
时间:2016-12-18 03:46:32

标签: excel vba internet-explorer iframe automation



Public Sub FillOutOrder()

 Call ie.document.parentWindow.execScript("AddItems()", "JavaScript") 'Opens up the iFrame pop-up
 Dim iframe As Object
 Set iframe = ie.document.frames("ModalContainerDivframe") 'Name of the iFrame 
 iframe.document.getElementById("spWin_SearchProducts").Value = "266050104" 'id Value of the iFrame Search Box
 '^ This code is my last failed attempt. It just results in an error.
   The code below are things I have tried that haven't worked.

'    Set iDoc = ie.document.frames("ModalContainerDivframe").document
'     For Each iFrame In iDoc
'                  If iFrame.ID = "spWin_SearchProducts" Then
'                      iFrame.value = "266050104"
'                      Do Until ie.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE:     DoEvents: Loop
'                      Do Until ie.document.readyState = "complete":   DoEvents: Loop
'                  Exit For
'                  End If
'              Next

 'iFrame source URL
 '../common/popups/searchproducts2_container.cfm?  Type=Master&SubType=BO&theId=6248538&dellocID=460418&showPriceQuantity=1&maskSave=1&_Key=5AF2B88C9056EF8DA4DFEAD048BDCDA3B7FC5D9B7B845D9A40D1942892D8AB460F83D1819EBA895E0CDF2A88DD6E96E9ABCE3CD454B8DFB9D208D2A9FCCD0581CC0CC09F2982851C989099D180EAC5D2DE1ECF9C91B410B6A89616987EEC57A1EB4CBB9E4ED4C15EAE459038464D48D217&_r=4.488391390158245

'Current Window URL 

End Sub

如果您对如何解决此问题有任何想法,请与我们联系。 谢谢!

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