
时间:2010-10-30 18:07:39

标签: javascript date



var dob = '19800810';
var year = Number(dob.substr(0, 4));
var month = Number(dob.substr(4, 2)) - 1;
var day = Number(dob.substr(6, 2));
var today = new Date();
var age = today.getFullYear() - year;
if (today.getMonth() < month || (today.getMonth() == month && today.getDate() < day)) {

41 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:462)


function getAge(dateString) {
    var today = new Date();
    var birthDate = new Date(dateString);
    var age = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear();
    var m = today.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();
    if (m < 0 || (m === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) {
    return age;



答案 1 :(得分:196)


function _calculateAge(birthday) { // birthday is a date
    var ageDifMs = Date.now() - birthday.getTime();
    var ageDate = new Date(ageDifMs); // miliseconds from epoch
    return Math.abs(ageDate.getUTCFullYear() - 1970);


相反,如果精度非常重要,我会建议使用库。同样@Naveens post,可能是最准确的,因为它不依赖于一天中的时间。


答案 2 :(得分:69)



没有更好的解决方案(无论如何都不在这些答案中)。 - naveen

我当然无法抗拒接受挑战并制作比目前接受的解决方案更快更短的生日计算器的冲动。 我的解决方案的要点是,数学是快速的,所以不是使用分支,而是javascript提供的日期模型来计算解决方案,我们使用精彩的数学


function calcAge(dateString) {
  var birthday = +new Date(dateString);
  return ~~((Date.now() - birthday) / (31557600000));

幻数:31557600000是24 * 3600 * 365.25 * 1000 这是一年的长度,一年的长度是365天,6小时是0.25天。最后,我给出了最终年龄的结果。


要支持OP的数据格式,您可以替换+new Date(dateString);
 与+new Date(d.substr(0, 4), d.substr(4, 2)-1, d.substr(6, 2));

如果您能想出更好的解决方案,请分享! : - )

答案 3 :(得分:50)


/* The difference, in years, between NOW and 2012-05-07 */
moment().diff(moment('20120507', 'YYYYMMDD'), 'years')

答案 4 :(得分:12)


function getAge(birthDate) {
  var now = new Date();

  function isLeap(year) {
    return year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0);

  // days since the birthdate    
  var days = Math.floor((now.getTime() - birthDate.getTime())/1000/60/60/24);
  var age = 0;
  // iterate the years
  for (var y = birthDate.getFullYear(); y <= now.getFullYear(); y++){
    var daysInYear = isLeap(y) ? 366 : 365;
    if (days >= daysInYear){
      days -= daysInYear;
      // increment the age only if there are available enough days for the year.
  return age;


var birthDateStr = '19840831',
    parts = birthDateStr.match(/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/),
    dateObj = new Date(parts[1], parts[2]-1, parts[3]); // months 0-based!

getAge(dateObj); // 26

答案 5 :(得分:10)


const getAge = birthDate => Math.floor((new Date() - new Date(birthDate).getTime()) / 3.15576e+10)
// (today is 2018-06-13)
getAge('1994-06-14') // 23
getAge('1994-06-13') // 24


答案 6 :(得分:9)


function getAge(birth) {
  ageMS = Date.parse(Date()) - Date.parse(birth);
  age = new Date();
  ageYear = age.getFullYear() - 1970;

  return ageYear;

  // ageMonth = age.getMonth(); // Accurate calculation of the month part of the age
  // ageDay = age.getDate();    // Approximate calculation of the day part of the age

答案 7 :(得分:5)


Date.prototype.getDoY = function() {
    var onejan = new Date(this.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
    return Math.floor(((this - onejan) / 86400000) + 1);

function getAge(birthDate) {
    function isLeap(year) {
        return year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0);

    var now = new Date(),
        age = now.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear(),
        doyNow = now.getDoY(),
        doyBirth = birthDate.getDoY();

    // normalize day-of-year in leap years
    if (isLeap(now.getFullYear()) && doyNow > 58 && doyBirth > 59)

    if (isLeap(birthDate.getFullYear()) && doyNow > 58 && doyBirth > 59)

    if (doyNow <= doyBirth)
        age--;  // birthday not yet passed this year, so -1

    return age;

var myBirth = new Date(2001, 6, 4);

