
时间:2010-11-12 22:13:06

标签: javascript image-resizing




function changeCurrentImage(conteneur)  
    var img = conteneur.getElementsByTagName("img");

    var imgUrl = img[0].src;

    var imgFirstPart = imgUrl.substring(0, imgUrl.lastIndexOf('.') - 9);
    var imgLastPart = imgUrl.substring(imgUrl.lastIndexOf('.'));
    var currentImg = document.getElementById('currentImage');
    currentImg.src = imgFirstPart + "borne" + imgLastPart;

    resize(document.getElementById('currentImage'), 375, 655);

function resize(img, maxh, maxw) {  
  var ratio = maxh/maxw;  
  if (img.height/img.width > ratio){  
     // height is the problem  
    if (img.height > maxh){  
      img.width = Math.round(img.width*(maxh/img.height));  
      img.height = maxh;  
  } else {  
    // width is the problem  
    if (img.width > maxw){  
      img.height = Math.round(img.height*(maxw/img.width));  
      img.width = maxw;  

这是HTML(使用ASP.Net Repeater):

<asp:Repeater ID="rptImages" runat="server">  
<a href="#">  
    <div id="thumbnailImageContainer1" onclick="changeCurrentImage(this)">  
        <div id="thumbnailImageContainer2">  
            <img id="thumbnailImage" src="<%# SiteUrl + Eval("ImageThumbnailPath")%>?rn=<%=Random()%>" alt="Photo" onload="resize(this, 60, 105)" />  

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

很可能图片尚未下载,因此img.height和img.width尚未出现。从技术上讲,您不需要等到下载整个图像,您可以在计时器中轮询图像,直到宽度和高度不为零。这听起来很混乱,但如果你花时间做正确的话,可以很好地完成。 (我有一个ImageLoader实用程序,我为此目的....只有一个计时器,即使它一次处理多个图像,并在它有大小时调用回调函数)我不得不反对Marcel ....客户端非常适用于此类事情,即使图像来自服务器以外的其他来源,也可以正常工作。


var ImageLoader = {
  maxChecks: 1000,
  list: [],
  intervalHandle : null,

  loadImage : function (callback, url, userdata) {
    var img = new Image ();
    img.src = url;
    if (img.width && img.height) {
      callback (img.width, img.height, url, 0, userdata);
    else {
      var obj = {image: img, url: url, callback: callback,
                checks: 1, userdata: userdata};
      var i;
      for (i=0; i < this.list.length; i++)    {
        if (this.list[i] == null)
      this.list[i] = obj;
      if (!this.intervalHandle)
        this.intervalHandle = setInterval(this.interval, 30);

  // called by setInterval  
  interval : function () {
    var count = 0;
    var list = ImageLoader.list, item;
    for (var i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
      item = list[i];
      if (item != null) {
        if (item.image.width && item.image.height) {
          item.callback (item.image.width, item.image.height, 
             item.url, item.checks, item.userdata);
          ImageLoader.list[i] = null;
        else if (item.checks > ImageLoader.maxChecks) {
          item.callback (0, 0, item.url, item.checks, item.userdata);
          ImageLoader.list[i] = null;
        else {
    if (count == 0) {
      ImageLoader.list = [];
      clearInterval (ImageLoader.intervalHandle);
      delete ImageLoader.intervalHandle;


var callback = function (width, height, url, checks, userdata) {
  // show stuff in the title  
  document.title = "w: " + width + ", h:" + height + 
      ", url:" + url + ", checks:" + checks + ", userdata: " + userdata; 
    var img = document.createElement("IMG");
    img.src = url;
    // size it to be 100 px wide, and the correct 
    // height for its aspect ratio
    img.style.width = "100px";
    img.style.height = ((height/width)*100) + "px";
    document.body.appendChild (img);

  ImageLoader.loadImage (callback,
   "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/" +  
      "1/19/Caerulea3_crop.jpg/800px-Caerulea3_crop.jpg", 1);

  ImageLoader.loadImage (callback, 
   "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/" + 
      "8/85/Calliphora_sp_Portrait.jpg/402px-Calliphora_sp_Portrait.jpg", 2);

答案 1 :(得分:0)


function resize() { 
  var img = document.getElementById('currentImage');
  var maxh = 375;
  var maxw = 655;
  var ratio = maxh/maxw;  
  if (img.height/img.width > ratio){  
     // height is the problem  
    if (img.height > maxh){  
      img.width = Math.round(img.width*(maxh/img.height));  
      img.height = maxh;  
  } else {  
    // width is the problem  
    if (img.width > maxw){  
      img.height = Math.round(img.height*(maxw/img.width));  
      img.width = maxw;  

function changeCurrentImage(conteneur)  
    var img = conteneur.getElementsByTagName("img");

    img.onload = resize;

    var imgUrl = img[0].src;

    var imgFirstPart = imgUrl.substring(0, imgUrl.lastIndexOf('.') - 9);
    var imgLastPart = imgUrl.substring(imgUrl.lastIndexOf('.'));
    var currentImg = document.getElementById('currentImage');
    currentImg.src = imgFirstPart + "borne" + imgLastPart;


我会玩弄它。也许使用全局变量作为你的maxH / W和图像ID;

答案 2 :(得分:0)





<div id="currentImageContainer">
<div id="currentImageContainer1">
<div id="currentImageContainer2">
<img id="currentImage" src="#" alt="" onload="resize(this, 375, 655)" />


答案 3 :(得分:0)


function changeCurrentImage(conteneur)  
    var thumbnailImg = conteneur.getElementsByTagName("img");

    var thumbnailImgUrl = thumbnailImg[0].src;

    var newImgUrl = thumbnailImgUrl.replace("thumbnail", "borne");

    var currentImgDiv = document.getElementById('currentImageContainer2');
    var currentImg = currentImgDiv.getElementById("currentImage");
    if (currentImg != null)

    var newImg = document.createElement("img");
    newImageDiv = document.getElementById('currentImageContainer2');
    newImg.id = "currentImage";
    newImg.onload = function() {
        Resize(newImg, 375, 655);
    newImg.src = newImgUrl;
