Sample Data:
ABC|20170101|DEF ||GHIJ|KLM
Target Table Definition:
COLA numeric(5,0)
COLB date
COLC text
COLD text
COLE text
First column should be mapped to COLA
Second column should be mapped to COLB
Third column should be mapped to COLD
Fourth column should be mapped to COLC
Fifth column should be mapped to Some default value(column is not present in source)
a)First column should be mapped to COLA. It is numeric in target table. If any alpha-characters were present, default this column with '0'. Otherwise, source value should be moved to table.
b)Second column should be mapped to COLB. TO_DATE function from text format. File will have date format as YYYYMMDD. It should be converted to date.
c)Third column should be mapped to COLD.Need to Trim both leading and trailing spaces.
d)Fourth column should be mapped to COLC. If it NULL, some value should be defaulted.
e)Only few columns from source file should be loaded. In this case, only first four columns should be loaded.
f)Different ordering in source files & target columns.In this case,
Third column should be mapped to COLD
Fourth column should be mapped to COLC
g)COLE should be loaded with default value. This column is not present in source file.