Option Explicit
Sub openADB()
Dim adoxTab As ADOX.Table
Dim adoxCat As ADOX.Catalog
Dim adoxCol As ADOX.Column
Dim adoxInd As New ADOX.Index
Dim objConn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim oCatalog As Object
Const DB_NAME = "item_details.accdb"
Const DB_PATH = "c:\temp\"
'create the database
Set oCatalog = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
oCatalog.Create "Provider='Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0';Data Source=" & DB_PATH & DB_NAME
objConn.Open "Provider='Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0';Data Source=" & DB_PATH & DB_NAME
If (objConn.State <> adStateOpen) Then
MsgBox "A connection to the database " & DB_PATH & DB_NAME & " could not be established. Program terminated."
Set objConn = Nothing
End If
'create a table for currency
Set adoxTab = CreateObject("ADOX.Table")
Set adoxCat = CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
Set adoxCat.ActiveConnection = objConn
'field properties
adoxTab.Name = "tblCurrency"
adoxTab.Columns.Append "Currency", adVarWChar, 3
adoxTab.Columns.Append "Factor", adSingle
adoxTab.Columns("Currency").ParentCatalog = adoxCat
adoxTab.Columns("Currency").Properties("JET OLEDB:Compressed Unicode Strings") = True
adoxTab.Columns("Currency").Properties("JET OLEDB:Allow Zero Length") = False
adoxTab.Columns("Currency").Properties("Nullable") = True
adoxTab.Columns("Factor").ParentCatalog = adoxCat
adoxTab.Columns("Factor").Properties("Nullable") = True
adoxCat.Tables.Append adoxTab
'set up a primary key for Item
adoxTab.Keys.Append "PrimaryKey", adKeyPrimary, "Currency"
'give back memory
Set adoxCat = Nothing
Set adoxTab = Nothing
Set oCatalog = Nothing
objConn.Close '<== this is the line that causes the error
Set objConn = Nothing
End Sub