
时间:2016-11-26 15:36:30

标签: c

我是新来的,我的作业需要帮助。我有这个二进制文件阅读器功能,直到我在结构中更改了变量类型之前,它一直运行良好。所以变量是typedef struct planetype { char t[10 + 1]; struct planetype next; }planeytype; typedef struct planedata { char name[60 + 1]; char nation[4 + 1]; int speed; int max_altitude; int takeoff_run; int weight; int max_bomb_weight; int max_ammo_count; double caliber; struct planetype* tp; struct planedata* next; } planedata; void new_type(planedata *akt, char* value) //pipa { planetype* type = (planetype*)malloc(sizeof(planetype)); strcpy(type->t, value); type->next = akt->tp; akt->tp = type; //printf("%s", value); } void bin_read(planedata*head) { int IsEnd = 0; char ch = '\0'; char tempname[40 + 1]; FILE *f1; int n; int i; char *k; planedata* data = head->next; f1 = fopen("type.dat", "rb"); while (!IsEnd) { n = 0; while (ch != ' ' && IsEnd != 1) { fread(&ch, sizeof(char), 1, f1); if (ch == '\n') { IsEnd = 1; } if (ch != '\n') { tempname[n] = ch; printf("%c", ch); n++; } } if (IsEnd != 1) { tempname[n - 1] = '\0'; printf("%s ", tempname); data = PlaneName(head, tempname); for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) { fread(&k, sizeof(int), 1, f1); printf("%s", k); new_type(data, k); } } fread(&ch, sizeof(char), 1, f1); } fclose(f1); } ,现在它是new_type结构中的char [n]字符串。 现在代码冻结了。



当调试器到达strings.txt函数和@input = EXTRACT filepath string FROM "/input/strings.txt" USING Extractors.Tsv(); // Give the strings a row-number @input = SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER() AS rn, filepath FROM @input; // Get the cities @cities = EXTRACT city string FROM "/input/cities.txt" USING Extractors.Tsv(); // Ensure there is a lower-case version of city for matching / joining @cities = SELECT city, city.ToLower() AS lowercase_city FROM @cities; // Explode the filepath into separate rows @working = SELECT rn, new SQL.ARRAY<string>(filepath.Split('\\')) AS pathElement FROM @input AS i; // Explode the filepath string, also changing to lower case @working = SELECT rn, x.pathElement.ToLower() AS pathElement FROM @working AS i CROSS APPLY EXPLODE(pathElement) AS x(pathElement); // Create the output query, joining on lower case city name, display, normal case name @output = SELECT c.city, COUNT( * ) AS records FROM @working AS w INNER JOIN @cities AS c ON w.pathElement == c.lowercase_city GROUP BY c.city; // Output the result OUTPUT @output TO "/output/output.txt" USING Outputters.Tsv(); //OUTPUT @working TO "/output/output2.txt" //USING Outputters.Tsv(); 行时,程序就会死掉。

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