I am unable to understand why I am getting invalid Email when I am trying to send emails to multiple recipients ...column 5 in my sheet contains the list of all recipients .
for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){//data contains the sheet data
// the last row which has to be updated
var lastUpdatedRow = updateSheet.getLastRow()+1;
var row = data[i];
var deviceModel = row[0];
var OS = row[1];
var name = row[4];
var recipientsTO = row[5];
var location = row[6]
MailApp.sendEmail(recipientsTO,subject, message, { htmlBody: html});
row [5] - 包含所有邮件地址 能够在行[5]中发送单个收件人但无法读取下一个可用的收件人地址