYSPKGS="$SYSPKGS tcl tk ncurses-devel expat-devel bzip2-devel sqlite-devel"
SYSPKGS="$SYSPKGS openssl-devel openssl pcre pcre-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel"
SYSPKGS="$SYSPKGS libtiff-devel libjpeg-devel libjpeg-turbo-static freetype-devel"
SYSPKGS="$SYSPKGS zlib zlib-devel zlib-static wget curl net-tools"

yum -y install $SYSPKGS 


帮助! :(

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