
时间:2016-10-26 22:00:09

标签: python data-manipulation bigdata


ID     value     string
1      105       abc 
1      98        edg
1      100       aoafsk
2      160       oemd
2      150       adsf 



ID     value     string
1      105       abc 
2      160       oemd


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


data = {
    ID: [value, 'string'],



# init to empty dict
data = {}

# open the input file
with open('file.txt', 'r') as fp:

    # read each line
    for line in fp:

          # grab ID, value, string
          item_id, item_value, item_string = line.split()

          # convert ID and value to integers
          item_id = int(item_id)
          item_value = int(item_value)

          # if ID is not in the dict at all, or if the value we just read
          # is bigger, use the current values
          if item_id not in data or item_value > data[item_id][0]:
              data[item_id] = [item_value, item_string]

for item_id in data:
    print item_id, data[item_id][0], data[item_id][1]

字典不会强制执行其内容的任何特定排序,因此在程序结束时,当您从dict中取回数据时,它可能与原始文件的顺序不同(即您可能会看到首先是ID 2,然后是ID 1)。



答案 1 :(得分:0)


import csv
import itertools as it
import collections as ct

with open("test.csv") as f:                                
    reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=" ")              # 1
    for k, g in it.groupby(reader, lambda d: d["ID"]):     # 2
        print(max(g, key=lambda d: float(d["value"])))     # 3

# {'value': '105', 'string': 'abc', 'ID': '1'}
# {'value': '160', 'string': 'oemd', 'ID': '2'}



  1. 对于f的每一行,csv.DictReader分割数据并将标题行信息维护为字典的键值对,例如。 [{'value': '105', 'string': 'abc', 'ID': '1'}, ...

  2. 此数据是可迭代的,并传递给groupbyIDmax()整理所有数据。请参阅this post from more details on how groupby works

  3. "value"内置结合特殊键函数返回最大for rec in (select * from table2 t)loop if INSTR(rec.param_value, ',') > 1 then --insert table3 YES else --insert table3 NO end if; end loop; 的dicts。请参阅this tutorial for more details on the max() function