Lua Nginx取代HTML输出

时间:2016-11-12 17:42:14

标签: html regex nginx lua

因此,对于Lua,我使用它来替换来自Nginx服务器的响应页面的HTML输出。为了得到一个值=" *" HTML标记为空。



body_filter_by_lua_block {
local body = ngx.arg[1] --Put body into local var
local htmlvaluetomakeempty = "id=\"username\" value="
local loginpagematch =, "" .. htmlvaluetomakeempty .. "\"(?:.*)\"") --Search through body to see if our html match is found
if loginpagematch then --If not empty
body =, "" .. htmlvaluetomakeempty .. "\"(?:.*)\"", "" .. htmlvaluetomakeempty .. "\"\"") --.. loginpagematch["match"] )
ngx.arg[1] = body


<div class="login-fields"><label id="username-lbl" for="username" class="">User Name</label> <input type="text" name="username" id="username" value="test" class="validate-username" size="25"/></div>


<div class="login-fields"><label id="username-lbl" for="username" class="">User Name</label> <input type="text" name="username" id="username" value=""/></div>


class="validate-username" size="25"

它确实成功地使id="username" value=""为空但我放弃了HTML之后的所有内容并且我不确定原因。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


以下示例将找到 func StoresCollectionReceived() { for store in StoresArray { let request = MKLocalSearchRequest() request.naturalLanguageQuery = store request.region = MapView.region let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request) search.start { (response, error) in if error != nil { print(error!.localizedDescription) return } if response!.mapItems.count == 0 { NSLog("No local search matches found for \(store)") return } NSLog("Matches found for \(store)") self.StartMonitoringGeofenceRegions(mapItems: response!.mapItems) } } } 元素并将其 internal func StartMonitoringGeofenceRegions(mapItems: [MKMapItem]){ if self.userLocation == nil { return } var possibleRegionsPerStore = Int(round(Double(StoresArray.count / 20))) possibleRegionsPerStore = possibleRegionsPerStore < 4 ? 4: possibleRegionsPerStore var itemsCount = 0 itemsCount = TryMonitoreRegion(mapItems: mapItems, possibleRegionsPerStore: possibleRegionsPerStore, itemsCount: itemsCount, minDistance: 0, maxDistance: mapSpan * 0.1) if itemsCount == possibleRegionsPerStore { return } itemsCount = TryMonitoreRegion(mapItems: mapItems, possibleRegionsPerStore: possibleRegionsPerStore, itemsCount: itemsCount, minDistance: mapSpan * 0.1, maxDistance: mapSpan * 0.2) if itemsCount == possibleRegionsPerStore { return } itemsCount = TryMonitoreRegion(mapItems: mapItems, possibleRegionsPerStore: possibleRegionsPerStore, itemsCount: itemsCount, minDistance: mapSpan * 0.2, maxDistance: mapSpan * 0.3) if itemsCount == possibleRegionsPerStore { return } itemsCount = TryMonitoreRegion(mapItems: mapItems, possibleRegionsPerStore: possibleRegionsPerStore, itemsCount: itemsCount, minDistance: mapSpan * 0.3, maxDistance: mapSpan * 0.4) if itemsCount == possibleRegionsPerStore { return } itemsCount = TryMonitoreRegion(mapItems: mapItems, possibleRegionsPerStore: possibleRegionsPerStore, itemsCount: itemsCount, minDistance: mapSpan * 0.4, maxDistance: mapSpan * 0.6) if itemsCount == possibleRegionsPerStore { return } itemsCount = TryMonitoreRegion(mapItems: mapItems, possibleRegionsPerStore: possibleRegionsPerStore, itemsCount: itemsCount, minDistance: mapSpan * 0.6, maxDistance: mapSpan * 3) } private func TryMonitoreRegion(mapItems:[MKMapItem], possibleRegionsPerStore:Int, itemsCount:Int, minDistance:Double, maxDistance:Double) -> Int{ for mapItem:MKMapItem in mapItems{ self.SetAnnotations(mapItem: mapItem) if itemsCount == possibleRegionsPerStore { return itemsCount } let distanceToUser = CalculateDistanceBetweenTwoCoordinates(location1: userLocation!, location2: mapItem.placemark.coordinate) //Monitore 6th nearest stores if regions count still below 20 if locationManager.monitoredRegions.count < 20 && distanceToUser >= minDistance && distanceToUser <= maxDistance { MonitoreCircularRegion(mapItem: mapItem) return itemsCount + 1 } } return itemsCount } private func MonitoreCircularRegion(mapItem: MKMapItem){ DispatchQueue.main.async { let region = CLCircularRegion(center: mapItem.placemark.coordinate, radius: CLLocationDistance(self.radiusToMonitore), identifier: "\(UUID().uuidString)\("SB_")\(!)") self.locationManager.startMonitoring(for: region) NSLog("Monitored Regions: \(self.locationManager.monitoredRegions.count)") NSLog("MapSpan: \(self.mapSpan)") NSLog("Start monitoring for Region: \(region) with Radius \(region.radius)" ) } } 属性设置为空字符串:
