分析大图 - 检索聚类和计算最强路径

时间:2010-11-08 13:51:57

标签: sql graph-theory social-networking


CREATE PROCEDURE Breadth_First (@StartNode varchar(50), @LinkStrength decimal(10,7) = 0.1, @EndNode varchar(50) = NULL)
        -- Automatically rollback the transaction if something goes wrong.   
        SET XACT_ABORT ON   
        BEGIN TRAN

        -- Increase performance and do not intefere with the results.

        -- Create a temporary table for storing the discovered nodes as the algorithm runs
        CREATE TABLE #Discovered
             DiscoveredUser varchar(50) NOT NULL,    -- The Node Id
            Predecessor varchar(50) NULL,    -- The node we came from to get to this node.
            LinkStrength decimal(10,7) NULL, -- positive - from predecessor to  DiscoveredUser, negative - from  DiscoveredUser to predecessor
            OrderDiscovered int -- The order in which the nodes were discovered.

        -- Initially, only the start node is discovered.
        INSERT INTO #Discovered ( DiscoveredUser, Predecessor, LinkStrength, OrderDiscovered)
        VALUES (@StartNode, NULL, NULL, 0)

        -- Add all nodes that we can get to from the current set of nodes,
        -- that are not already discovered. Run until no more nodes are discovered.
        WHILE @@ROWCOUNT > 0
            -- If we have found the node we were looking for, abort now.
            IF @EndNode IS NOT NULL
                IF EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM #Discovered WHERE  DiscoveredUser = @EndNode)

            -- We need to group by ToNode and select one FromNode since multiple
            -- edges could lead us to new same node, and we only want to insert it once.
            INSERT INTO #Discovered ( DiscoveredUser, Predecessor, LinkStrength, OrderDiscovered)
            (SELECT mc.called_party, mc.calling_party, mc.link_strength, d.OrderDiscovered + 1
            FROM #Discovered d JOIN monthly_connections mc ON d. DiscoveredUser = mc.calling_party
            WHERE mc.called_party NOT IN (SELECT  DiscoveredUser From #Discovered) AND mc.link_strength > @LinkStrength
            SELECT mc.calling_party, mc.called_party, mc.link_strength * (-1), d.OrderDiscovered + 1
            FROM #Discovered d JOIN monthly_connections mc ON d. DiscoveredUser = mc.called_party
            WHERE mc.calling_party NOT IN (SELECT  DiscoveredUser FROM #Discovered) AND mc.link_strength > @LinkStrength

        -- Select the results. We use a recursive common table expression to
        -- get the full path from the start node to the current node.
        WITH BacktraceCTE(Predecessor,  DiscoveredUser, LinkStrength, OrderDiscovered, Path)
            -- Anchor/base member of the recursion, this selects the start node.
            SELECT d.Predecessor, n. DiscoveredUser, d.LinkStrength, d.OrderDiscovered, 
                CAST(n. DiscoveredUser AS varchar(MAX))
            FROM #Discovered d JOIN users n ON d. DiscoveredUser = n. DiscoveredUser
            WHERE d. DiscoveredUser = @StartNode

            UNION ALL

            -- Recursive member, select all the nodes which have the previous
            -- one as their predecessor. Concat the paths together.
            SELECT d.Predecessor, n. DiscoveredUser, d.LinkStrength, d.OrderDiscovered,
                CAST(cte.Path + ',' + CAST(n. DiscoveredUser as varchar(30)) as varchar(MAX))
            FROM #Discovered d JOIN BacktraceCTE cte ON d.Predecessor = cte. DiscoveredUser
            JOIN users n ON d. DiscoveredUser = n. DiscoveredUser

        SELECT Predecessor,  DiscoveredUser, LinkStrength, OrderDiscovered, Path FROM BacktraceCTE
        WHERE  DiscoveredUser = @EndNode OR @EndNode IS NULL -- This kind of where clause can potentially produce
        ORDER BY OrderDiscovered                -- a bad execution plan, but I use it for simplicity here.

        DROP TABLE #Discovered
        RETURN 0


无论如何,下一步是计算两个用户之间的最短(最强)链接(大约有3M用户)。我正在考虑使用Djikstra算法,但不确定是否有可能在我目前正在使用的PC上分析这样的网络(四核CPU 2.66 GHz,4GB RAM)并且数据存储在MS SQL Server 2008数据库中。


  1. 是否可以执行 查询与上面的查询一样复杂 描述图(28M连接,3M 用户)在描述的机器上 (2.66 GHz,4GB RAM)?
  2. 如果不可能有 其他可能的方法 执行时间可以缩短 (例如,创建具有部分的表格 结果)?
  3. 你推荐别的吗? 用于检测聚类的算法 计算最短路径 描述的图表?
  4. 谢谢!

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



declare @tmpPeople table(
  ixPerson int identity primary key,
  UserNodeID varchar(50),
  unique(UserNodeID, ix) -- this creates an index
Insert @tmpPeople(UserNodeID) select UserNodeID from NormalPeopleTable
declare @relationships table(
  ixParent int,
  ixChild int,
  unique(ixParent, ixChild),
  unique(ixChild, ixParent)
insert @relationships(ixParent, ixChild)
select distinct p.ixPerson, c.ixPerson
from NormalRelationshipsTable nr
inner join @tmpPeople p on p.UserNodeID = nr.ParentUserNodeID
inner join @tmpPeople c on c.UserNodeID = nr.ChildUserNodeID

-- OK now got a copy of all relationships, but it is a fraction of the size
-- because we are using integers for the keys.
-- if we need to we can insert the reverse relationships too.



declare @p1 table(
ix int identity primary key,
ixParent int,
ixChild int,
nDeep int,
-- Need indexes
unique(ixParent, ixChild, nDeep, ix),
unique(ixChild, ixParent, nDeep, ix)
-- That's now indexed both ways. 
-- If you only need one, you can comment the other out.
-- define @p2 the same

insert @p1 (ixParent, ixChild, nDeep) select @ixUserFrom, @ixUserFrom, 0
insert @p2 ..... @ixUserTo, @ixUserTo, 0

-- Breadth first goes like this.
-- Just keep repeating it till you get as far as you want.
insert @p1 (ixParent, ixChild, nDeep)
p1.ixChild, r.ixChild, p1.nDeep+1
from @p1 p1 inner join @relationships r on r.ixParent = p1.ixChild
-- may want to exclude those already in the table
where not exists (
    select 1 from @p1 p1 
    where p1.ixParent = p.ixChild and p1.ixChild = r.ixChild

对于“从Alice到Bob的距离”,您可以并行进行两次搜索,并在Alice的搜索包含Bob搜索中包含的任何人时停止。这也会使你的时间减少n ^ 2,其中n是平均连接数。


答案 1 :(得分:0)




编辑1:我能想到的唯一可以帮助你进行精确搜索的是稀疏矩阵的数学理论。你的问题类似于将社会关系强度矩阵提升到一系列不同的权力(权力n =人A和B之间的步长),并找出哪些单元格对每个(A,B)对具有最高值。这就是您对查询所做的事情,只有数据库查询可能不是实现此目的的最快方法。

虽然我对此无法帮助你。您可能需要查看Wikipedia for Sparse Matrix


答案 2 :(得分:0)

在进行分析之前,首先迁移到Graph DB可能会有所帮助。我没有亲自使用它们,但建议我尝试neo4j