函数查找哪个原型最适合所有原型 提供的设施。
public List<ArchetypesLokaal> GetArchetypeUitFaciliteiten(List<FaciliteitenLokaalFixed> faciliteiten)
var archetypes = new List<ArchetypesLokaal>();
var sortedArchetypes = new List<ArchetypesLokaal>();
//Iterate over all the archetypes
foreach(var archetype in db.ArchetypesLokaals)
//Get all the facilities that are present in archetype
var temp = GetFaciliteitenVoorArchetype(archetype);
//Create a new list to add all the facilities that are matched
var temp2 = new List<FaciliteitenLokaalFixed>();
//Iterate over the facilities provided as a parameter, these are the facilities that have to be present in the archetype
foreach(var faciliteit in faciliteiten)
//CHeck if facility is present in an archetype
var aanwezig = temp.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Naam.Equals(faciliteit.Naam));
if (aanwezig!=null)
//Add if it's present
var needed = faciliteiten.Count;
var present = temp2.Count;
//Compare how many facilities were met
if (present / needed >= .5)
//Todo: sort archetypes by % facilities that were met
return archetypes;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
如果我理解正确,您需要根据present = temp2.Count
var archetypes = new List<Tuple<int, ArchetypesLokaal>>();
//Iterate over all the archetypes
foreach(var archetype in db.ArchetypesLokaals)
//Get all the facilities that are present in archetype
var temp = GetFaciliteitenVoorArchetype(archetype);
//Create a new list to add all the facilities that are matched
var temp2 = new List<FaciliteitenLokaalFixed>();
//Iterate over the facilities provided as a parameter, these are the facilities that have to be present in the archetype
foreach(var faciliteit in faciliteiten)
//CHeck if facility is present in an archetype
var aanwezig = temp.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Naam.Equals(faciliteit.Naam));
if (aanwezig!=null)
//Add if it's present
var needed = faciliteiten.Count;
var present = temp2.Count;
//Compare how many facilities were met
if (present / needed >= .5)
archetypes.Add(new Tuple<int, ArchetypesLokaal>(present, archetype));
return archetypes.OrderByDescending(q => q.Item1).Select(q => q.Item2).ToList();
答案 1 :(得分:1)
var matchedArchetypes = archetypes
.Select(x => new { arch = x, cnt = x.Faciliteits.Join(faciliteitNaams, a => a.Naam, b => b.Naam, (a, b) => a).Count() })
答案 2 :(得分:1)
var archetypeUitFaciliteiten = db.ArchetypesLokaals.Select(archetypeLokaal => {
var faciliteitenVoorArchetype = GetFaciliteitenVoorArchetype(archetypeLokaal);
return new {
ArcheType = archetypeLokaal,
Present = faciliteiten.Count(f => faciliteitenVoorArchetype.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Naam.Equals(f.Naam)) != null),
Needed = faciliteiten.Count
(对不起,如果我屠杀了这种语言 - 我不会说荷兰语)