我的最终目标是让它运行大小为500的数组并进行多次迭代。迭代不是问题。我已经研究过StackOverflow并且看过文章:Python implementation of "median of medians" algorithm等等。我有一种预感,在我随机生成的数组中重复可能导致了一个问题,但似乎并不是这样。
import math
import random
# Insertion Sort Khan Academy video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pyeMmJTefg&list=PL36E7A2B75028A3D6&index=22
def insertion_sort(A): # Sorting it in place
for index in range(1, len(A)):# range is up to but not including len(A)
value = A[index]
i = index - 1 # index of the item that is directly to the left
while i >= 0:
if value < A[i]:
A[i + 1] = A[i]
A[i] = value
i = i - 1
timeslo = 0 # I think that this is a global variable
def partition(A, p):
global timeslo
hi = [] #hold things larger than our pivot
lo = [] # " " smaller " " "
for x in A: # walk through all the elements in the Array A.
if x <p:
lo = lo + [x]
timeslo = timeslo + 1 #keep track no. of comparisons
hi = hi + [x]
return lo,hi,timeslo
def get_chunks(Acopy, n):
# Declare some empty lists to hold our chunks
chunk = []
chunks = []
# Step through the array n element at a time
for x in range(0, len(Acopy), n): # stepping by size n starting at the beginning
# of the array
chunk = Acopy[x:x+n] # Extract 5 elements
# sort chunk and find its median
insertion_sort(chunk) # in place sort of chunk of size 5
# get the median ... (i.e. the middle element)
# Add them to list
mindex = (len(chunk)-1)/2 # pick middle index each time
# chunks.append(chunk) # assuming subarrays are size 5 and we want the middle
# this caused some trouble because not all subarrays were size 5
# index which is 2.
return chunks
def Select(A, k):
if (len(A) == 1): # if the array is size 1 then just return the one and only element
return A[0]
elif (len(A) <= 5): # if length is 5 or less, sort it and return the kth smallest element
return A[k-1]
M = get_chunks(A, 5) # this will give you the array of medians,,, don't sort it....WHY ???
m = len(M) # m is the size of the array of Medians M.
x = Select(M, m/2)# m/2 is the same as len(A)/10 FYI
lo, hi, timeslo = partition(A, x)
rank = len(lo) + 1
if rank == k: # we're in the middle -- we're done
return x, timeslo # return the value of the kth smallest element
elif k < rank:
return Select(lo, k) # ???????????????
return Select(hi, k-rank)
################### TROUBLESHOOTING ################################
# Works with arrays of size 25 and 5000 iterations
# Doesn't work with " 26 and 5000 "
# arrays of size 26 and 20 iterations breaks it ?????????????????
# A = []
Total = 0
n = input('What size of array of random #s do you want?: ')
N = input('number of iterations: ')
# n = 26
# N = 1
for x in range(0, N):
A = random.sample(range(1,1000), n) # make an array or list of size n
result = Select(A, 2) #p is the median of the medians, 2 means the 3rd smallest element
Total = Total + timeslo # the total number of comparisons made
print("the result is"), result
print("timeslo = "), timeslo
print("# of comparisons = "), Total
# A = [7, 1, 3, 5, 9, 2, 83, 8, 4, 13, 17, 21, 16, 11, 77, 33, 55, 44, 66, 88, 111, 222]
# result = Select(A, 2)
# print("Result = "), result
答案 0 :(得分:1)
return x, timeslo # return the value of the kth smallest element
return x # return the value of the kth smallest element
是不正确的,因为它将在partition(A, p)