
时间:2016-11-15 23:23:46

标签: python python-3.x

使用python 3.0编程的新手。


基本上,我有wordsList和messages.txt。 该程序必须通读messages.txt(文本示例:


[41.298669629999999,-81.915329330000006] 6 2011-08-28 19:02:36工作需要飞过......我很高兴看到间谍小孩4带着对我生命的热爱...... ARREIC)< / p>


到目前为止我所拥有的:(单词List和hvList位于代码的另一部分,我认为没有必要显示我正在尝试做什么(让我知道你是否需要帮助它) )

def tweetsvalues ():
    tweetwList = []
    tinputfile = open(tweetsinputfile,"r")
    for line in tinputfile:
        entries = line.split()

最后一行entries = line.split()是我猜中需要改变的那一行。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


words = sentence.split()
good_words = [word for word in words if isalpha(word)]


答案 1 :(得分:0)


    # The "spellCheck" function determines whether the input
    # from the inputFile is a correctly spelled word, and if not
    # it will return the word and later be written to a file
    # containing misspelled words
    def spell_check(word, english):
        if word in english:
            return None
            return word

    # The main function will include all of the code that will
    # perform actions that are not contained within our other
    # functions, and will generally call on those other functions
    # to perform required tasks
    def main():
        # Grabbing user input
        inputFile = input('Enter the name of the file to input from: ')
        outputFile = input('Enter the name of the file to output to: ')
        english = {}  # Will contain all available correctly spelled words.
        wrong = []  # Will contain all incorrectly spelled words.
        num = 0  # Used for line counter.

        # Opening, Closing, and adding words to spell check dictionary
        with open('wordlist.txt', 'r') as c:
            for line in c:
                (key) = line.strip()
                english[key] = ''

        # Opening, Closing, Checking words, and adding wrong ones to wrong list
        with open(inputFile, 'r') as i:
            for line in i:
                line = line.strip()
                fun = spell_check(line, english)
                if fun is not None:

        # Opening, Closing, and Writing to output file
        with open(outputFile, 'w') as o:
            for i in wrong:
                o.write('%d %s\n' % (num, i))
                num += 1
