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答案 0 :(得分:0)
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP2("People","Name","Age","Sally")),"Name not Found",VLOOKUP2("Prople","Name","Age","Sally"))
Public Function VLOOKUP2(Sheet, LeftHeading, RightHeading, SearchTerm) As Variant
'This function will search a lookup table in the sheet specified by the 1st parameter 'Sheet'
'The Columns in the sheet must have a row of column headings at the top (1:1)
'The function will look for the 'SeachTerm' in the Column given by 'LeftHeading'
'Once found the function will return the value found in the column given by 'RightHeading'
'The function must be public so that the function can be called directly from a spreadsheet cell
Application.Volatile (True) 'Needed so that spreadsheet auto-calculation will trigger function execution
Set RangeLeft = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range("1:1").Find(LeftHeading, LookIn:=xlValues)
Set RangeRight = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range("1:1").Find(RightHeading, LookIn:=xlValues)
'We must use SET because a range is an object (not using set would recover the .value of the range)
If RangeLeft Is Nothing Then
VLOOKUP2 = "Error: Can't find heading '" + LeftHeading + "'"
ElseIf RangeRight Is Nothing Then
VLOOKUP2 = "Error: Can't find heading '" + RightHeading + "'"
RangeRefLeft = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range("1:1").Find(LeftHeading, LookIn:=xlValues).Address
RangeRefRight = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range("1:1").Find(RightHeading, LookIn:=xlValues).Address
ColLeft = Split(RangeRefLeft, "$")(1) 'Converts $G$1 into G (for example)
ColRight = Split(RangeRefRight, "$")(1) 'Converts $E$1 into E (for example)
Cols = Asc(ColRight) - Asc(ColLeft) + 1 'Works out how many columns are between the two headings
If Len(ColRight) > 1 Then
VLOOKUP2 = "Error: Lookup tables beyond Column Z are not supported"
ElseIf Cols < 2 Then
VLOOKUP2 = "Error: Left heading ('" + LeftHeading + "' at column " + ColLeft + ") & right heading ('" + RightHeading + "' at column " + ColRight + ") are out of order"
VlookupRange = ColLeft + ":" + ColRight 'Gives us G:E (for example)
'Finally we use the built-in Vlookup spreadsheet function:
VLOOKUP2 = Application.Vlookup(SearchTerm, ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range(VlookupRange), Cols, False)
'We use 'False' so that an exact match is required (Failed matches give an #NA error)
'This function (VLOOKUP2) must return a variant so that #NA can be passed back as an error
End If
End If
End Function
答案 1 :(得分:0)
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP2("People","Name","Age","Sally"),"Name not Found")
比你的例子短 - 如果有帮助的话。
答案 2 :(得分:0)
这次略有不同。仍然使用在命名列标题下搜索的想法,以帮助VBA在查找表中意外移动的列中生存。这次虽然使用了FIND并返回了完全匹配的结果数组。我无法使FINDNEXT工作,而是使用After:=参数使用FIND,但要注意它何时包装。 我发现当其他VBA例程调用该函数时,返回的匹配数组很有用,尽管在电子表格单元格中用于返回第一个匹配时也很方便(例如下面的例子)。虽然有点笨拙,但列标题的使用似乎为整个代码提供了额外的“自我记录”。
Public Function FINDALL(Sheet, SearchHeading, SearchTerm, RetValHeading) As Variant()
'This function searches under the given SearchHeading within the given sheet for matches against the SearchTerm
'For each matching row it obtains the contents of the cell under the column given by the RetValHeading.
'The values obtained are returned as an array. If the calling routine chooses to interpret the array as a single value then
'it obtains the first match. If there are no matches then a "" string is returned (no error).
'The Columns in the sheet must have a row of column headings at the top (1:1)
'The function must be public so that the function can be called directly from a spreadsheet cell
Dim RetValArray() As Variant ' We will grow the size of this array later using ReDim
Application.Volatile (True) 'Needed so that spreadsheet auto-calculation will trigger function execution
Set SearchRange = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range("1:1").Find(SearchHeading, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
Set RetValRange = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range("1:1").Find(RetValHeading, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
'We must use SET because a range is an object (not using set would recover the .value of the range)
If SearchRange Is Nothing Then
ReDim RetValArray(0): RetValArray(0) = "Error: Can't find heading '" + SearchHeading + "'"
ElseIf RetValRange Is Nothing Then
ReDim RetValArray(0): RetValArray(0) = "Error: Can't find heading '" + RetValHeading + "'"
SearchHeadingRangeRef = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range("1:1").Find(SearchHeading, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole).Address
SearchCol = Split(SearchHeadingRangeRef, "$")(1) 'Converts $G$1 into G (for example)
SearchRangeRef = SearchCol + ":" + SearchCol 'Now: G:G
Set SearchRange = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range(SearchRangeRef)
RetValHeadingRangeRef = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range("1:1").Find(RetValHeading, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole).Address
RetValCol = Split(RetValHeadingRangeRef, "$")(1) 'Converts $E$1 into E (for example) Set SearchRange = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range(SearchRangeRef)
On Error GoTo errorHandler
Matches = 0: SearchWrapped = False
Set CellFound = SearchRange.Find(SearchTerm, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If CellFound Is Nothing Then
ReDim RetValArray(0): RetValArray(0) = ""
CellFoundRef = CellFound.Address
FirstCellFoundRef = CellFoundRef
Do While Not SearchWrapped
Matches = Matches + 1
CellFoundRow = Split(CellFoundRef, "$")(2) 'Converts $G$5 into 5 (for example)
RetValRef = RetValCol + CellFoundRow
RetVal = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheet).Range(RetValRef).Value
If IsEmpty(RetVal) Then RetVal = ""
ReDim Preserve RetValArray(Matches - 1)
RetValArray(Matches - 1) = RetVal
Set CellFound = SearchRange.Find(SearchTerm, After:=CellFound, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
CellFoundRef = CellFound.Address
If CellFoundRef = FirstCellFoundRef Then SearchWrapped = True
End If
End If
FINDALL = RetValArray
Exit Function
ReDim RetValArray(0)
RetValArray(0) = Err.Number + ": " + Err.Description
FINDALL = RetValArray
End Function
这是一个示例查找表,其中包含在Cell G2中使用的函数: