
时间:2016-12-14 03:55:54

标签: android rxandroidble

我正在连接的BLE设备在其GATT特性之一上发出字节以响应对特征的写入。客户端应该启用该特性的通知,并解释特征上的更改字节。 (我正在控制的行为是打开附近无线网络的扫描服务,然后收听服务输出。)




            .subscribe(new Observer<RxBleConnection>() {
                public void onCompleted() { // ignore...

                public void onError(Throwable e) { // ignore...

                public void onNext(final RxBleConnection connection) {
                              .flatMap(new Func1<RxBleConnection, Observable<Observable<byte[]>>>() {
                                  public Observable<Observable<byte[]>> call(RxBleConnection connection) {
                                      return connection.setupNotification(AP_SCAN_DATA);
                            .doOnNext(new Action1<Observable<byte[]>>() {
                                public void call(Observable<byte[]> observable) {
                                    Log.i(TAG, "notification has been set up");
                                    // This code logs on DEBUG that a write was made, but no response ever arrives 
                                    connection.writeCharacteristic(AP_SCAN_DATA, CharacteristicValue.RESET.asBytes())

                            .flatMap(new Func1<Observable<byte[]>, Observable<byte[]>>() {
                                public Observable<byte[]> call(Observable<byte[]> observable) {
                                    return observable;
                            .doOnNext(new Action1<byte[]>() {
                                public void call(byte[] bytes) {
                                    Log.i(TAG, "want to read response bytes here, but I don't... " + HexString.bytesToHex(bytes));

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

已经有一个主题可供您找到一些见解 - &gt; RxAndroidBle keeping a persistant connection + Write/Notification handling


            .flatMap( // when the connection is available...
                    rxBleConnection -> rxBleConnection.setupNotification(AP_SCAN_DATA), // ... setup the notification...
                    (rxBleConnection, apScanDataNotificationObservable) -> Observable.combineLatest( // ... when the notification is setup...
                            rxBleConnection.writeCharacteristic(AP_SCAN_DATA, writeValue), // ... write the characteristic...
                            apScanDataNotificationObservable.first(), // ... and observe for the first notification on the AP_SCAN_DATA
                            (writtenBytes, responseBytes) -> responseBytes // ... when both will appear return just the response bytes...
            .flatMap(observable -> observable) // ... flatMap the result as it is Observable<byte[]>...
            .first() // ... and finish after first response is received to cleanup notifications
                    responseBytes -> { /* consume the response here */ },
                    throwable -> { /* handle exception */ }

仅供参考 - 您应该在每个.subscribe()处理错误,除非您100%确定Observable不会发出错误。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

对于那些不使用支持lambdas的Java版本的读者,这里是@ s_noopy答案的实现。

    .flatMap(new Func1<RxBleConnection, Observable<Observable<byte[]>>>() {
            public Observable<Observable<byte[]>> call(RxBleConnection connection) {
                return connection.setupNotification(AP_SCAN_DATA);
        }, new Func2<RxBleConnection, Observable<byte[]>, Observable<byte[]>>() {
            public Observable<byte[]> call(RxBleConnection connection, Observable<byte[]> apScanDataNotificationObservable) {
                return Observable.combineLatest(
                    connection.writeCharacteristic(AP_SCAN_DATA, CharacteristicValue.RESET.asBytes()),
                    new Func2<byte[], byte[], byte[]>() {
                        public byte[] call(byte[] writtenBytes, byte[] responseBytes) {
                                    return responseBytes;
            ).flatMap(new Func1<Observable<byte[]>, Observable<byte[]>>() {
                public Observable<byte[]> call(Observable<byte[]> observable) {
                    return observable;
            .subscribe(new Action1<byte[]>() {
                public void call(byte[] bytes) {
                    Log.i(TAG, "notification response...." + HexString.bytesToHex(bytes));
            }, new Action1<Throwable>() {
                public void call(Throwable throwable) {