(我的合并单元格) ABCD | E | F | GH
我已多次介绍它,我相信这条线需要在这里进行更改(可能是colStartIndex + 6)
Range(Cells(rowStartIndex, colStartIndex), Cells(tempCal, colStartIndex)).Copy Destination:=Range(Cells(tempRowIndex, tempColIndex), Cells(tempRowIndex + tempCal, tempColIndex))
Dim orgRange, tempRange As Long
For iIndex = 0 To rowCount - 2 Step 1
rowIndex = iIndex + tempRowIndex
tempRange = Cells(rowIndex, tempColIndex)
'MsgBox (tempRange)
For jIndex = 0 To rowCount - 2 Step 1
rowIndex = jIndex + rowStartIndex
orgRange = Cells(rowIndex, colStartIndex)
If tempRange = orgRange Then
'MsgBox ("Match Found : \n (tempRange,orgRange) : (" & tempRange & "," & orgRange & ")")
Range(Cells(rowIndex, colStartIndex), Cells(rowIndex, colStartIndex + colCount - 1)).Copy Destination:=Cells(tempFinalRowIndex + iIndex, tempFinalColIndex)
End If
Next jIndex
Next iIndex
Private Sub QuickAscending_Click()
Dim myRange As Range 'variable to hold the Named Range
Dim rowCount As Long 'variable to hold the Number of Rows in myRange
Dim colCount As Long 'variable to hold the Number of Columns in myRange
Dim rowStartIndex As Long 'variable to hold the Starting Row index of myRange
Dim colStartIndex As Long 'variable to hold the Starting Col index of myRange
Dim iIndex As Long 'Variable used for iteration
Dim jIndex As Long 'Variable used for iteration
Dim current As Long 'used in bubble sort to hold the value of the current jIndex item
Dim currentPlusOne As Long 'used in bubble sort to hold the value of the jIndex+1 item
Dim rowIndex As Long
Dim tempRowIndex, tempColIndex As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Set myRange = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("SortRangeValue")
rowStartIndex = myRange.Row
colStartIndex = myRange.Column
colCount = myRange.Columns.Count
rowCount = myRange.Rows.Count
Dim tempCal As Long
tempCal = rowCount + rowStartIndex - 1
''''''this sets the process to bubble sort. Copies array (first column) to temp location and then loops to bubble sort
tempRowIndex = 6
tempColIndex = 200
Range(Cells(rowStartIndex, colStartIndex), Cells(tempCal, colStartIndex)).Copy Destination:=Range(Cells(tempRowIndex, tempColIndex), Cells(tempRowIndex + tempCal, tempColIndex))
For iIndex = 0 To rowCount - 3 Step 1
For jIndex = 0 To rowCount - iIndex - 3 Step 1
rowIndex = jIndex + tempRowIndex
current = Cells(rowIndex, tempColIndex)
currentPlusOne = Cells(rowIndex + 1, tempColIndex)
If current > currentPlusOne Then
Cells(rowIndex, tempColIndex) = currentPlusOne
Cells(rowIndex + 1, tempColIndex) = current
End If
Next jIndex
Next iIndex
Dim tempFinalRowIndex, tempFinalColIndex As Long
tempFinalRowIndex = 6
tempFinalColIndex = 201
''''''This part compares the bubble sort and copies the row to the temp location
Dim orgRange, tempRange As Long
For iIndex = 0 To rowCount - 2 Step 1
rowIndex = iIndex + tempRowIndex
tempRange = Cells(rowIndex, tempColIndex)
'MsgBox (tempRange)
For jIndex = 0 To rowCount - 2 Step 1
rowIndex = jIndex + rowStartIndex
orgRange = Cells(rowIndex, colStartIndex)
If tempRange = orgRange Then
'MsgBox ("Match Found : \n (tempRange,orgRange) : (" & tempRange & "," & orgRange & ")")
Range(Cells(rowIndex, colStartIndex), Cells(rowIndex, colStartIndex + colCount - 1)).Copy Destination:=Cells(tempFinalRowIndex + iIndex, tempFinalColIndex)
End If
Next jIndex
Next iIndex
''Application.ScreenUpdating = True
''''''This copies the temp last back to the original range
Range(Cells(tempFinalRowIndex, tempFinalColIndex), Cells(tempFinalRowIndex + rowCount - 2, tempFinalColIndex + colCount - 1)).Copy Destination:=Range(Cells(rowStartIndex, colStartIndex), Cells(rowStartIndex + rowCount - 2, colStartIndex + colCount - 1))
''''deletes the temp rows
Range(Cells(tempFinalRowIndex - 1, tempFinalColIndex), Cells(tempFinalRowIndex + rowCount - 2, tempFinalColIndex + colCount - 1)).Delete
Range(Cells(tempRowIndex, tempColIndex), Cells(tempRowIndex + rowCount - 2, tempColIndex)).Delete
End Sub
感谢您的帮助! 布伦特
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Range(Cells(rowStartIndex, colStartIndex + 5), Cells(tempCal, colStartIndex + 5))
orgRange = Cells(rowIndex, colStartIndex + 5)