我有一个包含各种属性的边缘列表(FromID / ToID)的数据框。
FromID ToID from_median degree since_0001 total_saved
0002 0001 10 1 30
0003 0001 20 1 40
0004 0002 10 2 70
0004 0003 10 2 70
0005 0003 33 2 112
0006 0004 26 3 129
0007 0004 14 3 148
0008 0005 22 3 150
0009 0005 14 3 157
0010 0007 15 4 178
0011 0007 28 4 184
0011 0008 28 4 184
0012 0008 12 4 188
0013 0011 30 5 220
0014 0012 12 5 207
df $ degree是df $ FromID与初始df $ ToID(0001)的距离(以度为单位)。
df $ total_saved应该是df $ from_median +其链中每个ID的df $ from_median值:例如FromID 0014应该等于99:0001 - > 0003 - > 0005 - > 0008 - > 0012 - > 0014 == 20 + 33 + 22 + 12 + 12
填充了df $ total_saveddf$total_saved <- df$from_median
然后尝试了for循环,ifelse()和矢量化方法的各种组合(使用%in%或match()来匹配FromID和TOID)没有太多运气,只获得正确的df $ total_saved值最多2度。
任何想法都非常感激。 非常感谢
答案 0 :(得分:1)
您的问题并不完全清楚,但我试图找到解决方案。我假设你想找到边缘FromID TOid之下的所有路径的总长度。 首先,我们建立一个矩阵,无论你是从一个点到另一个点。接下来我们找到总学位。 代码如下:
test <- data.table(FromID = as.character(c(2,3,4,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,11,12,13,14)),
ToID = as.character(c(1,1,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,7,7,8,8,11,12)),
degree = c(10,20,10,10,33,26,14,22,14,15,28,28,12,30,12))
igraph <- make_graph(t(test[, .(FromID, ToID)]))
E(igraph)$weight <- test$degree
distances <- distances(igraph, mode = "out")
distances[!is.infinite(distances)] <- 1
distances[is.infinite(distances)] <- 0
# Find the longest chain from each node
chain_dist <- rowMaxs(distances[test$FromID,])
names(chain_dist) <- test$FromID
# Function to find the total length
FindTotalLength <- function(x){
dist_to <- distances[test$ToID[x],, drop =F]
names <- c(test$FromID[x], colnames(dist_to)[dist_to == 1])
return(sum(test[FromID %in% names & ToID %in% names, degree]))
# Now we got allt he distances now we have to make sure that the first edge will be to ToID
test[,total_saved := sapply(1 : length(FromID), function(x) FindTotalLength(x))]
> test
FromID ToID degree total_saved
1: 2 1 10 10
2: 3 1 20 20
3: 4 2 10 20
4: 4 3 10 30
5: 5 3 33 53
6: 6 4 26 76
7: 7 4 14 64
8: 8 5 22 75
9: 9 5 14 67
10: 10 7 15 79
11: 11 7 28 92
12: 11 8 28 103
13: 12 8 12 87
14: 13 11 30 205
15: 14 12 12 99