public class CustomerTest {
private static int customerCounter = 0;
public static boolean test1(){
System.out.println("Test1: create a customer");
Customer c = new Customer("Alice", "Smith");
return c.getName().equals("Alice Smith") && customerCounter == c.getCustomerID();
public static boolean test2() {
System.out.println("Test2: create two customers");
Customer c1 = new Customer("Alice", "Smith");
Customer c2 = new Customer("Bob", "Simpson");
customerCounter += 2;
return c1.getName().equals("Alice Smith") && (customerCounter - 1) == c1.getCustomerID()
&& c2.getName().equals("Bob Simpson") && (customerCounter) == c2.getCustomerID();
public static void main(String[] args) {
String result = "";
//System.out.print("Test 1: ");
result = test1() ? "pass." : "failed.";
//System.out.print("Test 2: ");
result = test2() ? "pass." : "failed.";
public class Customer {
public static final int MAX_ACCOUNTS = 5;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private int customerID;
private BankAccount[] accounts;
private int numAccounts;
private static int nextCustomerID = 1;
//default constructor
public Customer() {
firstName = "";
lastName = "";
customerID = 1;
accounts = null;
numAccounts = 0;
nextCustomerID = 1;
//Constructor sets name and initialized values
//@param first is the first name
//@param last is the last name
public Customer (String first, String last)
this.firstName = first;
this.lastName = last;
this.customerID = 1;
Customer.nextCustomerID = 1;
public String getFirst(){
return firstName;
public String getLast(){
return lastName;
public String getName ()
return String.format("%s,%s", getFirst(),getLast());
public int getCustomerID ()
return customerID;