
时间:2017-01-18 22:18:15

标签: javascript html css




- 在头部会有徽标img或徽标文字。徽标将始终固定在顶部,不需要淡出并且不可见。一直都可见。 - 当顶部的徽标因正常向下滚动页面而消失时。我希望在页脚div中放置一个徽标以淡入并显示并且只要顶部徽标不可见就会显示。如果再次向上滚动,则页脚徽标会淡出并消失。


2 个答案:

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var header = document.querySelector("header");

var options = {
  onUnpin: function () {
    $('footer .logo').fadeIn();
  onTop: function() {
     $('footer .logo').fadeOut();

var headroom  = new Headroom(header, options);
footer {

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footer .logo {

main img {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://npmcdn.com/headroom.js@0.9.3/dist/headroom.min.js"></script>

    <h1 class="logo">L O G O </h1>
    <img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/57/Brigantine-Falado-von-Rhodos-1999-07.jpg">
    <h1 class="logo">L O G O</h1>

答案 1 :(得分:0)


var $tn = $('#myTopnav'),
    $header = $tn.find('li').eq(1),
    $logo = $header.find('img'),
    $footer = $('#FooterDiv'),
    tnTop = $tn.offset().top,
    tnHeight = $tn.outerHeight(),
    tnBot = tnTop + tnHeight;
$(window).scroll(function() {
  var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
  if (scrollTop > tnBot) {
    if (! $footer.hasClass('hasLogo')) {
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function myFunction() {
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contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody 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herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go here body contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody contents go herebody 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