所以我有ini file
Function Parse-IniFile ($file)
$ini = @{}
# Create a default section if none exist in the file. Like a java prop file.
$section = "NO_SECTION"
$ini[$section] = @{}
switch -regex -file $file
$section = $matches[1].Trim()
$ini[$section] = @{}
$name,$value = $matches[1..2]
# skip comments that start with semicolon:
if (!($name.StartsWith(";")))
$ini[$section][$name] = $value.Trim()
$iniFile = Parse-IniFile "myFile.ini"
$value= $iniFile["blabla"]
答案 0 :(得分:3)
[something] foo=23 bar=42 [other] baz=5
HWND activeWindow = GetForegroundWindow();
if (activeWindow)
HBRUSH brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0, 0, 0));
SetClassLongPtr(activeWindow, GCLP_HBRBACKGROUND, (LONG)brush);
InvalidateRect(activeWindow, NULL, TRUE);
int redraw = ::UpdateWindow(activeWindow);
'something' = @{
'foo' = 23
'bar' = 42
'other' = @{
'baz' = 5
答案 1 :(得分:0)
在选择的哈希表数据模型中,您需要知道部分名称以确定给定属性键的属性值 ;这个数据模型如下:
$y = @{ 'sectionname' = @{ 'propertykey' = 'propertyvalue' } }
对于给定的属性键,您可以更直接地(我敢说第一手)访问属性值 反转哈希表数据模型:
$x = @{ 'propertykey' = @{ 'sectionname' = 'propertyvalue' } }
下一个脚本代码段中的 Parse-FileIni
Function Parse-FileIni ($file)
Function add_ini ( $auxadd )
if ( -not $ini.ContainsKey($name) )
$ini[$name] = @{}
$ini[$name][$section] = $value.Trim()
if ( $auxadd ) { $aux[$section]++ }
$ini = @{} # create output object
$aux = @{} # create properties counter for sections
$section = '[]' # section default name for out-of-sectionproperties
#switch -regex -file $file # garbles ANSI characters above 0x7F
# works for (plain) ASCII, UTF-8 and files with BOM
switch -regex ( Get-Content $file )# -Encoding Default (i.e. ANSI)
'^\[(.+)\]$' # [section]
$section = $matches[1].Trim()
if ( -not $aux.ContainsKey( $section ) ) {
$aux[ $section ] = [int] 0
'^\s*([^#\[;].+?)\s*=\s*(.*)' # 'name=value'; works as well for 'name='
$name,$value = $matches[1..2]
add_ini $true
'^\s*([^;\[#][^=]+?)$' # name (omitted '=' or '=value')
$name = $matches[1].Trim()
$value = ''
add_ini $true
$name,$value = '','' # add empty sections
$aux.Keys | ForEach-Object {
if ( $aux[$_] -eq 0 ) {
$section = $_
add_ini $false
$ini # return an object
Function Parse-IniFile ($file)
$ini = @{}
# Create a default section if none exist in the file. Like a java prop file.
$section = "_NO_SECTION"
$ini[$section] = @{}
#switch -regex -file $file
switch -regex ( Get-Content $file )
$section = $matches[1].Trim()
if (-not $ini.ContainsKey($section)) { $ini[$section] = @{} }
$name,$value = $matches[1..2]
$ini[$section][$name] = $value.Trim()
$name = $matches[1].Trim()
$value = ''
$ini[$section][$name] = $value.Trim()
$iniFile = ''
$iniFile = Parse-IniFile "d:\test\Google.ini"
$iniFile | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap
$iniFili = ''
$iniFili = Parse-FileIni "d:\test\Google.ini"
; PSPad configuration file for Google interface - adapted for testing ;; fake properties out of sections foo="bar" bubu= ; Search only pages in selected language [Language] Czech=lang_cz English=lang_en ;; misunderstood (fake) use UK=English ; For search use selected Google server [GoogleServer] Česká Republika=www.google.cz Österreich=www.google.at UK=www.google.co.uk ;; multiple section declaration: simply merge their properties together [Language] German=lang_de ;; second occurrence of a property name: discard and override the first occurrence Czech=lang_cs ;; fake empty section - somewhere in middle [Client] ; Search only selected server [ServerSearch] ;; only keys, no values, missing or present = pspad.com php.net= w3.org ;; fake empty section - at the foot of file [Protocol]
PS D:\PShell> D:\PShell\SO\41138597_Parse-IniFile.ps1 -iniFile- Name Value ---- ----- _NO_SECTION {bubu, foo} GoogleServer {UK, Česká Republika, Österreich} Client {} Language {English, German, UK, Czech} ServerSearch {w3.org, pspad.com, php.net} Protocol {} -iniFili- Name Value ---- ----- bubu {[]} UK {GoogleServer, Language} Czech {Language} w3.org {ServerSearch} php.net {ServerSearch} Österreich {GoogleServer} English {Language} Česká Republika {GoogleServer} German {Language} foo {[]} pspad.com {ServerSearch} {Client, Protocol} PS D:\PShell> $iniFili['UK'] Name Value ---- ----- GoogleServer www.google.co.uk Language English PS D:\PShell> $iniFili['UK']['GoogleServer'] www.google.co.uk