在椭圆协方差图上获取椭圆的顶点(由`car :: ellipse`创建)

时间:2016-10-28 07:32:32

标签: r plot covariance ellipse r-car

通过跟随this post,可以绘制具有给定形状矩阵(A)的椭圆:

A <- matrix(c(20.43, -8.59,-8.59, 24.03), nrow = 2)
ellipse(c(-0.05, 0.09), shape=A, radius=1.44, col="red", lty=2, asp = 1)


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


## target covariance matrix
A <- matrix(c(20.43, -8.59,-8.59, 24.03), nrow = 2)

E <- eigen(A, symmetric = TRUE)  ## symmetric eigen decomposition
U <- E[[2]]  ## eigen vectors, i.e., rotation matrix
D <- sqrt(E[[1]])  ## root eigen values, i.e., scaling factor

r <- 1.44  ## radius of original circle
Z <- rbind(c(r, 0), c(0, r), c(-r, 0), c(0, -r))  ## original vertices on major / minor axes
Z <- tcrossprod(Z * rep(D, each = 4), U)  ## transformed vertices on major / minor axes

#          [,1]      [,2]
#[1,] -5.055136  6.224212
#[2,] -4.099908 -3.329834
#[3,]  5.055136 -6.224212
#[4,]  4.099908  3.329834

C0 <- c(-0.05, 0.09)  ## new centre
Z <- Z + rep(C0, each = 4)  ## shift to new centre

#          [,1]      [,2]
#[1,] -5.105136  6.314212
#[2,] -4.149908 -3.239834
#[3,]  5.005136 -6.134212
#[4,]  4.049908  3.419834


  1. 这个Ellipse来自哪里?
  2. Cholesky分解方法及其缺点。
  3. 特征分解方法及其自然解释。
  4. 这个椭圆来自哪里?

    Analytical form of the ellipse

    实际上,这个椭圆可以通过对单位圆x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = 1进行一些线性变换来获得。


    Mathematics of Cholesky factorization

    ## initial circle
    r <- 1.44
    theta <- seq(0, 2 * pi, by = 0.01 * pi)
    X <- r * cbind(cos(theta), sin(theta))
    ## target covariance matrix
    A <- matrix(c(20.43, -8.59,-8.59, 24.03), nrow = 2)
    R <- chol(A)  ## Cholesky decomposition
    X1 <- X %*% R  ## linear transformation
    Z <- rbind(c(r, 0), c(0, r), c(-r, 0), c(0, -r))  ## original vertices on major / minor axes
    Z1 <- Z %*% R  ## transformed coordinates
    ## different colour per quadrant
    g <- floor(4 * (1:nrow(X) - 1) / nrow(X)) + 1
    ## draw ellipse
    plot(X1, asp = 1, col = g)
    points(Z1, cex = 1.5, pch = 21, bg = 5)
    ## draw circle
    points(X, col = g, cex = 0.25)
    points(Z, cex = 1.5, pch = 21, bg = 5)
    ## draw axes
    abline(h = 0, lty = 3, col = "gray", lwd = 1.5)
    abline(v = 0, lty = 3, col = "gray", lwd = 1.5)

