安装opencv,否则一切顺利$ brew install opencv
==> Installing opencv from homebrew/science
==> Installing dependencies for homebrew/science/opencv: mpfr, libmpc, isl, gcc, sphinx-doc, cmake, eigen, jpeg, libpng, libtiff, ilmbase, openexr, homebrew/python/numpy
==> Installing homebrew/science/opencv dependency: mpfr
==> Using the sandbox
Error: mpfr cannot be built with any available compilers.
Install GNU's GCC
brew install gcc
当我尝试更多并通过brew install gcc
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
No changes to formulae.
Error: Could not link:
Please delete these paths and run `brew update`.
Error: Could not link:
Please delete these paths and run `brew update`.
Error: Could not link:
Please delete these paths and run `brew update`.
Error: Could not link:
Please delete these paths and run `brew update`.
==> Installing dependencies for gcc: mpfr, libmpc, isl
==> Installing gcc dependency: mpfr
==> Using the sandbox
Error: mpfr cannot be built with any available compilers.
Install GNU's GCC
brew install gcc
当我删除所有上述路径并运行brew update
和brew install gcc
==> Installing dependencies for gcc: mpfr, libmpc, isl
==> Installing gcc dependency: mpfr
==> Using the sandbox
Error: mpfr cannot be built with any available compilers.
Install GNU's GCC
brew install gcc