答案 8 :(得分:5)


function calculateAgeInYears (date) {
    var now = new Date();
    var current_year = now.getFullYear();
    var year_diff = current_year - date.getFullYear();
    var birthday_this_year = new Date(current_year, date.getMonth(), date.getDate());
    var has_had_birthday_this_year = (now >= birthday_this_year);

    return has_had_birthday_this_year
        ? year_diff
        : year_diff - 1;

答案 9 :(得分:4)

function getAge(dateString) {

    var dates = dateString.split("-");
    var d = new Date();

    var userday = dates[0];
    var usermonth = dates[1];
    var useryear = dates[2];

    var curday = d.getDate();
    var curmonth = d.getMonth()+1;
    var curyear = d.getFullYear();

    var age = curyear - useryear;

    if((curmonth < usermonth) || ( (curmonth == usermonth) && curday < userday   )){



    return age;



答案 10 :(得分:4)

我只需要为自己编写这个功能 - 接受的答案相当不错,但IMO可以使用一些清理工作。这需要一个unb时间戳为dob,因为这是我的要求,但可以很快适应使用字符串:

var getAge = function(dob) {
    var measureDays = function(dateObj) {
            return 31*dateObj.getMonth()+dateObj.getDate();
        d = new Date(dob*1000),
        now = new Date();

    return now.getFullYear() - d.getFullYear() - (measureDays(now) < measureDays(d));



答案 11 :(得分:4)


function age(dateString){
    let birth = new Date(dateString);
    let now = new Date();
    let beforeBirth = ((() => {birth.setDate(now.getDate());birth.setMonth(now.getMonth()); return birth.getTime()})() < birth.getTime()) ? 0 : 1;
    return now.getFullYear() - birth.getFullYear() - beforeBirth;




答案 12 :(得分:4)

function age()
    var birthdate = $j('#birthDate').val(); // in   "mm/dd/yyyy" format
    var senddate = $j('#expireDate').val(); // in   "mm/dd/yyyy" format
    var x = birthdate.split("/");    
    var y = senddate.split("/");
    var bdays = x[1];
    var bmonths = x[0];
    var byear = x[2];
    var sdays = y[1];
    var smonths = y[0];
    var syear = y[2];

    if(sdays < bdays)
        sdays = parseInt(sdays) + 30;
        smonths = parseInt(smonths) - 1;
        var fdays = sdays - bdays;
        var fdays = sdays - bdays;

    if(smonths < bmonths)
        smonths = parseInt(smonths) + 12;
        syear = syear - 1;
        var fmonths = smonths - bmonths;
        var fmonths = smonths - bmonths;

    var fyear = syear - byear;
    document.getElementById('patientAge').value = fyear+' years '+fmonths+' months '+fdays+' days';

答案 13 :(得分:3)


var moment = require('moment');
var startDate = new Date();
var endDate = new Date();
endDate.setDate(endDate.getFullYear() + 5); // Add 5 years to second date
console.log(moment.duration(endDate - startDate).years()); // This should returns 5

答案 14 :(得分:2)


function getAge(birth) {
   var today = new Date();
   var curr_date = today.getDate();
   var curr_month = today.getMonth() + 1;
   var curr_year = today.getFullYear();

   var pieces = birth.split('/');
   var birth_date = pieces[0];
   var birth_month = pieces[1];
   var birth_year = pieces[2];

   if (curr_month == birth_month && curr_date >= birth_date) return parseInt(curr_year-birth_year);
   if (curr_month == birth_month && curr_date < birth_date) return parseInt(curr_year-birth_year-1);
   if (curr_month > birth_month) return parseInt(curr_year-birth_year);
   if (curr_month < birth_month) return parseInt(curr_year-birth_year-1);

var age = getAge('18/01/2011');

答案 15 :(得分:1)

Get the age (years, months and days) from the date of birth with javascript


function calcularEdad(fecha) {
        // Si la fecha es correcta, calculamos la edad

        if (typeof fecha != "string" && fecha && esNumero(fecha.getTime())) {
            fecha = formatDate(fecha, "yyyy-MM-dd");

        var values = fecha.split("-");
        var dia = values[2];
        var mes = values[1];
        var ano = values[0];

        // cogemos los valores actuales
        var fecha_hoy = new Date();
        var ahora_ano = fecha_hoy.getYear();
        var ahora_mes = fecha_hoy.getMonth() + 1;
        var ahora_dia = fecha_hoy.getDate();

