我在asp.net论坛上看到了这个引用的东西 https://forums.asp.net
在那里你可以突出显示文本,当你点击引用按钮时,突出显示的文本将显示在下面的tinymce richtext编辑器中。我有相同的实现。
function handlePaste(e) {
var clipboardData, pastedData;
// Stop data actually being pasted into div
// Get pasted data via clipboard API
clipboardData = e.clipboardData || window.clipboardData;
pastedData = clipboardData.getData('Text');
// Do whatever with pasteddata
document.getElementById('reference-post-content').addEventListener('paste', handlePaste);
在那里如果突出显示文本并按CTRL + C然后再次按CTRL + V然后它将通过显示突出显示的文本给出弹出消息。但这不是我想要的。 我想要的是,如果用户点击引用btn,文本应该转到下面的richtextbox。它也应该转到像这样的富文本框。
[quote user="ksss"]
message is in a thread in which the user is a THREAD_PARTICIPANT.
I'm afraid I can never state these
$("#quote-action") != null && $("#quote-action").bind("click", function () {
var n = null, t = $("#quote-createdby").val();
if (window.getSelection && (window.getSelection() || window.getSelection().extentNode != null) && window.getSelection().rangeCount > 0) {
var i = window.getSelection(), u = i.getRangeAt(0).cloneContents(), r = document.createElement("div"); r.appendChild(u); n = r.innerHTML; i.removeAllRanges()
else document.selection && (n = document.selection.createRange().htmlText, document.selection.empty()); (n == null || n == "") && (n = $("#reference-post-content").html());
$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/soa/post/body/removeprettyprinttags", data: { body: n }, success: function (i) { i != null && i.result != "" && (n = i.result); tinyMCE.activeEditor.focus(); tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.moveToBookmark(tinyMCE.activeEditor.updatedSelectionBookmark); tinyMCE.execCommand("mceInsertContent", !1, '[quote user="' + t + '"]' + n + "[/quote]"); UpdateBookmark(tinyMCE.activeEditor) }, error: function (i, r, u) { isProd || alert("Error: " + r + " " + u); tinyMCE.activeEditor.focus(); tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.moveToBookmark(tinyMCE.activeEditor.updatedSelectionBookmark); tinyMCE.execCommand("mceInsertContent", !1, '[quote user="' + t + '"]' + n + "[/quote]"); UpdateBookmark(tinyMCE.activeEditor) } })