> head(assignments)
Transcripts Genes Timepoint Run Cluster V1 V2 Cell meanX meanY
8A_0_AATCTGCACCAA 143327 10542 Day 0 8A 6 113.8933 -2.1280855 8A_0_AATCTGCACCAA 124.3976 -8.682189
8A_0_CATGTCCTATCT 117322 10334 Day 0 8A 6 110.0499 -2.1553971 8A_0_CATGTCCTATCT 124.3976 -8.682189
8A_0_ATGCTCAATTGG 102764 9974 Day 0 8A 6 104.7227 -0.8397611 8A_0_ATGCTCAATTGG 124.3976 -8.682189
8A_0_CTACGGGAGAGT 92832 9651 Day 0 8A 6 101.3370 -5.0928108 8A_0_CTACGGGAGAGT 124.3976 -8.682189
8A_0_GTAGGGCGCGCT 90264 8807 Day 0 8A 6 113.3947 -18.9441484 8A_0_GTAGGGCGCGCT 124.3976 -8.682189
8A_0_ACGAGCTAACGG 83663 9148 Day 0 8A 7 114.6545 -31.6095622 8A_0_ACGAGCTAACGG 113.3952 -38.072025
ggplot(assignments, aes(V1, V2)) + geom_point(aes(colour=Cluster)) + geom_text(aes(meanX, meanY, label=Cluster), hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5, color='black', size=10)
> correlations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1.0000000 0.8269796 0.7542429 0.8443087 0.5627945 0.7106869 0.6511076 0.7880531 0.7279651 0.7842836
2 0.8269796 1.0000000 0.9491927 0.9723831 0.6921389 0.9001103 0.8452948 0.9581868 0.9001655 0.9408375
3 0.7542429 0.9491927 1.0000000 0.9376269 0.7786622 0.8843569 0.8662250 0.9243512 0.9026685 0.9570069
4 0.8443087 0.9723831 0.9376269 1.0000000 0.6919623 0.9091975 0.8542862 0.9568544 0.9019741 0.9461385
5 0.5627945 0.6921389 0.7786622 0.6919623 1.0000000 0.7064235 0.7538936 0.6941766 0.7517064 0.7844258
6 0.7106869 0.9001103 0.8843569 0.9091975 0.7064235 1.0000000 0.9341175 0.9404398 0.8969552 0.8830658
7 0.6511076 0.8452948 0.8662250 0.8542862 0.7538936 0.9341175 1.0000000 0.8822696 0.9116052 0.8958741
8 0.7880531 0.9581868 0.9243512 0.9568544 0.6941766 0.9404398 0.8822696 1.0000000 0.9316483 0.9219810
9 0.7279651 0.9001655 0.9026685 0.9019741 0.7517064 0.8969552 0.9116052 0.9316483 1.0000000 0.9402076
10 0.7842836 0.9408375 0.9570069 0.9461385 0.7844258 0.8830658 0.8958741 0.9219810 0.9402076 1.0000000
# compute `landmark cell` for each cluster
data = cbind(assignments, t(dge[,assignments$Cell]))
cluster.gene.avg.list = list()
for(n in unique(data$Cluster)) {temp.cluster = subset(data, Cluster==n)[,11:ncol(data)]; cluster.gene.avg.list[[n]] = rowMeans(t(temp.cluster))}
landmark = do.call(cbind, cluster.gene.avg.list)
> head(dge[,1:5])
0610005C13RIK 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.09081976 0.00000000 0.0000000
0610007P14RIK 0.34322315 0.39803339 0.72224870 0.80916196 0.3551089
0610009B22RIK 0.07548816 0.25172063 0.17625931 0.18493077 0.4317327
0610009L18RIK 0.00000000 0.17259527 0.09081976 0.00000000 0.0000000
0610009O20RIK 0.00000000 0.08887713 0.09081976 0.09542651 0.0000000
0610010B08RIK 0.56896378 0.91807267 0.83163550 0.86439381 0.7635860
感谢/ u / sandipan的帮助!
