脚本在当下工作正常。新目标很简单。解密cloacked主机。 Charybdis ircd可以选择屏蔽主机。 这里有一个cloacked主持人的例子:
[11:34:20] * BGChat13369 (~webirc@146.185.up.zu) has joined
我需要重写tcl来完成这项工作。我的意思是将这个cloacked主机解密为普通主机。 我相信上面的以下过程我可以做到这一点,但我不知道如何在孔脚本中包含这个。
bind pub - "!getip" getip
proc getip {nick uhost handle chan text} {
bind raw - 378 ip_from_whois
putserv "whois [lindex [split $text] 0 ]"
utimer 10 [list unbind raw - 378 ip_from_whois ]
proc ip_from_whois {from keyword text} {
###putserv "privmsg #test12 :text contains: $text"
putserv "privmsg #test12 :[lindex [split $text] end]"
<- :bgchat.abvnet.org 311 Kiril BGChat63052 ~webirc 84.2.xh.ry * :http://chatbg.info
<- :bgchat.abvnet.org 319 Kiril BGChat63052 :#SEX #xxl #Liberta #Bulgaria #40-50 #Pristis #goplay #Rousse #20-40 #Chat #30-40 #bourgas #VIP #BGChat
<- :bgchat.abvnet.org 312 Kiril BGChat63052 bgchat.abvnet.org :BGChat IRC Server
<- :bgchat.abvnet.org 378 Kiril BGChat63052 :is connecting from *@
<- :bgchat.abvnet.org 317 Kiril BGChat63052 28 1482399651 :seconds idle, signon time
<- :bgchat.abvnet.org 318 Kiril BGChat63052 :End of /WHOIS list.
# AntiFlood.tcl v1.0
# What type eggdrop will be?
# 0 - Guard ( do not need to check )
# 1 - checker ( it's a checker just sending a bad info )
# 2 - both ( Guard + Checker) ( Guard banning and sending bad data info to the other guards. )
set espam(how) "0"
# Botnet nicks ( Guards)
set espam(guards) "Oberon"
# From which botnet nicks will recieve information
set espam(leafs) "CIA"
set espam(ExemptFlags) "f"
# 1 - $nick!*@*
# 2 - *!*ident@www.linux.com
# 3 - *!*ident@*
# 4 - *!*@www.linux.com
set espam(BanType) "4"
set espam(Reason) "Detected spam (type - \$type) from you on \[e:now\] from \$u"
set espam(BanLast) 120
set espam(Global) {
{*join in*}
set espam(Public) {
{*/s irc.*}
set espam(Message) {
{*/s irc.*}
set espam(Notice) {
{*/s irc.*}
set espam(Quit) {
set espam(CTCP) {
{*/s irc.*}
set espam(CTCR) {
{*/s irc.*}
set espam(ExemptList) {
# Binds
bind pubm - * e:publicspam
bind msgm - * e:msgspam
bind notc - * e:notspam
bind sign - * e:quitspam
bind ctcp - * e:ctcpspam
bind ctcr - * e:ctcrspam
bind ctcp - DCC e:dccspam
proc e:publicspam {n u h c t} {
if {[e:isexempt $n $h $u]} {return}
if {[e:isspam Public $t]} {return}
e:punish $n $u $h Public
proc e:msgspam {n u h t} {
if {[e:isexempt $n $h $u]} {return}
if {[e:isspam Message $t]} {return}
e:punish $n $u $h Message
proc e:notspam {n u h t d} {
if {[e:isexempt $n $h $u]} {return}
if {[e:isspam Notice $t]} {return}
e:punish $n $u $h Notice
proc e:quitspam {n u c h t} {
if {[e:isexempt $n $h $u]} {return}
if {[e:isspam Quit $t]} {return}
e:punish $n $u $h Quit
proc e:ctcrspam {n u h d k t} {
if {[e:isexempt $n $h $u]} {return}
if {[e:isspam CTCR $t]} {return}
e:punish $n $u $h CTCR
proc e:ctcpspam {n u h d k t} {
if {[e:isexempt $n $h $u]} {return}
if {[e:isspam CTCP $t]} {return}
e:punish $n $u $h CTCP
