TCL - 将JSON解析为哈希/数组

时间:2016-12-08 08:11:16

标签: arrays json hash tcl



proc dict2json {dictVal} {
    # XXX: Currently this API isn't symmetrical, as to create proper
    # XXX: JSON text requires type knowledge of the input data
    set json ""

    dict for {key val} $dictVal {
    # key must always be a string, val may be a number, string or
    # bare word (true|false|null)
    if {0 && ![string is double -strict $val]
        && ![regexp {^(?:true|false|null)$} $val]} {
        set val "\"$val\""
        append json "\"$key\": $val," \n

    return "\{${json}\}"

set json {{"Object1":{"Year":"2012","Quarter":"Q3","DataType":"Other 3","Environment":"STEVE","Amount":125},"Object2":{"Year":"2012","Quarter":"Q4","DataType":"Other 2","Environment":"MIKE","Amount":500}}}

puts [dict2json $json]


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


% package require json

% set json {{"Object1":{"Year":"2012","Quarter":"Q3","DataType":"Other 3","Environment":"STEVE","Amount":125},"Object2":{"Year":"2012","Quarter":"Q4","DataType":"Other 2","Environment":"MIKE","Amount":500}}}
{"Object1":{"Year":"2012","Quarter":"Q3","DataType":"Other 3","Environment":"STEVE","Amount":125},"Object2":{"Year":"2012","Quarter":"Q4","DataType":"Other 2","Environment":"MIKE","Amount":500}}

% ::json::json2dict $json
Object1 {Year 2012 Quarter Q3 DataType {Other 3} Environment STEVE Amount 125} Object2 {Year 2012 Quarter Q4 DataType {Other 2} Environment MIKE Amount 500}

json软件包未与ActiveTcl捆绑在一起,但可以与teacup install json一起安装,或者通过获取文件json.tcljson_tcl.tcl来安装,如果有的话Tcl 8.5或更高版本,以及pkgIndex.tcl。将这些文件放在Tcl找到它们的地方(puts $auto_path会给你一个地方列表)。

文档: json (package)packageset