比较AWS-lambda,Azure功能和Google Cloud Function

时间:2016-10-30 04:45:07

标签: azure aws-lambda azure-functions google-cloud-functions


我需要为我的项目要求选择最稳定的无服务器技术。 这些技术比较有什么材料吗? 这些无服务器技术是否有任何受支持的框架?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:55)


  1. 支持的语言
    AWS lambda - Node.js,Python,Java,C#(。net core)
    Azure功能 - Node.js,Python,PHP,F#,C#,批处理,bash
    Google Cloud Functions Node.js

  2. 每次请求的最长执行时间
         AWS lambda - 300秒(5分钟)
         Azure功能 - 300秒(5分钟)
         Google Cloud功能 540秒(9分钟)

  3. 日志管理
         AWS lambda - Cloud watch
         Azure功能 - Azure存储

  4. 可扩展性&可用性
             AWS lambda - 自动缩放          Azure功能 - 自动缩放
  5. HTTP终点
                 AWS lambda - AWS API网关
                 Azure功能 -HTTP触发器
                 Google Cloud Functions HTTP触发器

  6. <强>定价
                     AWS lambda - $ 0.20 / 1M执行次数
                     Azure功能 - $ 0.20 / 1M执行次数
                     Google云端功能 $ 0.40 / M执行,HTTP呼叫无需额外pricing details

  7. 功能限制
                     AWS lambda - 无限功能
                     Azure功能 - 无限功能
                     Google Cloud Functions 每个项目1,000个

  8. 同时执行
                    每个区域每个帐户 AWS lambda -100个并行执行但用户可以增加它                  Azure功能 - 无限制
                     Google Cloud Functions HTTP无限制,1,000非HTTP

  9. 部署
                         AWS lambda -Zip,AWS-S3或内联编辑代码
                         Azure功能 - Azure WebApp可以处理的任何内容:FTP(S),KUDU,Web部署,One Drive \ DropBox,Git \ Local Git \ TFS \ etc,Visual Studio \ XCode \ Eclipse \ etc, PowerShell \ Cli \可能是所有SDK的                      Google云功能 CLI,ZIP上传,内联网络编辑器,云端存储或云源存储库
  10. 每个人都欢迎更正信息并添加新信息。

答案 1 :(得分:26)

AWS Lambda vs Azure功能与Google Cloud功能



如果在一段时间内发生了任何变化,或者您想要添加任何内容   新的,请随时评论,并让我们保持跟踪   各种功能。

|     Category    | AWS Lambda          |    Azure              | Google Cloud      |
|                 |                     |  Functions            |  Functions        |
| 1. Version      | Production ready    | Preview - Beta        | Closed Alpha      |
| 2. Supported    | Nodejs, Python,     | Nodejs, Python,       | Javascript        |
| Languages       |      Java           |   PHP, F#, C#         |                   |
| 3. Dependency   | Compile all         | Using                 | Using             |
| Management      | external packages   | package.json – nodejs | package.json      |
|                 | and zip the         | project.json – F#,C#  |                   |
|                 | source code         |                       |                   |
|                 | S3, DynamoDB        | Bindings/Triggers     | HTTP              |
|                 | Kinesis             |                       | functions:        |
|                 | Streams             | Scheduler             | Http Triggers     |
|                 | SNS, SES            | Http(webhook)         | Webhooks (drive,  |
|                 | Cognito             | Azure Storage         |  gmail, calendar) |
|                 | Cloud Formation     | Events Hubs           |                   |
| 4. Event        | Cloud Watch         | Queues, Tables        | Background        |
| Sources         | Code Commit         | DocumentDB(No-sql)    | functions:        |
|                 | Scheduled Events    | Notification Hub      | Cloud Pub/Sub,    |
|                 | Config              | Twilio                | Cloud Storage     |
|                 | Echo,               |                       |                   |
|                 | Alexa               |                       | Pub/Sub:          |
|                 | APIGateway          |                       | Cloud Logging     |
|                 |                     |                       | Gmail, Twilio     |
| 5. Granular     | IAM                 |                       |                   |
|  IAM            | policy              | Not Yet               | Not Yet           |
|                 | can be Attached     |                       |                   |
|                 | to Lambda.          |                       |                   |
|                 | - On top of Linux   | - On top of Windows   |                   |
| 6. Architecture | - Memory allocated  | - Memory allocated    |                   |
|                 |    per function.    |    per app service.   | Not Specified     |
|                 | No persistent       | Env variables         |                   |
|                 |  storage.           | can be set in         |                   |
| 7. Persistent   | Completely          | App services          | Not Specified     |
|  Storage        | Stateless           | which can be used     |                   |
|                 |                     | in functions.         |                   |
| 8. HTTP         | APIGateway          | HTTP webhooks         | HTTP Trigger      |
| Endpoint        |                     |                       |                   |
| 9. Log          | Cloud               | Kudu Console          | Stackdriver       |
| Management      | watch               |                       | Logging           |
| 10. Maximum     | 300 seconds         | No limit              | No limit          |
| Execution       | (5 mins)            |                       |                   |
| Time            |                     |                       |                   |
| per request     |                     |                       |                   |
| 11. Concurrent  | 100                 | 10 instances          | Not Specified     |
| Executions      | parallel            | which is several      |                   |
|                 | Executions, but     | 100 executions        |                   |
|                 | Can be increased    |                       |                   |
| 12. Deployment  | Zip upload          | Git, dropbox,         | Zip upload,       |
|                 | to Lambda/s3,       | visual studio,        | Cloud Storage,    |
|                 | Serverless          | One drive,            | Cloud Source      |
|                 | Framework           | Kudu Console          | repositories,     |
|                 |                     |                       | Git               |
| 13. Maximum     |                     |                       | 20 functions      |
|     no. of      | No limit            | Not Specified         | per project       |
|  Functions      |                     |                       |                   |
| 14. Pricing     | Request Charges:    | Request Charges:      | Unknown until     |
|                 | $0.20 / 1M requests | $0.20 / 1M requests   | Open beta         |
|                 |                     |                       |                   |
|                 | Compute Charges:    | Compute Charges:      |                   |
|                 | $0.00001667 / GB-s  | $0.000008 / GB-s      |                   |

答案 2 :(得分:2)


  • Azure功能已于2016年11月通过GA-ed
  • AWS支持C#但仅支持.NET Core
  • 您最多可以拥有100个Azure功能应用程序,每个功能都可以包含许多功能
  • Azure功能消耗层目前每个函数调用最多300秒运行时间
  • Azure功能计算价格已从GA更新为$ 0.000008 / GB-s至$ 0.00001667 / GB-s

答案 3 :(得分:2)



它支持所有3个提供商,但并非所有语言都受支持。最小的共同点是Node.js / JavaScript