
时间:2016-11-03 17:17:18

标签: javascript reactjs


var AllocationDiv = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function(){
    return {clicked: false};
  handleClick: function() {
    this.setState (
    {clicked: true}
  render: function () {
    var handleFunc = this.handleClick; //because it wasn't brining this.handleClick into the render function
    var chartMap = pieCharts.map(function(prop){
      return <img onClick={handleFunc} id={prop} src={prop} />;
    return (
      <div id='bottomSection'>
          <h2>Select Desired Asset Allocation</h2>
          <div id='pieCharts'>
                  <div id='test'>  
                    {this.state.clicked ? <TestComponent /> : null}

var chartMap渲染三个图像。假设我创建了三个独特的测试组件,我将如何根据单击的图像来渲染它们?这是整个应用程序。我知道整个事情是乱七八糟的,但我正在使用它作为沙箱来学习解决问题。谢谢! http://codepen.io/sdpercussion/pen/NRQNLv?editors=0010

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

所以,我会为此做些什么。你应该有一个字符串,而不是你的点击状态有一个布尔值。该字符串应该是被单击图像的名称。 (您需要指定名称或ID或其他任何内容来区分它们)


getInitialState: function(){
  return {clicked:''};

接下来你的handleClick必须改变,你需要将图像名称/ Id传递给它。

handleClick: function(image) {
  this.setState ({
    clicked: image


(请确保地图中为.bind(this),以便在调用方法时可以使用组件范围。var self = this;类型变通方法显示对范围的误解

render: function () {

    var chartMap = pieCharts.map(function(prop){
      // pass in your image name to your callback using bind, null value here skips over the scope portion and is what you need
      return <img onClick={this.handleClick.bind(null, prop)} id={prop} src={prop} />;

    // get the component you want for each specific image and save to a variable for display
    var imgVar = null;
    switch (this.state.image) {
        case 'image1':
            imgVar = <NewComponent />;
        case 'image2':
            imgVar = <DifferentComponent />;

    return (
      <div id='bottomSection'>
          <h2>Select Desired Asset Allocation</h2>
          <div id='pieCharts'>
                  <div id='test'>  

答案 1 :(得分:0)


 handleClick: function() {
    if(event.target.id === "2"){
    this.setState (
    {clicked: true}
    ); }
  render: function () {
    var handleFunc = this.handleClick; //because it wasn't brining this.handleClick into the render function
    var count =0;
    var chartMap = pieCharts.map(function(prop){
      return <img onClick={handleFunc} id={count+1} src={prop} />;
    return (
      <div id='bottomSection'>
          <h2>Select Desired Asset Allocation</h2>
          <div id='pieCharts'>
                  <div id='test'>  
                    {this.state.clicked ? <TestComponent /> : null}