    Geometry of Cholesky decomposition method



    Mathematics of Eigen decomposition

    ## initial circle
    r <- 1.44
    theta <- seq(0, 2 * pi, by = 0.01 * pi)
    X <- r * cbind(cos(theta), sin(theta))
    ## target covariance matrix
    A <- matrix(c(20.43, -8.59,-8.59, 24.03), nrow = 2)
    E <- eigen(A, symmetric = TRUE)  ## symmetric eigen decomposition
    U <- E[[2]]  ## eigen vectors, i.e., rotation matrix
    D <- sqrt(E[[1]])  ## root eigen values, i.e., scaling factor
    r <- 1.44  ## radius of original circle
    Z <- rbind(c(r, 0), c(0, r), c(-r, 0), c(0, -r))  ## original vertices on major / minor axes
    ## step 1: re-scaling
    X1 <- X * rep(D, each = nrow(X))  ## anisotropic expansion to get an axes-aligned ellipse
    Z1 <- Z * rep(D, each = 4L)  ## vertices on axes
    ## step 2: rotation
    Z2 <- tcrossprod(Z1, U)  ## rotated vertices on major / minor axes
    X2 <- tcrossprod(X1, U)  ## rotated ellipse
    ## different colour per quadrant
    g <- floor(4 * (1:nrow(X) - 1) / nrow(X)) + 1
    ## draw rotated ellipse and vertices
    plot(X2, asp = 1, col = g)
    points(Z2, cex = 1.5, pch = 21, bg = 5)
    ## draw axes-aligned ellipse and vertices
    points(X1, col = g)
    points(Z1, cex = 1.5, pch = 21, bg = 5)
    ## draw original circle
    points(X, col = g, cex = 0.25)
    points(Z, cex = 1.5, pch = 21, bg = 5)
    ## draw axes
    abline(h = 0, lty = 3, col = "gray", lwd = 1.5)
    abline(v = 0, lty = 3, col = "gray", lwd = 1.5)
    ## draw major / minor axes
    segments(Z2[1,1], Z2[1,2], Z2[3,1], Z2[3,2], lty = 2, col = "gray", lwd = 1.5)
    segments(Z2[2,1], Z2[2,2], Z2[4,1], Z2[4,2], lty = 2, col = "gray", lwd = 1.5)

    Geometry of Eigen decomposition


答案 1 :(得分:3)

出于实际目的,@ Tensibai的答案可能已经足够好了。只需为segments参数使用足够大的值,以便这些点可以很好地逼近真实顶点。

如果你想要更严格的东西,你可以求解沿椭圆的位置,最大化/最小化距中心的距离,通过角度进行参数化。由于形状矩阵的存在,这比仅仅angle={0, pi/2, pi, 3pi/2}更复杂。但这并不太难:

# location along the ellipse
# linear algebra lifted from the code for ellipse()
ellipse.loc <- function(theta, center, shape, radius)
    vert <- cbind(cos(theta), sin(theta))
    Q <- chol(shape, pivot=TRUE)
    ord <- order(attr(Q, "pivot"))
    t(center + radius*t(vert %*% Q[, ord]))

# distance from this location on the ellipse to the center 
ellipse.rad <- function(theta, center, shape, radius)
    loc <- ellipse.loc(theta, center, shape, radius)
    (loc[,1] - center[1])^2 + (loc[,2] - center[2])^2

# ellipse parameters
center <- c(-0.05, 0.09)
A <- matrix(c(20.43, -8.59, -8.59, 24.03), nrow=2)
radius <- 1.44

# solve for the maximum distance in one hemisphere (hemi-ellipse?)
t1 <- optimize(ellipse.rad, c(0, pi - 1e-5), center=center, shape=A, radius=radius, maximum=TRUE)$m
l1 <- ellipse.loc(t1, center, A, radius)

# solve for the minimum distance
t2 <- optimize(ellipse.rad, c(0, pi - 1e-5), center=center, shape=A, radius=radius)$m
l2 <- ellipse.loc(t2, center, A, radius)

# other points obtained by symmetry
t3 <- pi + t1
l3 <- ellipse.loc(t3, center, A, radius)

t4 <- pi + t2
l4 <- ellipse.loc(t4, center, A, radius)

# plot everything
MASS::eqscplot(center[1], center[2], xlim=c(-7, 7), ylim=c(-7, 7), xlab="", ylab="")
ellipse(center, A, radius, col="red", lty=2)
points(rbind(l1, l2, l3, l4), cex=2, col="blue", lwd=2)


答案 2 :(得分:1)



center<-c(x=-0.05, y=0.09)


tmp<-ellipse(c(-0.05, 0.09), shape=A, radius=1.44, segments=1e3, col="red", lty=2,add=FALSE)

用它创建一个data.table并计算每个点到中心的距离(point_x - center_x)²+(point_y - center_y)²:

dt <- data.table(tmp)




> tail(dt,2)
           x         y     dist
1:  4.990415 -6.138039 64.29517
2: -5.110415  6.318039 64.29517
> head(dt,2)
       x        y     dist
1:  4.045722  3.41267 27.89709
2: -4.165722 -3.23267 27.89709



Plot from code above