
时间:2016-12-06 21:24:25

标签: java data-structures binary-tree

// BinTree class
// this class implements a binary tree
// the tree is unbounded. fields are
//     info: the value stored in the node (generic type)
//     left:   pointer to the left subtree
//     right:  pointer to the right subtree
//     parent: pointer to the parent
//     preOrderQueue: queue of nodes for preorder traversal
//                    left, right, and parent are public to allow the client                                           //                        code to manipulate the tree as needed
// methods:
//     constructor to create empty tree
//     constructor to create tree with one node
//     constructor to create tree given the root value, and
//          pointers to the left and right subtrees
//     get and set methods for the info field
//     isEmpty 
//     attachLeft:  if there is no left child, attach the given tree as
//                  the new left child; otherwisethrowTreeViolationException
//     attachRight: if there is no right child, attach the given tree as the          //                      new right child; otherwise throw TreeViolationException
//     detachLeft:  detach and return the left child
//     detachRight: detach and return the right child
//     root:        return the root of the tree

public class BinTree<T> implements BinTreeInterface<T> {

    protected T info;
    public BinTree<T> left;
    public BinTree<T> right;
    public BinTree<T> parent;
    private LinkedUnbndQueue<T> preOrderQueue;

// create an empty tree
    public BinTree() {
        info = null;
        left = null;
        right = null;
        parent = null;

// create a tree with one node
    public BinTree(T item) {

    info = item;
    right = null;   //idk
    left = null;   //idk

// create a tree where the root contains item
// link the left and right subtrees to the root
// don't forget to set the parent pointers
    public BinTree(T item, BinTree<T> ltree, BinTree<T> rtree) {

          info = item;
          right = rtree;
          left = ltree;

          ltree = null;
          rtree = null;


// return the info field
    public T getInfo() {
        return info;

// set the info field
    public void setInfo(T newitem) {
        info = newitem;

// attach the parm as the left child of the current node
// throw TreeViolationException if the current node already has a left child
    public void attachLeft(BinTree<T> tree) {

        if (this.left != null)
        throw new TreeViolationException("Current node already has a left              child");

             this.left = tree;

// attach the parm as the right child of the current node
// throw TreeViolationException if the current node already has a right child
    public void attachRight(BinTree<T> tree) {

            if (this.right != null)
                throw new TreeViolationException("Current node already has a   right child");

                     this.right = tree;

// detach the left child and return it
     public BinTree<T> detachLeft() {

           return this.left;

// detach the right child and return it
    public BinTree<T> detachRight() {

        return this.right;



public BinTree<T> root() {

     if (this.parent == null)
         return this;

         return this.root();
        /// return parent;

// Initializes preOrderQueue with tree elements in preOrder order.
    public void preOrder(BinTree<T> tree)  {
        if (tree != null) {

// calls preorder to create queue of nodes in the tree
    public void reset()  {
      preOrderQueue = new LinkedUnbndQueue<T>();

// removes and returns the next node in the preorder queue
// returns null if the queue is empty
    public T getNext()  {
        if (preOrderQueue.isEmpty())
            return null;
            return preOrderQueue.dequeue();


这是我的驱动程序代码。 //当我编译fr预订时,它只打印出75及以下的bcz当前节点是75.为什么它不能遍历25和50?

public class useTree {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Integer num;
        BinTree<Integer> mytree = new BinTree<Integer>(25);
        BinTree<Integer> subtree = new BinTree<Integer>(50);
        subtree = new BinTree<Integer>(75);

        // subtree = new BinTree<Integer>(10);
        // mytree.attachRight(subtree);
        //         25
        //       /    \
        //     50      75

        subtree = new BinTree<Integer>(10);
        subtree.attachRight(new BinTree<Integer>(100));
        subtree.attachLeft(new BinTree<Integer>(200));
        mytree = mytree.right;

        //         25
        //       /    \
        //     50      75
        //            /
        //           10
        //          /  \
        //        200  100

        mytree = mytree.root();
        System.out.println("\npreorder traversal:");
        num = mytree.getNext();
        while (num != null) {
        num = mytree.getNext();


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

public BinTree root() {
    if (parent == null) return null;

    BinTree tmp = parent;
    while (tmp.parent != null) {
        tmp = tmp.parent;
    return tmp;



public void attachRight(BinTree<T> tree) {

    if (this.right != null)
        throw new TreeViolationException("Current node already has a   right child");

    else {
        this.right = tree;
        tree.parent = this;

适当地分配子分支的父分支。而且,你的分离方法也是错误的。您只是返回右/左分支,但您应首先分离 / 删除

BinTree branch = this.right; // or left
this.right = null;
return branch;

答案 1 :(得分:0)

public BinTree root() {

 if (this.parent == null)
     return this;

     return this.root();
    /// return parent;



 public BinTree root() {
     if (this.parent == null)
         return this;
         return this.parent.root();



private LinkedUnbndQueue<T> preOrderQueue;

树的每个节点都有自己的队列?那不对。如果您确实要生成队列,请将队列对象传递给相关方法。而且,为什么preOrder方法需要树参数 - 它不是静态方法; &#34;这&#34;作为一个隐含的论点。

public void preOrder(LinkedUnbndQueue<T> preOrderQueue)  {
    if (left != null) left.preOrder(preOrderQueue);
    if (right != null) right.preOrder(preOrderQueue);