# correlation between each landmark
correlations = cor(landmark, method="spearman") # correlation methods: pearson, spearman or kendall
dist.correlations = dist(1-cor(landmark, method="spearman"))
diag(correlations) = 0
# find the 2 nearest neighbors by highest correlation
nnbrs <- as.data.frame(t(apply(correlations, 1, function(x) {y <- sort(x, index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE); c(y$ix[1],y$x[1],y$ix[2],y$x[2])})),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(nnbrs) <- c('id1', 'dist1', 'id2', 'dist2')
nnbrs$id <- seq(1,length(names(landmark)))
nnbrs1 <- nnbrs[c('id', 'id1', 'dist1')]
nnbrs2 <- nnbrs[c('id', 'id2', 'dist2')]
names(nnbrs2) <- c('id', 'id1', 'dist1')
nnbrs <- rbind(nnbrs1, nnbrs2)
# create data.frame of center coordinates for each cluster
centers = data.frame(unique(cbind(assignments$Cluster,assignments$meanX, assignments$meanY)))
names(centers) = c("Cluster", "X", "Y")
centers = centers[order(centers$Cluster),]
# create data.frame of line segements based on 2 nearest correlations
segments = t(apply(nnbrs, 1, function(x) c(centers[as.integer(x[1]), 2:3], centers[as.integer(x[2]), 2:3], as.numeric(x[3]))))
segments = data.frame(t(do.call(cbind, segments)))
names(segments) <- c('x', 'y', 'xend', 'yend', 'corr')
segments = data.frame(sapply(segments, as.numeric))
segments$corr <- as.factor(segments$corr)
plot + geom_segment(data=segments, aes(x=x, y=y, xend=xend, yend=yend, col=corr), lwd=1.2) + guides(col=FALSE)
答案 0 :(得分:2)
V1 V2 Cluster meanX meanY
1 -96.93875 89.73655 8 -99.24848 50.61038
2 -96.86518 63.81925 8 -99.24848 50.61038
3 -76.63706 59.05426 8 -99.24848 50.61038
4 -105.90429 60.40880 8 -99.24848 50.61038
5 -100.39240 54.27822 8 -99.24848 50.61038
6 -99.53031 39.01734 8 -99.24848 50.61038
#res <- kmeans(assignments, 8) # 8 clusters
#centers <- res$centers # for kmeans
centers <- centers[,2:3] # in you case
correlations # this will be a 10x10 matrix in your case
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
[1,] 0.28708827 0.12476841 0.24545908 0.2588388 0.2074115 0.75373879 0.8104132 0.5754160
[2,] 0.73768137 0.47982080 0.67638982 0.7976242 0.9919874 0.68068729 0.9534392 0.2404903
[3,] 0.94252193 0.03406601 0.87475370 0.4167443 0.9181345 0.75985783 0.6763228 0.9912269
[4,] 0.09300806 0.26816248 0.77741727 0.3892989 0.8545009 0.79482925 0.5123970 0.3311057
[5,] 0.69044589 0.04903995 0.14823010 0.9018917 0.9461897 0.04739289 0.6008395 0.2522856
[6,] 0.07651553 0.36061880 0.92448094 0.2414908 0.9768005 0.50474048 0.1748254 0.9701859
[7,] 0.07449400 0.30025228 0.05877126 0.1055387 0.6143566 0.87633754 0.8646951 0.1123956
[8,] 0.58755791 0.44420559 0.17486185 0.3668967 0.7989782 0.21354636 0.3137961 0.1086797
p <- ggplot(assignments, aes(V1, V2)) + geom_point(aes(colour=Cluster)) + geom_text(aes(meanX, meanY, label=Cluster), hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5, color='black', size=10)
# compute the endpoints of the segments to draw with the 2 NNs for each cluster
nnbrs <- as.data.frame(t(apply(correlations, 1, function(x) sort(x, index.return=TRUE)$ix[1:2])),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
nnbrs$id <- 1:8 # 8 clusters
nnbrs <- melt(nnbrs, id='id')
segments <- as.data.frame(t(apply(nnbrs, 1, function(x) cbind(centers[as.integer(x[1]),],centers[as.integer(x[3]),]))))
names(segments) <- c('x', 'y', 'xend', 'yend')
p + geom_segment(data=segments, aes(x=x, y=y, xend=xend, yend=yend))
p <- ggplot(assignments, aes(V1, V2)) + geom_point(aes(colour=Cluster)) + geom_text(aes(meanX, meanY, label=Cluster), hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5, color='black', size=10)
nnbrs <- as.data.frame(t(apply(correlations, 1, function(x) {y <- sort(x, index.return=TRUE); c(y$ix[1],y$x[1],y$ix[2],y$x[2])})),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(nnbrs) <- c('id1', 'dist1', 'id2', 'dist2')
nnbrs$id <- 1:8
nnbrs1 <- nnbrs[c('id', 'id1', 'dist1')]
nnbrs2 <- nnbrs[c('id', 'id2', 'dist2')]
names(nnbrs2) <- c('id', 'id1', 'dist1')
nnbrs <- rbind(nnbrs1, nnbrs2)
segments <- as.data.frame(t(apply(nnbrs, 1, function(x) c(centers[as.integer(x[1]),],centers[as.integer(x[2]),],as.numeric(x[3])))))
names(segments) <- c('x', 'y', 'xend', 'yend', 'corr')
segments$corr <- as.factor(segments$corr)
p + geom_segment(data=segments, aes(x=x, y=y, xend=xend, yend=yend, col=corr),lwd=1.2) + guides(col=FALSE)