        // realizamos el calculo
        var edad = (ahora_ano + 1900) - ano;
        if (ahora_mes < mes) {
        if ((mes == ahora_mes) && (ahora_dia < dia)) {
        if (edad > 1900) {
            edad -= 1900;

        // calculamos los meses
        var meses = 0;

        if (ahora_mes > mes && dia > ahora_dia)
            meses = ahora_mes - mes - 1;
        else if (ahora_mes > mes)
            meses = ahora_mes - mes
        if (ahora_mes < mes && dia < ahora_dia)
            meses = 12 - (mes - ahora_mes);
        else if (ahora_mes < mes)
            meses = 12 - (mes - ahora_mes + 1);
        if (ahora_mes == mes && dia > ahora_dia)
            meses = 11;

        // calculamos los dias
        var dias = 0;
        if (ahora_dia > dia)
            dias = ahora_dia - dia;
        if (ahora_dia < dia) {
            ultimoDiaMes = new Date(ahora_ano, ahora_mes - 1, 0);
            dias = ultimoDiaMes.getDate() - (dia - ahora_dia);

        return edad + " años, " + meses + " meses y " + dias + " días";


function esNumero(strNumber) {
    if (strNumber == null) return false;
    if (strNumber == undefined) return false;
    if (typeof strNumber === "number" && !isNaN(strNumber)) return true;
    if (strNumber == "") return false;
    if (strNumber === "") return false;
    var psInt, psFloat;
    psInt = parseInt(strNumber);
    psFloat = parseFloat(strNumber);
    return !isNaN(strNumber) && !isNaN(psFloat);

答案 16 :(得分:0)

这个问题已经超过 10 年了,没人解决他们已经有 YYYYMMDD 格式的出生日期的提示吗?

如果你有一个过去日期和当前日期都是 YYYYMMDD 格式,你可以像这样快速计算它们之间的年数:

var pastDate = '20101030';
var currentDate = '20210622';
var years = Math.floor( ( currentDate - pastDate ) * 0.0001 );
// 10 (10.9592)

您可以像这样将当前日期格式化为 YYYYMMDD

var now = new Date();

var currentDate = [
    ('0' + (now.getMonth() + 1) ).slice(-2),
    ('0' + now.getDate() ).slice(-2),

答案 17 :(得分:0)


//dob date dd/mm/yy 
var d = 01/01/1990

//date today string format 
var today = new Date(); // i.e wed 04 may 2016 15:12:09 GMT
//todays year
var todayYear = today.getFullYear();
// today month
var todayMonth = today.getMonth();
//today date
var todayDate = today.getDate();

//dob parsed as date format   
var dob = new Date(d);
// dob year
var dobYear = dob.getFullYear();
// dob month
var dobMonth = dob.getMonth();
//dob date
var dobDate = dob.getDate();

var yearsDiff = todayYear - dobYear ;
var age;

if ( todayMonth < dobMonth ) 
  age = yearsDiff - 1; 
else if ( todayMonth > dobMonth ) 
  age = yearsDiff ; 

else //if today month = dob month
 { if ( todayDate < dobDate ) 
   age = yearsDiff - 1;
     age = yearsDiff;

答案 18 :(得分:0)


// Int Age to Date as string YYY-mm-dd
function age_to_date(age)
    try {
        var d = new Date();
        var new_d = '';
        d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() - Math.abs(age));
        new_d = d.getFullYear() + '-' + d.getMonth() + '-' + d.getDate();

        return new_d;
    } catch(err) {
// Date string (YYY-mm-dd) to Int age (years old)
function date_to_age(date)
    try {
        var today = new Date();
        var d = new Date(date);

        var year = today.getFullYear() - d.getFullYear();
        var month = today.getMonth() - d.getMonth();
        var day = today.getDate() - d.getDate();
        var carry = 0;

        if (year < 0)
            return 0;
        if (month <= 0 && day <= 0)
            carry -= 1;

        var age = parseInt(year);
        age += carry;

        return Math.abs(age);
    } catch(err) {

答案 19 :(得分:0)

var now = DateTime.Now;
var age = DateTime.Now.Year - dob.Year;
if (now.Month < dob.Month || now.Month == dob.Month && now.Day < dob.Day) age--;

