我目前正在尝试构建一个数据类型Time(),它与主类的输入交互,在12小时时钟上创建一个时间(例如输入(16,47),会给你4:47 PM )这些方法可以对通常被认为无效的输入数据进行调整,使其再次准确(例如,(28,-148)的输入值将从评估为28小时后的2小时28分钟移除(25,32)并且25将评估为1,给出时间为1:32 AM)。根据这个驱动程序,我从目前创建的内容中得到了错误的值。
package newProject;
* A program to test the Time class.
public class TestTime {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Basic Times\n"
+ "-----------");
testTime(12, 30, 12, 30, "12:30 PM");
testTime(16, 16, "4:00 PM");
testTime(0, 0, 0, 0, "12:00 AM");
testTime(0, 10, 0, 10, "12:10 AM");
testTime(1, 5, 1, 5, "1:05 AM");
testTime(11, 59, 11, 59, "11:59 AM");
testTime(12, 12, "12:00 PM");
testTime(12,1,12,1, "12:01 PM");
testTime(13,55,13,55, "1:55 PM");
testTime(23,55,23,55, "11:55 PM");
System.out.println("Invalid Times\n"
+ "-------------");
testTime(24, 0, "12:00 AM");
testTime(49, 10, 1, 10, "1:10 AM");
testTime(49, 125, 3, 5, "3:05 AM");
testTime(-1, 23, "11:00 PM");
testTime(0, -1, 23, 59, "11:59 PM");
testTime(-27, 21, "9:00 PM");
testTime(10, -125, 7, 55, "7:55 AM");
testTime(-55, -308, 11, 52, "11:52 AM");
+ "----------");
testAdd(0, 0, 20, 0, 20, "12:20 AM");
testAdd(0, 0, 90, 1, 30, "1:30 AM");
testAdd(0, 40, 30, 1, 10, "1:10 AM");
testAdd(0, 40, 90, 2, 10, "2:10 AM");
testAdd(23, 50, 11, 0, 1, "12:01 AM");
testAdd(23, 50, 3 * 24 * 60 + 1, 23, 51, "11:51 PM");
* Test whether Time constructor, getters, and print
* are behaving properly when zero minutes.
* @param hrs what hour to say to the constructor
* @param finalHrs what hour the Time should end up with
* @param rep how that Time should print out
private static void testTime(int hrs,
int finalHrs,
String rep) {
System.out.print("new Time(" + hrs + ", 0) --> " + finalHrs + ", 0: ");
Time t = new Time(hrs, 0);
if (t.getHour() == finalHrs && t.getMinute() == 0)
System.out.println(" should be " + rep);
* Test whether Time constructor, getters, and print are
* behaving properly when minutes are not (necessarily) 0.
* @param hrs what hour to give the constructor
* @param mins what minute to give the constructor
* @param finalHrs what hour the Time should end up with
* @param finalMins what minute the Time should end up with
* @param rep how the Time should print out
private static void testTime(int hrs, int mins,
int finalHrs, int finalMins,
String rep) {
System.out.print("new Time(" + hrs + ", " + mins + ") --> "
+ finalHrs + ", " + finalMins + ": ");
Time t = new Time(hrs, mins);
if (t.getHour() == finalHrs && t.getMinute() == finalMins)
System.out.println(" should be " + rep);
* Check whether addMinutes, getters, and print are working properly.
