for(unsigned int it = 0; it < its; ++it)
#pragma omp parallel
* Run the position integrator, reset the
* acceleration, update the acceleration, update the velocity.
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, blockSize)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numBods; ++i)
Body* body = &bodies[i];
body->position += (body->velocity * timestep);
body->position += (0.5 * body->acceleration * timestep * timestep);
* Update velocity for half-timestep, then reset the acceleration.
body->velocity += (0.5f) * body->acceleration * timestep;
body->acceleration = Vector3();
* Calculate the acceleration.
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, blockSize)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numBods; ++i)
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < numBods; ++j)
if(j > i)
Body* body = &bodies[i];
Body* bodyJ = &bodies[j];
* Calculating some of the subsections of the acceleration formula.
Vector3 rij = bodyJ->position - body->position;
double sqrDistWithEps = rij.SqrMagnitude() + epsilon2;
double oneOverDistCubed = 1.0 / sqrt(sqrDistWithEps * sqrDistWithEps * sqrDistWithEps);
double scalar = oneOverDistCubed * gravConst;
body->acceleration += bodyJ->mass * scalar * rij;
bodyJ->acceleration -= body->mass * scalar * rij; //Newton's Third Law.
* Velocity for the full timestep.
#pragma omp for schedule(dynamic, blockSize)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numBods; ++i)
bodies[i].velocity += (0.5 * bodies[i].acceleration * timestep);
* Don't want I/O to be parallel
for(unsigned int index = 1; index < bodies.size(); ++index)
outFile << bodies[index] << std::endl;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
single pragma
OpenMP *严格来说是一个fork / join线程模型。在一些OpenMP中 实现,线程在并行区域的开头创建 并在平行区域的末端被摧毁。 OpenMP应用程序 通常有几个具有插入序列的并行区域 区域。 为每个并行区域创建和销毁线程都可以 导致显着的系统开销,特别是如果是并行区域 在一个循环中; 因此,英特尔OpenMP实现使用 线程池。首先创建一个工作线程池 平行区域。这些线程在程序期间存在 执行。如果请求,可以自动添加更多线程 程序。直到最后一个并行区域,线程才会被销毁 被执行。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
OpenMP模型通常显示为fork-join范例。但出于性能原因,在加入结束时线程不会被杀死。在某些实现中,例如Intel OpenMP,线程在挂起之前在连接结束时等待一个特定时间段的自旋锁(请参阅https://software.intel.com/en-us/node/522775上的KMP_BLOCKTIME)。