答案 20 :(得分:0)


getAge(birthday) {
    const millis = Date.now() - Date.parse(birthday);
    return new Date(millis).getFullYear() - 1970;

答案 21 :(得分:0)


function dobvalidator(birthDateString){
    strs = birthDateString.split("-");
    var dd = strs[0];
    var mm = strs[1];
    var yy = strs[2];

    var d = new Date();
    var ds = d.getDate();
    var ms = d.getMonth();
    var ys = d.getFullYear();
    var accepted_age = 18;

    var days = ((accepted_age * 12) * 30) + (ms * 30) + ds;
    var age = (((ys - yy) * 12) * 30) + ((12 - mm) * 30) + parseInt(30 - dd);

    if((days - age) <= '0'){
        console.log((days - age));
        alert('You are at-least ' + accepted_age);
        console.log((days - age));
        alert('You are not at-least ' + accepted_age);

答案 22 :(得分:0)


const getAge = (birthDateString) => {
  const today = new Date();
  const birthDate = new Date(birthDateString);

  const yearsDifference = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear();

  if (
    today.getMonth() < birthDate.getMonth() ||
    (today.getMonth() === birthDate.getMonth() && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())
  ) {
    return yearsDifference - 1;

  return yearsDifference;


答案 23 :(得分:0)



function init()
  writeYears("myage", 0, Age());


function Age()
    var birthday = new Date(1997, 02, 01),  //Year, month, day.
        today = new Date(),
        one_year = 1000*60*60*24*365;
    return Math.floor( (today.getTime() - birthday.getTime() ) / one_year);

function writeYears(id, current, maximum)
  document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = current;

  if (current < maximum)
    setTimeout( function() { writeYears(id, ++current, maximum); }, Math.sin( current/maximum ) * 200 );


<span id="myage"></span>


答案 24 :(得分:0)


function is18orOlder(dateString) {
  const dob = new Date(dateString);
  const dobPlus18 = new Date(dob.getFullYear() + 18, dob.getMonth(), dob.getDate());
  return dobPlus18 .valueOf() <= Date.now();

// Testing:
console.log(is18orOlder('01/01/1910')); // true
console.log(is18orOlder('01/01/2050')); // false

// When I'm posting this on 10/02/2020, so:
console.log(is18orOlder('10/08/2002')); // true
console.log(is18orOlder('10/19/2002'))  // false



 function is18orOlder(dateString) {
   const [month, date, year] = value.split('/');
   return new Date(+year + 13, +month, +date).valueOf() <= Date.now();

答案 25 :(得分:0)

采用naveen和原始OP的帖子,我最终得到了一个可重用的方法存根,它接受字符串和/或JS Date对象。


 * Calculates human age in years given a birth day. Optionally ageAtDate
 * can be provided to calculate age at a specific date
 * @param string|Date Object birthDate
 * @param string|Date Object ageAtDate optional
 * @returns integer Age between birthday and a given date or today
function gregorianAge(birthDate, ageAtDate) {
  // convert birthDate to date object if already not
  if (Object.prototype.toString.call(birthDate) !== '[object Date]')
    birthDate = new Date(birthDate);

  // use today's date if ageAtDate is not provided
  if (typeof ageAtDate == "undefined")
    ageAtDate = new Date();

  // convert ageAtDate to date object if already not
  else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(ageAtDate) !== '[object Date]')
    ageAtDate = new Date(ageAtDate);

  // if conversion to date object fails return null
  if (ageAtDate == null || birthDate == null)
    return null;

  var _m = ageAtDate.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();

  // answer: ageAt year minus birth year less one (1) if month and day of
  // ageAt year is before month and day of birth year
  return (ageAtDate.getFullYear()) - birthDate.getFullYear() 
  - ((_m < 0 || (_m === 0 && ageAtDate.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) ? 1 : 0)

// Below is for the attached snippet

function showAge() {

$(function() {
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.js"></script>

<input name="dob" value="12/31/1970" id="dob" class="datepicker" onChange="showAge()" /> AGE: <span id="age"><span>

答案 26 :(得分:0)

