
时间:2016-12-06 13:45:09

标签: informix

Public Sub RefreshRowNumbers(g As DataGridView)
    For Each r As DataGridViewRow In g.Rows
        r.Cells(1).Value = r.Index + 1
End Sub

Private Sub DataGridView1_RowsRemoved(sender As Object, _
    e As DataGridViewRowsRemovedEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.RowsRemoved
    RefreshRowNumbers(DirectCast(sender, DataGridView))
End Sub

Private Sub DataGridView1_RowsAdded(sender As Object, _
    e As DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.RowsAdded
    RefreshRowNumbers(DirectCast(sender, DataGridView))
End Sub


这是我的sql trace输出:

create view "informix".v_prod_cost (ship_no,dc_id,whse_id,cust_id,prod_id,
          unit_cost_excl,unit_cost_incl,vat_perc,is_catch_wght,tot_cost_excl,tot_cost_incl) as 
  SELECT x3.ship_no, x1.dc_id, x1.whse_id, x4.cust_id, x1.prod_id, 
    x5.case_cost, round(((x5.case_cost * (x7.cvat_desc ::smallint 
    + 100. ) ) / 100.0000000000000000 ) , 2 ), x7.cvat_desc,
    CASE WHEN ((x4.catch_wgt_ctl = 'Y' ) AND (x5.catch_wgt_cntl 
    = 'Y' ) )  THEN 'Y'  WHEN ((x4.catch_wgt_ctl = 'N' ) AND (x5.catch_wgt_cntl 
    = 'Y' ) )  THEN 'N'  ELSE 'N'  END,
    CASE WHEN ((x4.catch_wgt_ctl 
    = 'Y' ) AND (x5.catch_wgt_cntl = 'Y' ) )  THEN round(sum((select 
    (sum(x9.catch_wgt ) * x5.case_cost ) from "informix".icwma 
    x8 ,"informix".icwmad x9 where (((((((((((x8.cwma_id = x9.cwma_id 
    ) AND (x8.dc_id = x1.dc_id ) ) AND (x8.whse_id = x1.whse_id 
    ) ) AND (x8.curr_pal_no = x1.curr_pal_no ) ) AND (x8.ord_id 
    = x1.ord_id ) ) AND (x8.prod_id = x1.prod_id ) ) AND (x8.invc_id 
    = x1.invc_id ) ) AND (x8.sgmt_id = x1.sgmt_id ) ) AND (x8.unit_ship_cse 
    = x1.unit_ship_cse ) ) AND (x8.assg_id = x1.assg_id ) ) AND 
    (x8.ckpt_id = x1.ckpt_id ) ) ) ) , 2 )  WHEN ((x4.catch_wgt_ctl 
    = 'N' ) AND (x5.catch_wgt_cntl = 'Y' ) )  THEN round(sum((((x1.prod_qty 
    / x1.unit_ship_cse ) * x1.prod_wgt ) * x5.case_cost ) ) ,
     2 )  ELSE round(sum((x1.prod_qty * x5.case_cost ) ) , 2 
    )  END,
    CASE WHEN ((x4.catch_wgt_ctl = 'Y' ) AND (x5.catch_wgt_cntl 
    = 'Y' ) )  THEN round(sum((select (((sum(x11.catch_wgt ) * 
    x5.case_cost ) * (x7.cvat_desc ::smallint + 100. ) ) / 100.0000000000000000 
    ) from "informix".icwma x10 ,"informix".icwmad x11 where (((((((((((x10.cwma_id 
    = x11.cwma_id ) AND (x10.dc_id = x1.dc_id ) ) AND (x10.whse_id 
    = x1.whse_id ) ) AND (x10.curr_pal_no = x1.curr_pal_no ) 
    ) AND (x10.ord_id = x1.ord_id ) ) AND (x10.prod_id = x1.prod_id 
    ) ) AND (x10.invc_id = x1.invc_id ) ) AND (x10.sgmt_id = 
    x1.sgmt_id ) ) AND (x10.unit_ship_cse = x1.unit_ship_cse 
    ) ) AND (x10.assg_id = x1.assg_id ) ) AND (x10.ckpt_id = 
    x1.ckpt_id ) ) ) ) , 2 )  WHEN ((x4.catch_wgt_ctl = 'N' ) 
    AND (x5.catch_wgt_cntl = 'Y' ) )  THEN round(sum(((((x1.prod_qty 
    / x1.unit_ship_cse ) * x1.prod_wgt ) * x5.case_cost ) * (x7.cvat_desc 
    ::smallint + 100. ) ) ) , 2 )  ELSE round(sum((((x1.prod_qty 
    * x5.case_cost ) * (x7.cvat_desc ::smallint + 100. ) ) / 
    100.0000000000000000 ) ) , 2 )  END
  FROM "informix".ishs x0, 
       "informix".ishd x1, "informix".irtst x2, "informix".crtst x3,
       "informix".icust x4, "informix".iprod x5, "informix".cprod x6,
       "informix".cvat x7
 WHERE ((((((((((((x0.shs_id = x1.shs_id 
    ) AND (x0.dc_id = x1.dc_id ) ) AND (x0.whse_id = x1.dc_id 
    ) ) AND (x0.rtst_id = x2.rtst_id ) ) AND (x0.dc_id = x2.dc_id 
    ) ) AND (x1.whse_id = x2.dc_id ) ) AND (x2.rtst_id = x3.rtst_id 
    ) ) AND (x1.cust_id = x4.cust_id ) ) AND (x1.dc_id = x5.dc_id 
    ) ) AND (x1.prod_id = x5.prod_id ) ) AND (x5.prod_id = x6.prod_id 
    ) ) AND (x6.vat_ind = x7.vat_ind ) )
GROUP BY x3.ship_no, x1.dc_id, x1.whse_id, x4.cust_id, x1.prod_id,
    x5.case_cost, 7, x7.cvat_desc, 9, x4.catch_wgt_ctl, x5.catch_wgt_cntl 


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