C++ How do I solve very large system of sparse linear system

时间:2016-11-12 05:51:23

标签: c++ sparse-matrix linear-algebra eigen large-data

I am trying to solve a very large and sparse system of linear equations in C++. Currently, I am using BiCGSTAB from eigen. It works fine for small matrix, but it is taking just too much time for matrix of the size I need, which is 40804x40804 (It could be even larger in the future).

I have a very long script, but I simply used the following format:

SparseMatrix<double> sj(40804,40804);
VectorXd c_(40804), sf(40804);
sj.reserve(VectorXi::Constant(40804,36)); //This is a very good estimate of how many non zeros in each column
//...Fill in actual number in sj
BiCGSTAB<SparseMatrix<double> > handler;
//...Fill in sj, only in the entries that have been initialized previously

This takes way too long! And yes, the solution does exist. Sparse function in matlab seems to handle this very well, but I need it in C++ in order to connect to a server.

I would really appreciate it you could help me!

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稀疏直接求解器是计算分析中的基本工具,为几乎任何问题提供了一种非常通用的方法来获得高质量的结果。 CHOLMOD是稀疏Cholesky factorization的高性能库。

我保证这个包装可以帮到你。此外,CHOLMOD自2012年以来一直支持 GPU加速版本4.0.0。在SuiteSparse-4.3.1中,性能得到了进一步提高,为稀疏分解操作提供了3倍或更高的加速比。

如果您的矩阵是图表的表示形式,您还可以METIS结合使用CHOLMOD。这意味着您将能够在图形中执行partition / domainDecomposition,然后使用CHOLMOD进行并行求解。


以下是GitHub linkUserGuideSuiteSparse's home page