我使用逻辑而不是数学来使用这种方法。 它精确而快速。 参数是人生日的年,月,日。 它将人的年龄作为整数返回。

function calculateAge(year, month, day) {
        var currentDate = new Date();
        var currentYear = currentDate.getFullYear();
        var currentMonth = currentDate.getUTCMonth() + 1;
        var currentDay = currentDate.getUTCDate();
        // You need to treat the cases where the year, month or day hasn't arrived yet.
        var age = currentYear - year;
        if (currentMonth > month) {
            return age;
        } else {
            if (currentDay >= day) {
                return age;
            } else {
                return age;

答案 27 :(得分:0)


var getAge = function(year,month,date){
    var today = new Date();
    var dob = new Date();
    var timeDiff = today.valueOf() - dob.valueOf();
    var milliInDay = 24*60*60*1000;
    var noOfDays = timeDiff / milliInDay;
    var daysInYear = 365.242;
    return  ( noOfDays / daysInYear ) ;


答案 28 :(得分:-1)


         $('#ContentPlaceHolder1_dob').on('changeDate', function (ev) {

            var date = formatDate($(this).val()); // ('2010/01/18') to ("1990/4/16"))
            var age = getAge(date);


    function formatDate(input) {
        var datePart = input.match(/\d+/g),
        year = datePart[0], // get only two digits
        month = datePart[1], day = datePart[2];
        return day + '/' + month + '/' + year;

    // alert(formatDate('2010/01/18'));

    function getAge(dateString) {
        var today = new Date();
        var birthDate = new Date(dateString);
        var age = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear();
        var m = today.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();
        if (m < 0 || (m === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) {
        return age;

答案 29 :(得分:-1)

function change(){
        var dateObj  =      new Date();
                    var month    =      dateObj.getUTCMonth() + 1; //months from 1-12
                    var day      =      dateObj.getUTCDate();
                    var year     =      dateObj.getUTCFullYear();  
                    var newdate  =      year + "/" + month + "/" + day;
                    var entered_birthdate        =   document.getElementById('birth_dates').value;
                    var birthdate                =   new Date(entered_birthdate);
                    var birth_year               =   birthdate.getUTCFullYear();
                    var birth_month              =   birthdate.getUTCMonth() + 1;
                    var birth_date               =   birthdate.getUTCDate();
                    var age_year                =    (year-birth_year);
                    var age_month               =    (month-birth_month);
                    var age_date                =    ((day-birth_date) < 0)?(31+(day-birth_date)):(day-birth_date);
                    var test                    =    (birth_year>year)?true:((age_year===0)?((month<birth_month)?true:((month===birth_month)?(day < birth_date):false)):false) ;
                   if (test === true || (document.getElementById("birth_dates").value=== "")){
                        document.getElementById("ages").innerHTML = "";
                    }                    else{
                        var age                     =    (age_year > 1)?age_year:(   ((age_year=== 1 )&&(age_month >= 0))?age_year:((age_month < 0)?(age_month+12):((age_month > 1)?age_month:      (  ((age_month===1) && (day>birth_date) ) ? age_month:age_date)          )    )); 
                        var ages                    =    ((age===age_date)&&(age!==age_month)&&(age!==age_year))?(age_date+"days"):((((age===age_month+12)||(age===age_month)&&(age!==age_year))?(age+"months"):age_year+"years"));
                        document.getElementById("ages").innerHTML = ages;
                }, 30);


答案 30 :(得分:-1)


function getAge(dateString) {
    var today = new Date();
    var birthDate = new Date(dateString);
    var age = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear();
    var m = today.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();
    var da = today.getDate() - birthDate.getDate();
    if (m < 0 || (m === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) {
        m +=12;
        da +=30;
    return age+" years "+ Math.abs(m) + "months"+ Math.abs(da) + " days";
alert('age: ' + getAge("1987/08/31"));    

答案 31 :(得分:-1)


function calculateAge(y, m, d) {
    var _birth = parseInt("" + y + affixZero(m) + affixZero(d));
    var  today = new Date();
    var _today = parseInt("" + today.getFullYear() + affixZero(today.getMonth() + 1) + affixZero(today.getDate()));
    return parseInt((_today - _birth) / 10000);
function affixZero(int) {
    if (int < 10) int = "0" + int;
    return "" + int;
var age = calculateAge(1980, 4, 22);

答案 32 :(得分:-1)

使用momentjs“fromNow”方法, 这允许您使用格式化日期,即:03/15/1968

var dob = document.getElementByID("dob"); var age = moment(dob.value).fromNow(true).replace(" years", "");

