将这段代码简化为一个.asciiz是一个好主意(甚至可能),所以我不需要li $v0, 4 / la $a0, option1_p / syscall
welcome_p: .asciiz "Find how many people can legally shoot animals!\n"
menu_p: .asciiz "Choose from the following options:\n"
option1_p: .asciiz "1) Update the count\n"
option2_p: .asciiz "2) Display number of licenses for particular county\n"
option3_p: .asciiz "3) Display the county number and the number of licenses already issued to a range of counties\n"
option4_p: .asciiz "4) Display the county number and the number of licenses already issued for all 72 counties as well as total licenses issued in the state\n"
option5_p: .asciiz "5) Quit\n"