StringColumn | ResultingCOlumn
346fdf464f6ad4f | XXXX346fdf464f6ad4f
135af34343dsa4d | XXXX135af34343dsa4d
31d344fagtru64u | XXXX31d344fagtru64u
yaj6j4y646jo4we | XXXXyaj6j4y646jo4we
答案 0 :(得分:1)
df['ResultingColumn'] = df.StringColumn.apply(lambda s: 'XXX'+s)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
struct ParticleID {
Int solver;
Int ngb;
Int oldNgb;
LLInt no;
LLInt masterNo;
__device__ ParticleID() {
solver = -8;
ngb = 0;
oldNgb = 0;
no = 0;
masterNo = -1;
struct BaseParticle {
Float h;
Float3 pos;
ParticleID id;
__device__ BaseParticle(const Float3& _pos, const Float& _h, const ParticleID& _id) :
h(_h), pos(_pos), id(_id) { }
struct FloatIntPair{
Float first;
Int second;
__device__ FloatIntPair(const Float& _first, Int _second) : first(_first), second(_second) { }
__device__ FloatIntPair(const FloatIntPair& sample) : first(sample.first), second(sample.second) { }
static struct {
__device__ bool operator()(const FloatIntPair& a, const FloatIntPair& b) { return a.first < b.first; }
} LessOp;
struct Cap {
Float3 eX;
Float3 eY;
Float radius;
Float height;
Float3 center;
Float3 normal;
BaseParticle* aP;
BaseParticle* bP;
thrust::device_vector<FloatIntPair> vertices; // The ordered list of vertices generated from intersections by other circles
__device__ inline Float findAngle(const Float3& vertex) const {
Float result;
Float3 r = (vertex - center);
result = atan2(r|eY,r|eX);
return result += (result < 0.0) * (2.0 * _PI);
__device__ void insertVertex(const Float3& vertex, Int id) {
Float theta;
if (!vertices.empty())
theta = findAngle(vertex);
else {
eX = normalVec(vertex - center);
eY = normal ^ eX;
theta = 0.0;
__device__ Cap(BaseParticle* _aP, BaseParticle* _bP) : aP(_aP), bP(_bP) {
//Compute normal, center, radius
Float d = mag(bP->pos - aP->pos);
if(d == 0.0){
normal = Vector1(0.0);
center = aP->pos;
radius = height = 0.0;
} else {
normal = (bP->pos - aP->pos) / d;
Float x = (d * d - bP->h * bP->h + aP->h * aP->h) / (2.0 * d);
center = aP->pos + normal * x;
if (x >= aP->h) {
radius = height = 0.0;
radius = sqrt(aP->h * aP->h - x * x);
height = min(2.0 * aP->h, aP->h - x);
Float3 vec001 = Vector(0.0,0.0,1.0);
Float3 vec011 = Vector(0.0,1.0,1.0);
eX = normalVec(vec001 ^ normal);
if (mag2(eX) < geoEps()) {
eX = eX = normalVec(vec011 ^ normal);
eY = normal ^ eX;
class SphericalFaceManager {
BaseParticle* particle;
Int baseSigma;
thrust::device_vector<Cap> caps;
thrust::device_vector<Float3> vertexPool;
__device__ void makeCaps();
__device__ void SphericalFaceManager::makeCaps() {
BaseParticle* aP;
BaseParticle* bP;
Cap aCap(aP,bP);