
时间:2017-01-17 16:57:27

标签: matlab image-processing fft

我试图阅读两个&#b;&#39;在Matlab中通过char lines[50]; int numOfLines = 0; int numOfWords = 0; int i, j; int wordsPerLine[50]; //Unused at this point for(i = 1; i <= 1000; i++){ fgets(lines,50,stdin); if (strcmp(lines, ".\n") == 0){ break; } for (j = 0; j < strlen(lines); j++){ if(lines[j] == ' ' || lines[j] == '\n'){ numOfWords++; wordsPerLine[numOfLines]++; //everything works up until here } } numOfLines++; } for (i = 0; i < numOfLines; i++){ printf("words in %d is %d\n", i, wordsPerLine[i]); //trying to print out the array where I'd hope to store them, however I get a bunch of random numbers } printf("total words is %d\n", numOfWords); 函数格式化图像。

对于第一张图像,它返回512 * 512 uint8的矩阵,第二张图片返回512 * 512 * 3 uint8。



image1 image2

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

问题是第二个图像是RGB,fft2分别在每个通道上执行2D FFT 并返回与输入相同大小的matix。当您尝试显示生成的RGB图像(每个通道是每个通道的FFT)时,它将显示为全白色。


% Display red FFT
imshow(log(abs(fftshift(FFT2(:,:,1)))), [0 10]);


img2 = rgb2gray(img2);
FF2 = ff2(img2);
imshow(log(abs(fftshift(FFT2(:,:,1)))), [0 10]);

enter image description here