Option Explicit
Const strFormTitle = "Enter Minimum and Maximum Dates in d/m/yyyy format" 'Edit for different regional date format
Const strShtName As String = "Latency" 'Name of worksheet with ranges to be processed
Const strDateFormat As String = "d mmm yyyy" 'Edit for different regional date format
Const strCrit1 As String = "Pass, Fail, In Progress" 'Criteria for output to AE2. (Can insert or delete criteria with comma between values. OK to have spaces with the commas)
Const strCrit2 As String = "COMPATIBLE" 'Criteria for column E. (One criteria only)
Const strDateRng As String = "K:K" 'Column with Dates
Const strCrit1Col As String = "O:O" 'Column with "Pass, Fail, In Progress"
Const strCrit2Col As String = "E:E" 'Column with "COMPATIBLE"
Const strOutput1 As String = "AE2" 'The cell for output "Pass, Fail, In Progress"
Const strOutput2 As String = "AF2" 'The cell for output "Pass, Fail, In Progress" plus "COMPATIBLE"
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.lblTitle = strFormTitle
End Sub
Private Sub cmdProcess_Click()
Dim wf As WorksheetFunction
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rngDates As Range 'Range of dates
Dim rngCrit1 As Range 'Range to match Criteria 1
Dim rngCrit2 As Range 'Range to match Criteria 2
Dim dteMin As Date
Dim dteMax As Date
Dim rngOutput1 As Range
Dim rngOutput2 As Range
Dim arrSplit As Variant
Dim i As Long
Set wf = Application.WorksheetFunction
Set ws = Worksheets(strShtName)
With ws
Set rngDates = .Columns(strDateRng)
Set rngOutput1 = .Range(strOutput1)
Set rngOutput2 = .Range(strOutput2)
Set rngCrit1 = .Range(strCrit1Col)
Set rngCrit2 = .Range(strCrit2Col)
End With
dteMin = CDate(Me.txtMinDate)
dteMax = Int(CDate(Me.txtMaxDate) + 1)
If dteMin > dteMax Then
MsgBox "Minimum date must be less than maximum date." & vbCrLf & _
"Please re-enter a valid dates."
Exit Sub
End If
arrSplit = Split(strCrit1, ",")
'Following loop removes any additional leading or trailing spaces (Can be in the string constant)
For i = LBound(arrSplit) To UBound(arrSplit)
arrSplit(i) = Trim(arrSplit(i))
Next i
rngOutput1.ClearContents 'Start with blank cell
For i = LBound(arrSplit) To UBound(arrSplit)
rngOutput1.Value = rngOutput1.Value + wf.CountIfs(rngDates, ">=" & CLng(dteMin), _
rngDates, "<" & CLng(dteMax), _
rngCrit1, arrSplit(i))
Next i
rngOutput2.ClearContents 'Start with blank cell
For i = LBound(arrSplit) To UBound(arrSplit)
rngOutput2.Value = rngOutput2.Value + wf.CountIfs(rngDates, ">=" & CLng(dteMin), _
rngDates, "<" & CLng(dteMax), _
rngCrit1, arrSplit(i), rngCrit2, strCrit2)
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub txtMinDate_AfterUpdate()
If IsDate(Me.txtMinDate) Then
Me.txtMinDate = Format(CDate(Me.txtMinDate), strDateFormat)
MsgBox "Invalid Minimum date. Please re-enter a valid date."
End If
End Sub
Private Sub txtMaxDate_AfterUpdate()
If IsDate(Me.txtMaxDate) Then
Me.txtMaxDate = Format(CDate(Me.txtMaxDate), strDateFormat)
MsgBox "Invalid Maximum date. Please re-enter a valid date."
End If
End Sub
Private Sub chkEntireRng_Click()
Dim wf As WorksheetFunction
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rngDates As Range
Set wf = WorksheetFunction
Set ws = Worksheets(strShtName)
With ws
Set rngDates = .Columns(strDateRng)
End With
If Me.chkEntireRng = True Then
Me.txtMinDate = Format(wf.Min(rngDates), strDateFormat)
Me.txtMaxDate = Format(wf.Max(rngDates), strDateFormat)
Me.txtMinDate.Enabled = False
Me.txtMaxDate.Enabled = False
Me.txtMinDate = ""
Me.txtMaxDate = ""
Me.txtMinDate.Enabled = True
Me.txtMaxDate.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Const strShtName As String = "Latency" 'Name of worksheet with ranges to be processed
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets(strShtName)
Const strOutput1 As String = "AE2" 'The cell for output "Pass, Fail, In Progress"
Const strOutput2 As String = "AF2" 'The cell for output "Pass, Fail, In Progress" plus "COMPATIBLE"
Dim rngOutput1 As Range
Dim rngOutput2 As Range
With ws
Set rngOutput1 = .Range(strOutput1)
Set rngOutput2 = .Range(strOutput2)
End With
Dim wsMySheet As Worksheet
Set wsMySheet = Worksheets("MySheet")
Dim rngOutputMySheet as range
With wsMySheet
Set rngOutputMySheet = .range("CELLREFHERE")
End With
的末尾rngOutput1.ClearContents 'Start with blank cell
For i = LBound(arrSplit) To UBound(arrSplit)
rngOutput1.Value = rngOutput1.Value + wf.CountIfs(rngDates, ">=" & CLng(dteMin), _
rngDates, "<" & CLng(dteMax), _
rngCrit1, arrSplit(i))
Next i
rngOutput2.ClearContents 'Start with blank cell
For i = LBound(arrSplit) To UBound(arrSplit)
rngOutput2.Value = rngOutput2.Value + wf.CountIfs(rngDates, ">=" & CLng(dteMin), _
rngDates, "<" & CLng(dteMax), _
rngCrit1, arrSplit(i), rngCrit2, strCrit2)
Next i
Const strCrit1Col As String = "O:O" 'Column with "Pass, Fail, In Progress"
Const strCrit1 As String = "Pass, Fail, In Progress"
Dim rngCrit1 As Range 'Range to match Criteria 1
With ws
Set rngCrit1 = .Range(strCrit1Col)
End With
For i = LBound(arrSplit) To UBound(arrSplit)
rngOutput2.Value = rngOutput2.Value + wf.CountIfs(rngDates, ">=" & CLng(dteMin), _
rngDates, "<" & CLng(dteMax), _
rngCrit1, arrSplit(i), rngCrit2, strCrit2)
Next i
Dim strCrit3 as String
strCrit3 = "Criteria list here"
Dim rngCrit3 as Range
With ws
set rngCrit3 = .Range("RANGEHERE")
End With
For i = LBound(arrSplit) To UBound(arrSplit)
rngOutput2.Value = rngOutput2.Value + wf.CountIfs(rngDates, ">=" & CLng(dteMin), _
rngDates, "<" & CLng(dteMax), _
rngCrit1, arrSplit(i), rngCrit2, strCrit2,rngCrit3, strCrit3)
Next i