//fromNow(true) => suffix "ago" is not displayed //but we still have to get rid of "years";


String.prototype.getAge = function() {
return moment(this.valueOf()).fromNow(true).replace(" years", "");


答案 33 :(得分:-1)


 * Calculate age by birth date.
 * @param int birthYear Year as YYYY.
 * @param int birthMonth Month as number from 1 to 12.
 * @param int birthDay Day as number from 1 to 31.
 * @return int
function getAge(birthYear, birthMonth, birthDay) {
  var today = new Date();
  var birthDate = new Date(birthYear, birthMonth-1, birthDay);
  var age = today.getFullYear() - birthDate.getFullYear();
  var m = today.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();
  if (m < 0 || (m === 0 && today.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) {
  return age;

答案 34 :(得分:-1)


  function calculate_age(date) {
     var today = new Date();
     var today_month = today.getMonth() + 1; //STRANGE NUMBERING //January is 0!
     var age = today.getYear() - date.getYear();

     if ((today_month > date.getMonth() || ((today_month == date.getMonth()) && (today.getDate() < date.getDate())))) {

    return age;

答案 35 :(得分:-1)


Date.prototype.getAge = function (date) {
    if (!date) date = new Date();
    return ~~((date.getFullYear() + date.getMonth() / 100
    + date.getDate() / 10000) - (this.getFullYear() + 
    this.getMonth() / 100 + this.getDate() / 10000));

这是一个将考虑2月29日的样本 - &gt; 2月28日一年。

Date.prototype.getAge = function (date) {
    if (!date) date = new Date();
    var feb = (date.getMonth() == 1 || this.getMonth() == 1);
    return ~~((date.getFullYear() + date.getMonth() / 100 + 
        (feb && date.getDate() == 29 ? 28 : date.getDate())
        / 10000) - (this.getFullYear() + this.getMonth() / 100 + 
        (feb && this.getDate() == 29 ? 28 : this.getDate()) 
        / 10000));


答案 36 :(得分:-1)


function age(birthdate){
  return Math.floor((new Date().getTime() - new Date(birthdate).getTime()) / 3.154e+10)

答案 37 :(得分:-2)

$("#birthday").change(function (){

var val=this.value;

var current_year=new Date().getFullYear();
    var Split = val.split("-");
    var birth_year=parseInt(Split[2]);


  $("#maritial_status").attr('disabled', 'disabled');
        var val2= document.getElementById("maritial_status");
        val2.value = "Not Married";
        $("#anniversary").attr('disabled', 'disabled');
        var val1= document.getElementById("anniversary");
        val1.value = "NA";

        $("#maritial_status").attr('disabled', false);
        $("#anniversary").attr('disabled', false);


答案 38 :(得分:-2)

我在这里测试的所有答案(大约一半)认为2000-02-29到2001-02-28是零年,当2000-02-29到2001-03-01时它很可能应该是1一年零一天。这是一个修复它的 getYearDiff 函数。它仅适用于d0 < d1

function getYearDiff(d0, d1) {

    d1 = d1 || new Date();

    var m = d0.getMonth();
    var years = d1.getFullYear() - d0.getFullYear();

    d0.setFullYear(d0.getFullYear() + years);

    if (d0.getMonth() != m) d0.setDate(0);

    return d0 > d1? --years : years;

答案 39 :(得分:-2)


function calculateAge(dobString) {
    var dob = new Date(dobString);
    var currentDate = new Date();
    var currentYear = currentDate.getFullYear();
    var birthdayThisYear = new Date(currentYear, dob.getMonth(), dob.getDate());
    var age = currentYear - dob.getFullYear();

    if(birthdayThisYear > currentDate) {

    return age;



答案 40 :(得分:-3)



var $bef = $('#Datepicker').val();
var $today = new Date();
var $before = new Date($bef);
var $befores = $before.getFullYear();
var $todays = $today.getFullYear();
var $bmonth = $before.getMonth();
var $tmonth = $today.getMonth();
var $bday = $before.getDate();
var $tday = $today.getDate();

if ($bmonth>$tmonth)

if ($bmonth==$tmonth)
if ($tday > $bday) {$('#age').val($todays-$befores-1);}
else if ($tday <= $bday) {$('#age').val($todays-$befores);}
else if ($bmonth<$tmonth)
{ $('#age').val($todays-$befores-1);} 