* @param hrs what hour to give the constructor
* @param mins what minute to give the constructor
* @param addMins the number of minutes to add to the Time
* @param finalHrs what hour the Time should end up with
* @param finalMins what minute the Time should end up with
* @param rep how the (later) Time should print out
private static void testAdd(int hrs, int mins, int addMins,
int finalHrs, int finalMins,
String rep) {
Time t = new Time(hrs, mins);
Time t2 = t.addMinutes(addMins);
System.out.print("Adding " + addMins + " minutes to ");
System.out.print(" --> ");
if (t2.getHour() == finalHrs && t2.getMinute() == finalMins)
System.out.println(" should be " + rep);
package newProject;
public class Time {
private final int MAX_HOURS = 23;
private final int MIN_HOURS = 0;
private final int MAX_MINUTES = 59;
private final int MIN_MINUTES = 0;
private int hour;
private int minute;
private Time() {
public Time(int hrs, int mins) {
this.hour = hrs;
this.minute = mins;
private void fixMe() {
if (minute > MAX_MINUTES) {
this.minute %= minute/60;
this.hour = minute/60 + hour;
if (minute < MIN_MINUTES) {
this.minute = minute + 60;
if (hour > MAX_HOURS) {
this.hour %= hour/24;
if(hour < MIN_HOURS) {
this.hour = hour + 24;
public int getHour() {
return this.hour;
public int getMinute() {
return this.minute;
public Time addMinutes(int mins) {
Time t = new Time();
return t;
public void print() {
if (hour == 0) {
hour = 12;
if (hour > 1 && hour <= 12) {
} else {
System.out.print(hour - 12);
if (minute < 10) {
System.out.print(":0" + minute);
} else {
if (hour <= 11) {
System.out.print(" AM");
} else
System.out.print(" PM");
Basic Times
new Time(12, 30) --> 12, 30: PASS
1230 PM should be 12:30 PM
new Time(16, 0) --> 16, 0: PASS
4:00 PM should be 4:00 PM
new Time(0, 0) --> 0, 0: PASS
12:00 PM should be 12:00 AM
new Time(0, 10) --> 0, 10: PASS
1210 PM should be 12:10 AM
new Time(1, 5) --> 1, 5: PASS
-11:05 AM should be 1:05 AM
new Time(11, 59) --> 11, 59: PASS
1159 AM should be 11:59 AM
new Time(12, 0) --> 12, 0: PASS
12:00 PM should be 12:00 PM
new Time(12, 1) --> 12, 1: PASS
12:01 PM should be 12:01 PM
new Time(13, 55) --> 13, 55: PASS
155 PM should be 1:55 PM
new Time(23, 55) --> 23, 55: PASS
1155 PM should be 11:55 PM
Invalid Times
new Time(24, 0) --> 0, 0: FAIL
12:00 PM should be 12:00 AM
new Time(49, 10) --> 1, 10: FAIL
3710 PM should be 1:10 AM
new Time(49, 125) --> 3, 5: FAIL
37125 PM should be 3:05 AM
new Time(-1, 0) --> 23, 0: FAIL
-13:00 AM should be 11:00 PM
new Time(0, -1) --> 23, 59: FAIL
12:0-1 PM should be 11:59 PM
new Time(-27, 0) --> 21, 0: FAIL
-39:00 AM should be 9:00 PM
new Time(10, -125) --> 7, 55: FAIL
10:0-125 AM should be 7:55 AM
new Time(-55, -308) --> 11, 52: FAIL
-67:0-308 AM should be 11:52 AM
Adding 20 minutes to 12:00 PM --> FAIL
12:00 PM should be 12:20 AM
Adding 90 minutes to 12:00 PM --> FAIL
12:00 PM should be 1:30 AM
Adding 30 minutes to 1240 PM --> FAIL
12:00 PM should be 1:10 AM
Adding 90 minutes to 1240 PM --> FAIL
12:00 PM should be 2:10 AM
Adding 11 minutes to 1150 PM --> FAIL
12:00 PM should be 12:01 AM
Adding 4321 minutes to 1150 PM --> FAIL
12:00 PM should be 11:51 PM
答案 0 :(得分:0)
private void fixMe() {
hours += minutes / 60;
minutes %= 60;
if (minutes < 0) { // if minutes was negative,
minutes += 60; // correct the result of the modulus 60 to make it positive
hours--; // correct the result of the /60 by subtracting one more hour
hours %= 24;
if (hours < 0) { // if hours was negative,
hours += 24; // correct the modulus 24 to be positive
答案 1 :(得分:0)
public void addMinutes(int m) {
this.seconds += m * 60;
实际上,在编程中实现时间和日期格式的常用方法是存储自特定时间点以来经过的秒数。如果您有兴趣,可以read more about that here。
另外,您可能想查看现有的Java date and time APIs。