1)正确合并两个listst of data.frame: 我希望按位置合并两个数据帧列表(在每个数据帧中)(位于一个列表中的第一个数据帧和另一个列表的第一个数据帧,第二个数据帧与第二个数据帧合并...第53个带有第53届)。 例如列表 输入
total price qnty code date REFERENCE
1011 51.9 17.3 3 45917 16-09-26 RefProd0168
1012 118.44 4.23 28 42442 16-09-26 RefProd0103
1013 21.28 5.32 4 14758353 16-09-26 RefProd0263
1014 10.64 5.32 2 14758360 16-09-26 RefProd0102
1023 68.16 4.26 16 4127329 16-09-26 RefProd0145
STR(inputbydate) 清单2
$ :List of 54
..$ 15-08-03:'data.frame': 14 obs. of 6 variables:
.. ..$ total : Factor w/ 137 levels "","/","101.52",..: 80 117 20
.. ..$ price : Factor w/ 49 levels "","10.16","10.38",..: 48 26 29 29
.. ..$ qnty : num [1:14] 4 16 3 2 6 4 12 4 16 3 ...
.. ..$ code : Factor w/ 54 levels "","14458956",..: 21 38 5 6 8 27 28
.. ..$ date : Date[1:14], format: "15-08-03" "15-08-03" "15-08-03" ...
.. ..$ REFERENCE: Factor w/ 50 levels "","REFERENCE",..: 9 6 19 5 15 21 8
Names = c("total", "price", "qnty", "code", "date", "REFERENCE"), row.names = c(741L, 742L, 743L, 748L, 750L), class = "data.frame"), `16-05-30` = structure(list(total = structure(c(75L, 3L, 64L, 39L, 95L), .Label =c("","/", "101.52", "105.57",..., "price"), class = "factor")qnty = c(3, 24, 6, 4, 12), code = structure(c(22L, 38L, 5L, 6L, 28L), .Label = c("", "14458956", "code"), class = "factor"), date = structure(c(-713534, -713534, -713534, -713534, -713534), class = "Date"), REFERENCE = structure(c(30L, 6L, 19L, 5L, 8L), .Label = c("", "REFERENCE", "RefProd0064", "RefProd0088",...,, class = "factor"))
V9 V12
1 RefProd0103 10
2 RefProd0145 4
3 RefProd0152 5
4 RefProd0224 2
5 RefProd0642 1
V9 V12
1 RefProd0102 4
2 RefProd0103 11
3 RefProd0145 9
4 RefProd0152 3
5 RefProd0224 2
6 RefProd0263 5
7 RefProd0642 7
purchase38:'data.frame': 6 obs. of 2 variables:
..$ V9 : Factor w/ 1430 levels "","RefProd","RefProd0001",..: 104 105 147 154 226 265
..$ V12: num [1:6] 2 16 8 4 5 2
$ purchase39:'data.frame': 7 obs. of 2 variables:
..$ V9 : Factor w/ 1430 levels "","RefProd","RefProd0001",..: 104 105 147 154 226 265 644
..$ V12: num [1:7] 1 20 8 6 1.27 5 1
e.g。 dput购买
Names = c("V9", "V12"), row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = "data.frame")), .Names = c("purchase01","purchase02", "purchase03",...,"purchase54"))
我必须通过"参考"合并列表=" V9" 。来自输入日期列表和V9的参考资料来自购买清单。
2)差异问题,如何独立地在每个数据框中进行计算。之后,我必须使用" qnty" " V12"区别。
3)Biuld a dinamic table :最后,按日期(数据框)取这个值并制作一个完整的表,其中包含第一列的所有RefProd值和逐月的差异。
llply(inputbydate,function(x){do.call(as.data.frame, lapply(inputbydate, "[[",1)),x=})
mapply(merge, inputbydate,purchase,by.x="REFERENCE", by.y = "V9", SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
do.call,join,merge_all ...