proc e:dccspam {n u h d k t} {
if {[e:isexempt $n $h $u]} {return}
set file [string tolower [lindex [split $t] 1]]
if {[string match "*.exe" $file] || [string match "*.bat" $file] || [string match "*.zip" $file] ||
[string match "*.rar" $file] || [string match "*.zip" $file] || [string match "*.vbs" $file] ||
[string match "*.ini" $file] || [string length $t] > 130} {
e:punish $n $u $h DCC
proc e:isspam {type arg} {
global espam
if {$arg == ""} {return 1}
set arg [strip:all $arg]
if {[info exists espam(Global)] == 1} {
foreach estr $espam(Global) {
if {[string match -nocase $estr $arg] == 1} {
return 0
if {[info exists espam($type)] == 1} {
foreach estr $espam($type) {
if {[string match -nocase $estr $arg] == 1} {
return 0
return 1
proc e:punish {n u h type {c "1"}} {
if {[isbotnick $n]} {return 0}
if {[string match -nocase $c $::espam(leafs)]} {e:remspm $n $u $h $type}
switch $::espam(how) {
0 {e:remspm $n $u $h $type}
1 {e:tellgrds $n $u $h $type}
2 {e:tellgrds $n $u $h $type;e:remspm $n $u $h $type}
proc strip:color {string} {
regsub -all \003\[0-9\]{1,2}(,\[0-9\]{1,2})? $string {} string
return $string
proc strip:bold {string} {
regsub -all \002 $string {} string
return $string
proc strip:underline {string} {
regsub -all \037 $string {} string
return $string
proc strip:all {string} {
return [strip:color [strip:bold [strip:underline $string]]]
proc e:isexempt {nick hand host} {
if {[isbotnick $nick]} {return 1}
if {$hand == "*" || $hand == ""} {return 0}
if {$::espam(ExemptFlags) == ""} {return 0}
if {[matchattr $hand $::espam(ExemptFlags)] == 1} {return 1}
foreach exhost $::espam(ExemptList) {
if {[string match "*$exhost*" $host]} {return 1}
return 0
proc e:makeban {nick uhost} {
switch $::espam(BanType) {
1 {return "$nick!*@*"}
2 {return "*!*$uhost"}
3 {return "*!*[lindex [split $uhost "@"] 0]*@*"}
4 {
if {[string match "*html.chat" $uhost]} { set ban "*!*[lindex [split [maskhost $uhost] "!"] 1]" } { set ban "*@[lindex [split $uhost "@"] 1]"}
proc e:bannick {ban chan} {
if {$chan == "" || $ban == "*!*@*" || $ban == ""} {return}
if {[validchan $chan] == 1 && [botonchan $chan] == 1 && [botisop $chan] == 1} {
pushmode $chan +b $ban
proc e:now {} {
return [strftime "%d %b %Y %I:%M %P"]
proc e:remspm {n u h type} {
if {[e:isexempt $n $h $u]} {return}
set ban [e:makeban $n $u]
if {![string match $ban $::botname]} {
newban $ban $::botnick [subst $::espam(Reason)] $::espam(BanLast)
putquick "kline 1440 $ban [subst $::espam(Reason)]"
foreach chan [channels] {
if {[onchan $n $chan]} {
putkick $chan $n [subst $::espam(Reason)]
e:bannick $ban $chan
proc e:tellgrds {n u h type} {
foreach b $::espam(guards) {
putlog $b
putbot $b "ebgspamdetected $n $u $h $type"
bind bot - ebgspamdetected e:sdet
proc e:sdet {a b c} {
if {![string match $a $::espam(leafs)]} {return}
e:remspm [lindex $c 0] [lindex $c 1] [lindex $c 0] [lindex $c 3]
putlog "TCL | Anti Spam"